carolfromva 21 years, 2 months ago

SCOTT!!!!! How awesome! You are the man... Congrats on how well you are doing and your loss is so inspiring. I love to read a post of someone who is doing so well and is really satisfied with their progress. You have every right to be proud. Lots of hugs from a WLS friend for LIFE!

MommaAngel 21 years, 2 months ago

HI SCOTT Can I say (((((((WOW)))))) That is a awesome weight loss. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up great job your doing.LORD BLESS

Desiree R. 21 years, 2 months ago

Wow! The incredible shrinking man!! Congratulations on your loss! You go guy! Looking good. Keep it up! Thanks for updating, and posting.

Scott A. 21 years, 2 months ago

Well, here we are ONE YEAR later. Wow, what a year it has been. First, I've lost 158 pounds be honest, it has been a slow losing time for the past 4 months for a number of wife and I both lost our jobs just before Christmas and have been out of work since (I just got a GREAT new job) of our dearest friends is dying of bile duct cancer and more, but the good news is, I have never gained a pound, and while my loss has been minimal, I'm back on the horse, and am doing fine once again. I can't say enough times how this has all changed my life for the better....I am healthier now than I have been in 20 years, and feel great. I make the RIGHT food choices more often than I make bad ones, and I know I'm in control of my life. I never lacked for confidence, but today I am certain of my worth and am applying that certainty to work in every facet of my life. I can honestly say that even a year later, having my gastric bypass was the perfect thing to do for me. It was a snap, compared to a life of struggle that being so fat had become. I have a ways to go yet (about 100 pounds) but even if I get to 250 and stop, I'll be happy and healthy. Thanks to all the wonderful people who wrote and encouraged me in the early days. You helped me SO much. One other thing....when I get down because I made a bad food choice or didn't exercise (I STILL don't do enough of that), I go onto the page and look at the pictures of all the people who are so successful, and it gets me right back on track. Thank you so much, Obesity Help! I'll be right here...just less of me!

Scott A. 21 years, 2 months ago

Well, here we are ONE YEAR later. Wow, what a year it has been. First, I've lost 158 pounds be honest, it has been a slow losing time for the past 4 months for a number of wife and I both lost our jobs just before Christmas and have been out of work since (I just got a GREAT new job) of our dearest friends is dying of bile duct cancer and more, but the good news is, I have never gained a pound, and while my loss has been minimal, I'm back on the horse, and am doing fine once again. I can't say enough times how this has all changed my life for the better....I am healthier now than I have been in 20 years, and feel great. I make the RIGHT food choices more often than I make bad ones, and I know I'm in control of my life. I never lacked for confidence, but today I am certain of my worth and am applying that certainty to work in every facet of my life. I can honestly say that even a year later, having my gastric bypass was the perfect thing to do for me. It was a snap, compared to a life of struggle that being so fat had become. I have a ways to go yet (about 100 pounds) but even if I get to 250 and stop, I'll be happy and healthy. Thanks to all the wonderful people who wrote and encouraged me in the early days. You helped me SO much. One other thing....when I get down because I made a bad food choice or didn't exercise (I STILL don't do enough of that), I go onto the page and look at the pictures of all the people who are so successful, and it gets me right back on track. Thank you so much, Obesity Help! I'll be right here...just less of me!

ralind B. 21 years, 8 months ago

Scott I was just wondering how you are doing on your weight loss journey? I have been hoping you would give us a update on your progress, the good, the bad, and the ugly ( Hopefully all good!). Take care and I hope everything is going well for you.

Anna L. 21 years, 10 months ago

Woohoo Scott! Congrats on the 100lbs lost!!! You'll be beating the ladies off with a stick these days! (((HUGS))) - Anna

ralind B. 21 years, 10 months ago

congrats on loosing 100lbs wow!!! that is somthing to be proud of !!!! I am happy for you. I finally got approved and will be having my surgery in November!!! I can't wait till the day I can say I have lost 100lbs.

Scott A. 21 years, 10 months ago

Today is the 4 month anniversary of my surgery and I am down 100 pounds. Had a bit of a slower month (only lost 15 pounds), but as long as it's steady, I'm a happy boy. I weigh 387, so I have 177 pounds to go, and I figure with luck I can knock that off in a year. Anyway, thanks for all the good wishes that have been shared with me, and to those of you who are deciding wthwer or not to go ahead with the surgery, just know it is the best, most freeing thing I have ever done for myself.

cleo718 21 years, 11 months ago

hi Scott, I read your post and I know how you feel about the shame and embarassment. I am still undecided about having surgery, I'm afraid, because I had it in 1980 and it didnt work and I never lost weight. I'm terrified that at my age, 49 that I will die if I have it again. I'm so proud of your accomplishment and all the others who have done so well. You are all inspirations to me and maybe I can get my courage up and start to live again, sincerely, Wanda
About Me
Mesa, AZ
Surgery Date
Dec 08, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
The morning of my surgery--February 25, 2002
487 lbs.lbs
Down 192 pounds--February 19, 2004
