Old habits die hard

Sep 12, 2009


I'm at another standstill, stalling.  As I said, old habits die hard. I've got to learn some other coping mechanism/stress reliever besides eating.  Letting go of this comfort can be painful.  I know that there are some people who have the surgery and run out the gate with little APPARENT struggles with food.  Notice I said apparent, because I don't know what other struggles people have gone through unless they tell me.  Anyway, I'm becoming more and more aware of what I'm doing to self-sabotage.  One of my surgeon's nurses suggested counseling, and I'm contemplating finding a counselor that specializes in eating disorders.

That may help me with me more. LOL

The crush at church didn't pan out, but I get to flirt, so it's still all good.  I'd met someone recently but I'm not certain anything will materialize from it.  Especially as he stood me up for a date this past Thursday.  Certain behaviors make me suspicious, which isn't saying too much since I usually am skeptical about what people say.  Must have been the 6 years I worked as a counselor in the prison system. LOL

I'm not a big woman with low self-esteem issues, and I sure as H--- will not put up with b.s. for long.  I let him know I wasn't pleased.  He could have called or texted me to tell me what was what.  Sucker.  Anyway, we talked some more, and I didn't have to pimp-slap him.  I'm just kidding about that; I'm not violent. Scout's honorNo, really.

Until next time OH family

Peace and beetlejuice!

I'm still here

Aug 01, 2009


And I'm plugging along.  I've stalled again, but I'm losing inches.  I'll take that.  Not much else is going on.  I just got back from a huge family reunion where I got to see family I've not seen in 30 plus years, basically since my father died.  It was an experience.  I've decided to do what I can to be at more meetings, just because family is so important.  I watched what I ate, drank more water and lost weight.  I try to be cognizant of my actions. My most difficult time is during the week when I'm at work.  I'm thinking of a game plan to combat my poor eating habits then.  Will keep y'all posted.

Deuces, until next time...

Life's interesting

Jun 13, 2009

Really it is.

 I'm scarred but I'm free
Some might think, "damaged"
Every scar tells a story
of how I've fallen
but risen by Glory
But I prefer to think...

I'm still exercising, not as much as I'd like.  But I am consistent with at least 2-3 times a week.  I need to go when my brother and sister don't go, but I enjoy pushing myself when they outwalk me.  It gives me incentive to keep going and plugging at it. I'm currently walking 1 1/2  miles in 35-38 minutes.  My goal is to get an increase of miles within 30 minutes.  I remind myself that slow and steady wins the race. 

On a relationship note, I have a crush on someone at my church.  I don't know if anything will come of it, but I'll never know if I don't approach him.  He's not someone I would normally crush on, but it is what it is.  Hehehehe.  Time will tell if anything comes of it.  Right now, I just flirt a little and watch for an opening.  Rejection's a heifer, so I've not been so bold as to ask him out.  Yet. 

Until next time, take care OH family

I ain't no punk, but...

May 08, 2009


But the gas from my surgery about made me into the biggest one ever... Oh my goodness!  I didn't know I could hurt like that.  When I had gastric bypass, I had a drain tube, because my liver was big and the drain tube was added as a precaution.  Well, it must have helped with the gas I should have had after that surgery.  I have a pretty high tolerance for pain, but the gas from this surgery brought tears to my eyes and me almost to my knees.  Bending over at the waist gave me some relief, but walking helped move it out where it needed to go.  That was essentially the problem.  There was no way to pass it; belching didn't work and neither did tooting.  I couldn't do either to get relief.

Now that I've over-shared, I will say that this was a G-R-E-A-T decision for me.  I'm freeeeee!  *doing my happy dance*  Boredom has been my biggest foe since I cannot do any lifting and other strenuous stuff...basically clean my house like I want and need to do.  So, I'm doing light loads of laundry by taking them to the washroom in stages, dusting and washing dishes.  I'm released to go back to work on Monday, with some restrictions.  

On the weight-loss front, I'm seeing the scale move again.  My triple chin is now 1 1/2 chins.  Yeah me!   Starting an exercise program has been very beneficial, even though I've not been able to walk much because of the storm fronts that have come through here the last two weeks.  On it this coming week.

Stay focused and positive OH family!


Apr 26, 2009


I'm back home from my surgery.  It went well, with no signs of cancer.  However, I had fibroid cysts on my uterus.  So, I'm at home for the next four weeks, to recuperate and walk, walk walk.

Reflections from the throne (Life lessons)

Apr 26, 2009


From my Myspace post:

As you know, some of my best bits of wisdom come to me during throne time in the bathroom.  However, lately, the tub has been the place of contemplation and deep thoughts...

Anyway, I was reflecting on beauty and how in my short lifespan it has influenced me.  Since I've not been particularly thought of as beautiful by the masses, I'd like to think I don't allow myself to swayed by a pretty face.  (I don't say that to curry favor or pity; it's a fact I live with.  Nor do I suffer low self-esteem because of it.  Anyone who knows me, knows better...)  But I'd be lying to myself if I thought that I cannot be affected by beauty.  I know better and at least two occasions come to mind.  I was about 12 or 13 years old when I first noticed him.  He was one of our playmates' older brother.  

How we met....

Most of us neighborhood kids were in choir, suffering from the usual teenage disgust of older people.  We had a piano player that played each song with the same tune; her kids sang lead on most of the songs too.  The rest of us were listening to Edwin and Walter Hawkins, Andrae Crouch, contemporary groundbreaking gospel at that time.  Ms. G was bound by traditional gospel and hymns.  She didn't meet our suggestions for newer music with any enthusiasm or much attention.  Enter B. Ray.  He could play anything by ear and knew all the new gospel music of the day.  And he was cute...chocolate brown skin, with soulful brown eyes surrounded by long eyelashes and had an enduring crooked, knowing grin.  One Sunday, he fills in for Ms. G.  Needless to say, we took to B. Ray like Cooter Brown takes to Jack Daniels.  Of course, Ms. G finds out about it, and a showdown ensues. Our pastor lets us decide.  We chose B. Ray.  Ms. G and her brood left the church in a dusty hurry.  Her ire evident by the wheelie her station wagon made as she drove away. 

We were glad to have been allowed to make such an awesome decision.  Now we'll get to do the music we liked, not that old fart stuff.  That was...until B. Ray didn't show up for practice.  Then, he didn't show up for church performances, and we had to sing a cappella more often than not.  He was eventually fired for being unreliable.

Moral of the story:  Something newer doesn't always mean better...

Secondly, I was in my junior year of college.  I had one more science with  lab course requirement to fulfill.  As luck would have it, the young instructor I was crushing on was teaching FORTRAN.  I sign up for it.  My thought processing was how hard can it be?  Plus, I'd get to gaze at Miguel every day we had class.  Miguel was foine...tall, darkly tan Peruvian with a runner's physique, beautiful teeth, dimples and big hands. 

Mind you, I'd never taken a computer programming class...EVER!  It was learning a new language.  Reality set in when I received my first failing test score, and the second one... and the third.  Sensing a pattern?  Me too.  I spent more time in lab than any other classmate.  Daily, I would see the lab assistant wince in sympathy as I struggled to understand the DO commands and get them to print the proper results.  But I wouldn't let it defeat me.  I'd never dropped any class for being too hard; I wasn't  quitter!  Plus, I was smart, right?

FORTRAN helps me know that despite what I think, there are things in this world I cannot do.  It is my reality check.  I managed to scrape by with a "C" and it was the only "C" I'd ever been delighted to earn, even if it kept me from graduating with higher honors.  At that point, I didn't care.

Moral of the story: Don't let your little woman make bad decisions for you.  She'll lead you astray most of the time...little heifer! LOL

Finally down 100 lbs

Apr 11, 2009


Yes, I'm finally down that 100 lbs.  after months of stagger-stepping, basically gaining and losing the same few pounds.  I have committed to an exercise regimen of walking and weights, in addition to monitoring my food intake.  Therefore, I'm getting results.  Am I doing it 100% of the time?  I cannot lie...No, but I'm doing better than I was.  It would be foolish on my part to not make this tool work.  This is MY journey and I must assume total responsibility for what I do to make it or break it.  Again, it is not the "easy" way to lose weight contrary to what others might say, because we still deal with who we are and our relationship with food. 

I love the taste of food.  The better seasoned, the better.  I love rich foods with butter, cream, milk and all those things that make the flavor pop in your mouth.  Mmmmm, having a foodgasm just thinking about it.  LOL  Anyway, I'm adjusting...again.  But it's a process of learning and re-adjusting.  I've also learned that I have to account for PCOS, which makes it harder for those of us with it to lose weight as fast.  At least that has been my experience.  I do not use that as an excuse, but I mention it for others like me to know that you might need to tell/discuss PCOS with your surgeon.

I meant to make this a short blog...LOL (Sensitive folks, read no further)

There are other issues I'm dealing with.  I have to get a hysterectomy because of excessive bleeding.  Back in 2002, I had a menstrual cycle for 9 months straight.  My doctor couldn't find anything wrong despite the Pap smear, biopsy, sonogram and D & C I had.  I was on loads of birth control and finally Depo Provera shot (which stopped the bleeding but made my blood sugars and weight go through the roof).  In February of this year, it started again.  I had a cycle for one and a half months before it stopped.  In 2002, my doctor suggested a hysterectomy, but I refused.  At that time, I wanted some babies.  Well fast forward to 2009, I'm 41 and still obese with my blood pressure going up.  Damn, fat genes and PCOS!  I figure 31 years of bleeding is enough; I'm not putting myself through any more stressors.  Excessive bleeding is a STRESSOR.  Take my word for that.  Plus, there are other options should I want some babies. 

I'm at peace with this decision.  Like having gastric bypass surgery, it took years for me to grapple with it and make up my mind.  But once I do that, it's a done deal.

Keep me in your prayers.  My surgery is scheduled for 24 April 2009.

Continued blessings and success to all!  Carol

Keep on trying

Mar 29, 2009


I've been in  stutter-step-stall mode for months, losing and gaining the same 5-7 lbs.  I haven't been exercising, until recently.  I went to my surgeon on April , 2009, and she said I'd been eating the wrong things.  Crackers and chips...a big no-no!  I knew that but chose to indulge anyway.  And I make no excuses for doing so.  What I didn't know was that processed foods (aka frozen foods like Swanson, Weight Watcher's and the like), pasta and candy are also things I should avoid.  I thought I was doing well by eating those and watching my calories.  Not so!  Anyway, I had to re-evaluate my eating.  My doctor wants me to have lost 10 lbs. by next month.  I've upped the ante by getting my booty in gear.  I'm walking and working out with my weights, because I'm determined to "get-it, get-it" baby.

I can't wait to lose enough weight so I can have my frooty removed.  Yea me

Frooty= front booty  Ha-ha-ha-ha  (got that one from a book I read). 

Until next time OH family...Deuces!

Chicken, apple and coffee ...Oh My!

Feb 21, 2009

This is not a post for the sensitive types.  If you are, read no further...that's all the warning you get.

Anyway, gather around boys and girls...

I work a second job on the weekends, from 12-8 AM.  It's nothing too physically strenous, but you have to stay awake.  That's the hardest part of the job.  It makes my Saturdays limited as I usually crash when I get home.  Which leads me to today...My family and I are huge Tyler Perry fans and we make his movies the weekend they come out.  But as most of you know, you gotta get there early to get a ticket.  That's even for the next day. 

So, 5 of us are going and me, being the dummy that I am, volunteered to get the tickets since I was in the area and nobody else would be.  Keep in mind I've been up all night with only about 2 hours of sleep before going in  to work.  I leave work and begin my trek to the box office when my gas indicator light warns me, "Dummy I need some gas!" I stop to gas up (and feeling exhausted); then, decide to get a small dark roast coffee, 2 Hazelnut and 1 caramel creamers with artificial sweetener.  You know, so I can stay alert.  Yeah, some of you know where this is heading... But I digress... So, I take a few tentative sips to see if Trudy will allow me to have it.  She does, so I eventually sip it all down and I'm fine. 

I read while I wait for the box office to open.  We're talking 2 1/2 hours plus of waiting, not including the time I took staying over at work and the time spent at the gas station.  FINALLY, I buy my tickets and get home.  No problem.  Since I'm still somewhat awake, I decide to finish my book, Too Much of a Good Thing by JJ Murray (great romance book btw).  Anyway, I'm close to the epilogue when I feel a bubbling cramp hit my abdomen.  What the ???  I've not eaten anything since getting to work last night...some garlic parmesan chicken wings and the Fuji apple sometime later, but nothing since then...
After the second bubble-cramp, I knew I had to make a hasty retreat to the throne.  I barely sit down before...you guessed it...Trudy releases the most noxious smelling poo I've ever made!  Pre or post surgery.  Is it me or does poo stink 10,000 times worse after gastric bypass surgery, and it doesn't stay in the system as long!!!  Anyway, I sit long enough to finish my book and to make certain the pipes have been completely flushed.

I scratch my head in puzzlement as I try to flush it down three times, trying to figure out what caused Trudy to do this...THEN I remember...Hazelnut and Caramel flavored dark roast coffee.  I lie down to rest.  I'm a bit hungry but also very afraid to try anything else for a while.  Needless to say, Trudy is still upset with me some hours later.  She's so sensitive.  Heifer.  But I have learned my lesson...no more Hazelnut/Caramel creamer coffee for me. Ever.

Until next time OH family... Carol
1 comment

Your sweetness is my weakness

Jan 28, 2009


I need a swift kick in the patooty---my booty.  I've fallen into a trap of my own making, hoist on my own petard, screwing myself...you get my drift.  Uggghhhhh!  I love sweets; they've forever been my weakness.  Sugar substitutes don't help.  It's like I trade one (food weakness) for another.  The potato doesn't hold as much sway as it once did.  So, I have managed to get the spud monster under control.  Now, I've got to tame the Sugar Beast within me.  It's SO true that after the surgery, you still have to deal with yourself and who you were prior to that.  No lie.  One step at a time is the only way I know how to do it.  I have tried to incorporate natural sugars in the form of fresh fruit, but I still find myself eating that miniature Snickers bar, ok 2-3 of them.  The Sugar Beast strikes at that time of the month, without fail.  I'm trying to work on it.  I will broach alternatives with my support group next week, and ask for some guidance.

Otherwise, I'm doing well, with the exception of the aforementioned and some issues with my cycle. *sigh*  A woman's life ain't easy.  Lucky for me, I'm not a wimp.  LMAO!

TTFN OH Family!



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