
Nov 17, 2005

We took the 4-month pics this morning. Wow, what a change. They are at the end of my profile. Holy smokes. It's so amazing... I was thinking a lot about my surgery today. Things I was going through 4 months ago, how much has changed. Kind of pensive today. Oh, so we also take naked pics, cause it's easier to really compare when one is unclothed. DH said there is such a drastic difference from then to now, that he offered to crop the pics in such a way that they can be posted on here. *blush* I decided not to do that. ;-) My friends and family read this, so I thought I would spare ya'll!! But trust me when I say this; there is a BIG, HUGE difference!! I probably stared at them for like an hour tonight. Just comparing back and forth and back and forth. Makes me sad for how I was then. And excited for how I am now, and where I'm going to get to.

Today was a pot luck at work. I had so many different types of Thanksgiving foods, that I'm wasn't sure what to put down in Fitday! So I made it a casserole. Close enough. ;-) I know that I only had bites & tastes of different things, so I monitored my portions really well (I feel). I probably had way less than a cup of food, but since I don't know what all I had, I thought that would be comperable, calorie wise, anyway. I had about one or 2 bites more than I should, so I was uncomfortable, but I didn't throw up or anything. Whew! :-)

My girlfriend (DG - for Dear Girlfriend) has been having a lot of pain lately. She had surgery in March, so she is 8 months out. We are thinking it's her gall bladder, but the surgeon says it could be either that or an ulcer. Eek! So she is on meds, and can't eat anything. She is also having her ultrasound on Saturday! They *really* want to see what it is and get a jump on it. My surgeon is so great. He really cares about his patients. I am worried about her. I know she'll be okay, but until we know what exactly is wrong; it's hard to see someone you love in pain.

Not much else to report (about me, anyway). Just wanted to get my pictures out there. :-)


Nov 15, 2005

2 more days and I can take my 4 month pictures! I'm excited. I can't wait to see the changes. I'm really looking forward to the unclothed ones. Which will stay a secret forever! But I'll really be able to see the changes. Sometimes I just want to hide away until all the weight is gone, and then start showing my face. I think I've watched too many of those shows where they change everyone and then have a big 'reveal'. But I am still steadily losing, and still making mostly the right choices. My labs being good has really made me feel good about keeping up with my vitamins. It just feels so good to feel good!

DH & I went to our dance class last night. We did one of the dances really FAST!! It was a ball. Man, I could have *never* done this before. We had so much fun. And one of the new ones we learned was a partner switching dance. I was so nervous to have anyone else dance with me. I thought for sure that they would be disgusted they were 'stuck' dancing with me. But when I looked into the eyes of the other guys, I could see that they were as afraid of me as I was of them. :-) That helped. I didn't see revulsion in anyone's face. It's so scary to put yourself out there. I am so glad I am happily married!

Been going through a lot of emotional stuff. I pretty much alluded to most of it, I guess. It's hard to get out there and do stuff. I'm such in the habit of being at home. Plus work takes a lot out of me, so it's hard to go do whatever after work. But I think most of that is mental, because I have energy. I mean, I don't want to go do anything tonight, but I could. Like I've said so many times, it's so strange what your head does to you.

We had support group meeting on Saturday. The surgeon was there and all the staff. It was FABULOUS. We all got to tell them how much they mean to us, and really show them how we feel. I think they were touched. But we are the ones who are touched. So many of us have our lives back because of them. And they were so quick to remind us that *we* are the ones who are making it work. So humble, and so very compassionate. I am so lucky I live where I do and could have the surgery where I did.

I have been doing fabulous on my water lately. :-) I am proud of that. I've been doing really good eating-wise, too. Except for today. Man, I just kind of grazed most of the day. :-( Bad Lisa!!! I was munching on turkey jerkey, and a balance bar (protein/vitamin bar), so not horrible for me, but it was still bad. So, I just pick myself up and start over from now. It's amazing how well that works, and how good that feels now, as opposed to before surgery. Before surgery, I would have just given up, and started eating whatever. What a gift this surgery was. I just wish I didn't have 85 more pounds to lose. I've come so far, and I still have so far to go. It gets disheartening sometimes. I'm feeling more normal than I have in a long time, but I still don't feel normal. I'm still quite tall, and still 85lbs overweight. Still considered fat. But really, I'm feeling pretty good and all. Like I said, I just feel ackward in new situations, or when we are putting ourselves 'out there'. (By dancing, or going to clubs, or parties; stuff like that.) But I have come a long way, and I am happy with my progress. Just sad that I let myself get to that point. Okay, I'm getting all emotional (didn't get a lot of sleep last night and I think it's catching up with me) so I should sign off before I get all kinds of depressed. :-) I actually had a bunch of stuff I wanted to talk about, but I can't think of any of it anymore. If it comes to me, I'll update again. It's not like I'm done with this journey or anything! Take care all. Thanks for reading. I wish I knew what you were thinking as you read this. It's so weird to have myself out there like this. I'm a little neurotic, I think! Have a good night!

OH, I just remembered something! I have been talking to a few people about the surgery & stuff. I've been giving out my profile link and everything. Some are researching the surgery, some are pre-op, and some are interested observers. I just wanted to mention the new folks who are reading this and acknowledge you. You are the reason I keep this updated. So you know what I am going through and have gone through to help decide if this is the right thing for you. It's certainly not been easy, but it sure has been rewarding. I also write this diary for any of the pre-ops out there who happen to stumble across it. DH asked me that the other day. He asked who I was writing this for. I told him I'm writing it to the folks who haven't had surgery yet; like I was not too long ago. :-) I got a *lot* of support & encouragement from so many other people's profiles. It was really good for me to see what they were going through. So I'm writing this to all of you, as well. I'm also writing this for my friends and family. They all love me (I hope!) and like to know how I am doing. I hear about it when I don't update frequently enough, let me tell ya! So, there is my answer. I'm thinking of you all as I write this. My heart goes out to each of you who is the in the researching, pre-op, and newly post-op stages. I only hope you find this useful and it helps you on your journey. Take care everyone!


Nov 08, 2005

DH & I did our dance class again last night. Oh my gosh, that is so much FUN!! We (like most folks) are tired that late in the evenings, but we go anyway (sometimes it's hard to make ourselves go!), and always have a good time. I have the best DH in the world. I am a lucky girl. (He calls me his pretty girl. *blush*) We are learning a very fast dance, and we were both really getting it, and we just had so much fun dancing it around the hall!! I had a huge grin on my face, and DH just kept looking in my eyes. It was a precious moment. :-)

A girlfriend & I have started going to the gym at work and working out. (In lieu of lunch). That's been cool. It feels so good to move more. She is a good motivator, and is very patient with me. (A different girlfriend than the one I was working with before.) Oh, I almost forgot. I had to run to the car the other day, and I actually RAN to the car! Not to say I couldn't before, but I've *never* done it as effortlessly before. Wow. I think that was a Wow moment for me. Anyway, I am doing my Tai Chi in the mornings again, too. It feels so good to know that if I get out of working out, that I can get right back in to it. What a freeing feeling. Free from the guilt and regret. Free from the giving up and hopelessness.

I got my labs done about 2 months ago. It was mostly good. My liver levels were a bit high, but that is normal after surgery. They should go back to normal soon. (But they weren't even all that high. Just a bit.) My potassium was just .1 lower than normal. When my Dr redid my labs, it had come up a bit, so now that's even normal. Well, we didn't do the B12 until she redid my labs. It took FOREVER to get the results, but I just thought that no news was good news. Well, I got the results in the mail yesterday. MY B12 IS HIGH!! WOO HOO!! I was so worried because a lot of my friends are having to do the shots. I am so relieved!!! I am totally anal about taking my vitamins, so it was good to hear good news that it's working. Yay!! :-)

Been doing very well on the water and food front lately. Whew! That's a demon that I don't want haunting me forever, let me tell ya! I can tell when I need to eat, though. Not because I am hungry, but because I want to eat *everything* in sight. :-) I am craving chips. Cheetos, to be exact. What's up with that?? But if I eat a good meal, then it all mostly goes away. I still have to have a modicum of self control, but if I kept my eating a bit more scheduled, then I think I would not have the cravings I do. But it's been much easier to say no, so I am relieved. Boy, I really want to watch the food channel lately, though. Why do I want to torture myself that way? The mind sure does weird things to you. :-)

A friend of mine gave me a light punch in the shoulder today. He actually stopped and looked back at me, with his eyes real big. He punched muscle on bone, instead of fat, and he could actually tell! That was so strange. What a strange journey this is. I can see why so many people feel like a butterfly coming out of a cocoon. (I'm not a huge fan of cliche's, but I sure have felt it a time or two!) It's weird the things I've noticed. That I never noticed or even thought about before. Crossing my legs is definitely one of them. But the bones in my hand is another. I can *feel* the bones in my hand when I clasp them together. Could I never feel that before? Why did I not pay attention to that stuff? I can see the definition in my arms (and the extra skin ); was that always there? Did I used to have nice arms and just never knew? Damn, did I never *look* at myself? I swear, I only ever saw what I perceived everyone else saw. How sad.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how I will be happy when all this is 'normal' and I am 'normal'. I know I've called myself a bit of an attention whore, but I will really be glad when all this feels right (in my head) and I just feel like everybody else. I don't want my weight to define me, and I'm a bit afraid that it has started to. I know I am going through a lot, and this is a big change; I'll just be glad when I'm past all this. A lot of people call this the Honeymoon phase. I agree that getting the attention has been so wonderful and rewarding; I just wonder what it is doing to my head. I just want to be normal. Have I ever felt normal? I don't even know anymore.

Well, not much more than that going on. I was so excited about my labs that I thought I would share. :-) I'm pretty exhausted tonight, so I'll be hitting the hay pretty soon. Take care all!


Nov 06, 2005

Ugh, not a good tummy day. I felt so sick & nauseous. So I didn't really eat much. Had some yogurt for breakfast (maybe I needed the acidopholous?) and had a bit of chicken & carrot for dinner, but I didn't want to push it. Needed to focus on water anyway (not that I did...) But I am feeling a bit better now. Whew! (Turned out to be an, umm, bathroom issue? Don't want anyone to worry...)

I felt really good this morning (my yucky feeling hit when I was in the car on my way to work. I thought I was going to hurl in the car!) and I made myself get out of bed and do my Tai Chi. :-) That made me happy. A girlfriend loaned me an abdominal work-out thing that supports your neck (thank you so much sweetie!) and I did that this morning, too. That felt so good to do. I am hoping to start each day with that. But will take it one day at a time.

A cool thing I've noticed about this surgery, is that before, when I would start eating badly and getting back into bad habits, I would just give up. Throw my hands in the air and give up completely. Now, if I make poor choices, I really feel I can start again and be successful. What a freeing feeling!! I screwed up last week (stupid Halloween! ) and had a hard time convincing myself to get some excersise. This week, I jumped back on that horse and really feel positive about it all. Gosh, what a difference! Amazing. I believe in myself; I can do this.

I cheated & weighed myself again today. (I try to keep it at a minimum throughout the week. And certainly don't write it down!) But I weighed anyway, and updated my fitday. I AM NOW BELOW 250!!! OMG, can you believe that?? YAY!!!

Have a good night everyone. {{{HUGS}}}


Nov 04, 2005

Well, on a bit better note, I did *excellent* with my water all week. I am so proud of that! I haven't done so hot this weekend, but I have tea and water in front of me right now and I am making myself work on it.

I haven't stayed away from the candy like I ought to, but I have stayed away better than I was. So I'm seeing progress and that makes me happy. :-)

I weighed myself a day early today. 250!!! Can you believe that?? Wow, I am over half way there! I can't wait til I'm below 240. That's the lowest I've been in my memory as an adult. And it only lasted for like a week! (It was right after I gave birth to my son. I was diabetic so I didn't gain any weight during my pregnancy, and right after he was born I lost 30 lbs. But it didn't stay off for any length of time!)

Oh, I forgot to mention something from last weekend. I went to visit my Mom (had a fabulous visit, BTW) and we went through her closets looking at clothes. (She had a dress she wanted to give me, and it fit!) Anyway, we found my prom dress, so I thought I would try it on. Keep in mind, this was from 18/19 years ago. Well, it didn't fit (didn't really expect it to) but it was close!!! Mom said I was probably about 3 inches or so from it being able to zip it up. WOW! What a trip when I can get into my prom dress! There wasn't a size on it. I was bummed about that. Would've been nice to have that comparison. I wonder now if I could get into my wedding dress? I might try on my Maid of Honor dress (from my best friend's wedding) today. I wonder if that will fit? What a rush if it does! It feels so good to be losing weight. This tool is working for me, and I am so grateful.

DG had a candle party today, and me & a girlfriend went, and when DG saw me, she was so shocked! It was so cute seeing her! She rubbed my stomach and just couldn't believe it! I have to admit, I dressed to look nice, though. I wanted her to see me look nice. :-) Boy, I can see getting addicted to the attention and compliments. I was reading somewhere on here people who were at goal and over a year out; talking about how the honeymoon is over, and the compliments and attention is over, too. And how that it messes with their heads a bit. Something for me to keep a look out for. Because while I can and do get embarrassed with some of the attention and compliments, I certainly enjoy seeing reactions and getting some of that attention. It feels so good not to be invisible anymore.

When I first started writing this, I didn't expect to keep it as a diary. Now that I have, I wonder why I am. I mean, it's nice to do for myself, but I really wanted this to help pre-ops like I was helped with diaries. But everything I write just seems so trite and one-sided, though. Am feeling very self-absorbed lately! I guess I'm not one for profoundness. Oh well. Oh, I should warn ya, Aunt Flo is visiting, so maybe that's why I'm feeling a bit meloncholy about the whole thing. Horomones suck sometimes! :-)

Well take care everyone.


Nov 03, 2005

Oh man, I think I am going to have a nervous breakdown from my hair! I can't *believe* how badly it's coming out. I absolutely dread, dread, dread taking a shower (and seeing it all flow towards the drain) and brushing it afterwards. DH thinks I am becoming a bit OCD about it, because I have to brush it out (and wash it out) until no more comes out. I'm not pulling on it or ripping it out or anything. Just brushing it out until there is no more lose hair. And OMG, is there a LOT that is coming out! I can't believe how thin my hair is now. It's creepy. I do my bangs and I can see my scalp. DH said once that it looked like I was trying to do a comb over. Eek! Man, it stresses me out every single morning. :-( I don't have any bald spots yet, but yikes, I think they are coming. It (the hair loss) is supposed to start at 3 months (mine started at 2) and last until about 6 months. I have 3 more months of this??! I won't have a hair left on my head! How come the hair on my legs won't do this? ;-)


Nov 01, 2005

Been *really* good about my water the last few days. An accomplishment to be sure! I'll get back into that habit. :-) Still have eaten a candy bar or two. This season is going to *kill* me. Yikes, it's so hard. It appears that I don't dump, so that sucks. Like I said, it's not like I'm eating handfuls at a time, though. Just a fun-size piece. It's so all over. Tons at work, and then a huge bucket here (from DS's stash.) I can do this! Today DS was eating some, and I asked for just a bite of one, instead of the whole thing. Maybe that will help. We'll see. Ugh, don't want that sugar tooth back!! But really, I'm feeling okay today. It's such a daily thing. Steps forward, steps back, just gotta keep on mustering through. But's it's all good. Life is really good, and I am happy. Since this is a weight loss site, I focus on that, but my life is full of wonderful things (even more now that I've lost weight!) that's it's easy not to talk about that stuff. Last night DH & I went to our dance class, and it was so cool! I am struggling with figuring out how to turn, but I'll get there. We learned a new dance, and I actually picked it up pretty good! I *never* would have been able to do this class pre-surgery. I would have felt like a fish out of water. I mean, I feel that way anyway, but it would have been worse. Anyway, it was fun. :-) When they first showed us the dance, it was pretty fast, and almost everyone looked at their SO's and asked (jokingly), "Ready to go?" Seriously, it looked that hard! I was proud of myself for being able to pick it up. :-)

I am not the cook in my family. I am a *terrible* cook. Never been much of a home-maker. (Which I hope to change in the near future...) Anyway, I have been slowly learning more about cooking and trying new things from DH, and with my tastes changing to where I like more spice, I have been trying to be more creative. Well, I wanted chicken for dinner tonight. I was going to make some breasts, but we didn't have any so I settled for thighs. Anyway, I thought about doing a lemon chicken, but that just didn't match the thighs. So looked through the fridge and found some soy sauce and sesame oil. Hmm... I had some ginger in the pantry, and thought, "what the heck" and threw it together and poured it on the chicken. Let me tell ya, it turned out GREAT! Yummy! DS even likes it!! I am proud of myself for that, too. I am not creative at all (I need recipes! ) so that was pretty cool that it turned out. :-) It's a good day today. :-)

I uploaded a new picture. It really shows off the changes in my face well. Boggles the mind sometimes...


Oct 28, 2005

DH & I went out last night. Had a really great time! I can really tell that I am on the mend. Normally (well, normally since surgery anyway!) I would have gotten pretty fatigued about half way in to the night. I wasn't fatigued at all this time. I was so happy! And I had gotten up early that morning, and still felt pretty good when we got home at 2:30am! Whew, maybe I am finally healed up. We were on the dance floor most of the night, and that felt good, too. :-) (Ugh, I just remembered I haven't done my fitday for yesterday or today; I'm going to go get that done before I continue...) I even had some sips of some drinks. That was fun! I didn't really feel them much, though. I did order a red wine. And sipped on it for like 2 hours. Again, didn't drink it fast enough to get a buzz, or dump. I just took my time and enjoyed the flavor. I'm hoping to get a lot better at that (for everything, not just alcohol!).

Anyway, it was fun being out. I had some issues earlier about what I was going to wear. It was a metal show, so I really wish I had some goth stuff to wear. Or *anything* to show I was of an alternative bent. ;-) Oh well, I ended up wearing my pink girly shirt. I guess if I can't go for goth, I might as well look pretty. :) Anyway, we're on the dance floor & having a good time, when I notice myself in the mirror. That was a mistake. I still looked huge. :-( I don't *feel* huge anymore, so I was pretty disheartened. And maybe more energized to make this work, and make it work as fast as possible. I swear, sometimes I don't want to go do anything until I am at goal. I know that's a terrible idea, and I won't do it, but I sometimes wish it could be that easy. I just don't fit in. Still the biggest person around. DH showed me some old Christmas pics (okay, not *that* old) and oh my gosh, the differences. My face was lost in the fat. I look so different now. But I still felt all the fat & insecurities when I saw myself last night. What a bummer. I didn't let it get me down too much (didn't ruin the night or anything), but I still think about it. Will I ever be normal?


Oct 26, 2005

Well I have been doing a tiny bit better on the food thing. I still take tastes of this & that, but I don't eat a whole serving (for me) of it. This is hard; it's hard to change. Especially since I can't have fruits or veggies. Oh how I'm craving salads! And mixed veggies. Yum! Just 3 more months. :-) It's weird because eating carbs & stuff won't damage me, so I will eat that once in awhile; but fruits & veggies WILL damage me, so I can't have that. Which would be the better choice (nutritionally anyway) so it sucks that I can't make that choice. I'm *sure* I would chose that stuff over like pasta, or a bite of a candy bar. I *want* to make the good nutritional choices. I can't wait til I can have veggies & stuff. I know my protein has to come first. But it sure would be nice to satiate my craving of something sweet with a couple of bites of fruit, than other stuff. It'll come; it's just difficult right now. I am tracking everything on fitday, so that's keeping me honest about what I am doing.

We are going out tonight, I am so excited! There will be live music & dancing, and moving, and it will be such fun. :-) That'll take my mind off all the food stuff.

Have a good night!


Oct 25, 2005

I'm pretty disgusted with myself. I have been eating so poorly. I'm not sure what's triggered it. Maybe that it doesn't make me feel icky to eat anymore. Although I still have to eat just a tiny bit of foods, eating the 'bad' stuff doesn't bother me. Not sure if I dump yet or not. I've tried candy & stuff, but not a whole lot of it. Time to get right back on that horse. I have been drinking a lot better, so I guess that's good news. Something, anyway.

Not a good week. :-(

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Feb 25, 2005
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