Working On

ride ahorse with out worrying I will brake its back

1 working on · 0 achieved
Working On

not have to shop in plus-sized stores or departments

18 working on · 13 achieved
Working On

reach pre-pregnancy weight of my 16 year old son

1 working on · 0 achieved
Working On

reach my pre-pregnancy weight of my 22 year old daughter (when I was 21!)

1 working on · 0 achieved
Working On

Weigh under 200 pounds

534 working on · 282 achieved
Working On

be able to sleep without a C-Pap machine

29 working on · 23 achieved
Working On

become a healthy and active Mom and Wife!

163 working on · 38 achieved
Working On

Fit comfortably in any seat I choose (lawnchair, movie theater, airplane etc.)

600 working on · 385 achieved
Working On

no longer be considered morbidly obese

34 working on · 45 achieved
Working On

Comfortably sit in a booth at a restaurant

23 working on · 11 achieved
Working On

to be able to wrap a regualr towel around me

15 working on · 15 achieved
Working On

To ride a bike with my family

5 working on · 0 achieved
Working On

Loose 150 pounds so that I feel like myself again

2 working on · 1 achieved
Working On

get rid of the CPAP

15 working on · 6 achieved
Working On

To become more social.

20 working on · 2 achieved
Working On

wear clothes that are not plus size!

28 working on · 11 achieved
Working On

Feel Attractive again

64 working on · 20 achieved
Working On

Fit into an airplane seat, and seatbelt

8 working on · 4 achieved
Working On

be brave enough to put up a photo on this site =)

1 working on · 0 achieved · Target goal date: 6/01/2011
Working On

Have another baby

20 working on · 3 achieved · Target goal date: 10/01/2011

Weigh less than 250 pounds!

47 working on · 71 achieved

reach pre-pregnancy weight of my 12 year old son

0 working on · 1 achieved

loose 100 pounds

115 working on · 65 achieved

To lose 100 lbs

43 working on · 32 achieved


7 working on · 11 achieved
About Me
Gladstone, OR
Surgery Date
May 09, 2006
Member Since

Friends 11

Latest Blog 5
