It has been decided!

Mar 04, 2010

I have been scheduled for surgery since January.  I've been through the hoops with insurance, work, dieticians, counselors, support groups and so on.  I had decided on the lap band before I even met the surgeon, but due to problems with my esophagus the surgeon wanted to do further tests before deciding which surgery would be best for me.  I had the last of those tests today (EGD with biopsy) and the final word is Roux en Y.  I'm hopeful, I'm optimistic, I'm tired.  Surgery is April 8th which is coming up very fast.  This has been such a roller coaster of emotions!! 

I got my surgery date!

Jan 29, 2010

I am scheduled to get the Realize lap band on 4/8/2010.  Let the countdown begin!  69 days...

I met my surgeon yesterday.  He has some concerns about my history of GI problems (reflux plus some esophageal issues) so I have to have an upper GI series done before he'll agree to the lap banding.  He's totally fine with doing a bypass, but I'm not okay with that at this point.  I've gotten all of the insurance requirements taken care of with the exception of heights and weights documented from the past 2 years.  I'll be doing that on Monday.  I'm excited, but I'm getting scared. 

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About Me
Minneapolis, MN
Surgery Date
Jan 06, 2010
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