Mushies Ideas
Apr 10, 2012
scrambled eggs
egg salad/deviled egg puree
tuna salad
chicken salad (use canned chicken since it's super soft)
baked fish
laughing cow cheese wedges
ff refried beans with a little melted cheese
cottage cheese
lf ricotta cheese w/ fine meatsauce
cream soups (brocilli cheese, potato, cream of chicken)
ff plain greek yogurt (added a little splenda and cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice)
no sugar added applesauce
sugar free pudding
still protein shakes to supplement mushies
Great Resources!
Apr 28, 2009
www.obesityhelp.com – message boards and other resources
www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com – a WLS patient’s blog, with great recipes
www.hungrygirl.com – diet tips & tricks, product reviews
www.weightview.com - submit a photo to see how you’ll look when you lose weight
www.myvirtualmodel.com – create a virtual model of yourself to help you visualize weight loss
www.laurenshope.com – beautiful medic alert jewelry
http://kateharding.net/bmi-illustrated/ - the photos of real people on this site will make you
think twice about whether the BMI standards are really valid
Side-By-Side Pictures (directions courtesy of ShrinkinSmiles)
Nov 23, 2008
10 Day Plateau Buster Diet
Jul 19, 2008
1 Do this for 10 days to break a plateau
2 Drink 2 qtrs of water a day
3 You must have 45 grams of protein supplement and all your vitamins/mineral supplement each day
4 You may consume up to 3oz of the following high protein foods, 5x a day beef, pork, chicken, turkey, lamb, fish, eggs, low fat chs, cottage chs, plain yogurt or artificially sweetened, peanut butter, beand/ legumes
You may also have: sugar free popsicles, tea or coffee, sugar free Jello, broths/bullion, crystal light drinks.
5 If it's not on the list, you can't have it for 10 days!!!
6 Keep a food diary and try to get up to 30 minutes of exercise daily
If you follow PB faithfully (not cheating) you can easily lose 10lbs in 10 days!