Surgery complete

Jan 26, 2010

Well, the surgery is done and it was a good trip. I was so pleased with the hopsital and Dr. Aceves. I've only lost 2.5 lbs since surgery.  Everything went well with the exception that I have developed a blood clot from my wrist to the elbow. It's been pretty painful. Hopefully that issue we be resolved soon and I will be able to start exercising and moving forward with weight loss.

The post op diet was a little hard to get used to but I think I've got it under control now.  Just trying to get in enough protein was a huge challenge. 

I'll post more when time permits.
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My Big Girl Panties!

Jan 13, 2010

Well 5 days away from surgery.  I think I'm as prepared as I'm going to be. I did last minute shopping for things I need to take with me to the hospital. I bought a cheap gown to wear, just in case I feel good enough after surgery to wear one. I bought a comfy jogging suit to wear there and back.  I also took peoples advice from this site and bought some "big girl panties".  Sounds like your belly swells up a bit after surgery and big panties are more comfortable than your regular ones (not that my regular ones aren't big girl panties already).  I normally buy my undies at Dillards and never really paid attention to the size. I just pick up an individual pair, eye ball them, and then buy them.  Well last night, I decided to go to Wal-Mart to look for those panties that come in packs.  I've never bought undies like that before and was a little confused as to what size I needed.  After some serious contemplating I picked a pack that I thought would be big on me and headed home. First thing hubby said when I walked in the door is "Did you find some big girl panties"?  I pulled out the sealed pack to show him and started to open them up. This first thought that went through my head was "What if these fit me perfect, and I just think these are going to be big on me"?  I would NEVER bring these back to get bigger ones. As it was, I made sure it was a lady cashier before I would check out and felt like I was waving them over my head as I walked to the check out counter saying "Hey everyone, look at these huge panties"!  Funny how our mind works, huh?  lol  Thank goodness they were big and will work just fine.






Emotional Break Down:

Dec 17, 2009

Last night hubby and I went shopping to finish up the last minute things we needed to pick up for Christmas gifts.

We were in the womens clothing section of the store, and I heard hubby say "Hey, this looks like something you would wear". I came around the corner to see this beautiful bright yellow sweater hanging up. Probably a size Medium. I just looked up at it and burst out crying! I think I scared my hubby a little. Just the thought of being able to go into a store and pick something you LIKE off a rack and be able to fit in it was overwhelming.

For many years I go into a store and go to the "fat ladies" section and hope they have something that isn't to horrible that will fit me. I know some of you ladies have been there.

I can't wait until the day I can pick something I truly like off a rack and wear it.


Haven't even had my surgery yet and I'm already seeing benefits

Dec 16, 2009

I'm presently taking several medications because of my obesity. About 8 month back during a blood test, my PCP discovered that I had elevated enzymes in my liver as a result of one of the meds so she  changed my Cholesterol medication to a new and improved one that isn't suppose to affect your liver; which is great with the exception that I went from one little tiny pill a day to six HUGE horse pills.   After reading these boards for so many months I know that swallowing pills can be difficult if not impossible after surgery. I called my PCP today to discuss changing my prescription to something else and explained why. She told me not to worry about getting a new prescription because she feels with me dropping the weight that I won't need to take them anymore and that we will recheck after 3 month out. I'm so excited!!!  The prescription costs $240 a month and even after my insurance pays their portion it still costs me $60 a month.  This is only going to get better and better. *doing the snoopy dance*   Until later :)
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Getting Ready

Dec 11, 2009

Well, I'm starting to get things in order for my trip to Mexico for the Sleeve surgery.  I got a pre surgery diet. I was surprised that it's only for one week prior to surgery. It's mostly a high protein and low fat/carb diet. I think I'm going to start a low calorie diet several weeks before and then switch to the doctors diet one week before surgery. That way I'll have a little jump start on my weight. It would be nice to be down 10 or 15 lbs before surgery.  

Hubby and I went to get our passports yesterday. We'd been meaning to get them for some time but just kept putting it off. It cost us almost $400 to process them quickly. Not cheap. Oh well, nothing we can do at this time. Dr. Aceves office did tell me that we could still cross the boarder without them as long as we had proof that we had applied for them, but I didn't want to take any chances. 

I'm starting to purchase some of the protein drinks I'm allowed to have the weeks after surgery.  I've also sent off for samples from two different places. Might as well start trying them out to see what I like and don't like.  The doctors office suggested having all those things in place before having surgery so that I can just rest when I get home and not have to worry about buying supplies.  I think that's a good idea.

The last couple of weeks I've been dreaming of the surgery almost every night.  I think it's a combination of being excited and nervous at the same time. 

More later.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Things I won't miss:

Dec 08, 2009

Not being able to buy cute clothes ( you buy whatever fits)

Not being able to fit in movie theater seats/ airplane seats very well.

Not being able to bend over and reach things easily.

Not being able to cross my legs.

Being out of breath climbing stairs.

Having no energy.

Joints hurting

Just to name a few.


I'm scheduled for Surgery

Dec 05, 2009

I know it seems quick, but I have to remind myself that I have been researching and looking into this surgery for a long time.  I've been visiting and reading these boards for a long time also, so I've read all the pro's and con's and have read about all the doctors available, including those in Mexico. 

The cost for me to have surgery here would be $19,000 and would not include any of the testing involved.  So I could possibly be looking at $25,000 out of pocket since I'm a self pay. 

I've decided to have surgery in Mexico with Dr. Alberto Aceves and I'm totally at peace and comfortable with my decision. We will fly to San Diego on January 18th for pre op testing and surgery will be Jan 19th, 2010.  I will remain in the hospital until January 22, 2010.  The total cost including all pre op testing is $9000.  That does not include airline tickets but does include one night hotel stay in San Diego. My hubby will stay with me at the hospital the other days.

I'm so excited and nervous at the same time. I know its normal to feel this way. I'm so gratefull for this site and the people here who post their experiences so that us newbies know what to expect.

I'll be journaling along the way in hopes that something I write may help the next person coming along.

I uploaded before pictures, but I'm so ashamed and embarassed at what I look like, I can't bring myself to make them public.  Eventually I think I will be able to show them.  Did anyone else feel this way about their photos?

Until Later.
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I have the best husband in the world,

Dec 03, 2009

After the devastating news that my health insurance excludes WLS, my wonderful hubby said we will pay for it ourselves!  My health is more important than anything else.

Although I'm not happy about going in debt, I feel like I have no other option.

Today is a good day.

Totally devastated

Dec 02, 2009

I found out yesterday through my insurance agent that my new policy that went into effect December 1st, 2009 has an exclusion for WLS. 

I was so depressed and upset about it I barely slept last night and seems like all I can do is cry at the drop of a hat. 

We specificially chose this company (UHC) because my agent was told that it was covered. Now we find out that it is only covered for groups of 3000 or more. That's discrimination against small groups. 

As it stands right now, I'm not sure I will be able to have surgery now. I'm heartbroken.

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Emotinal Roller Coaster

Nov 21, 2009

My emotions are on a roller coaster.  All I can think about is being approved for the WLS.  It's been almost 5 months of visits with my doctor.  I'm just so fearful that I won't be approved since it's a brand new insurance policy just going into effect Dec 1. 

