Haven't even had my surgery yet and I'm already seeing benefits

Dec 16, 2009

I'm presently taking several medications because of my obesity. About 8 month back during a blood test, my PCP discovered that I had elevated enzymes in my liver as a result of one of the meds so she  changed my Cholesterol medication to a new and improved one that isn't suppose to affect your liver; which is great with the exception that I went from one little tiny pill a day to six HUGE horse pills.   After reading these boards for so many months I know that swallowing pills can be difficult if not impossible after surgery. I called my PCP today to discuss changing my prescription to something else and explained why. She told me not to worry about getting a new prescription because she feels with me dropping the weight that I won't need to take them anymore and that we will recheck after 3 month out. I'm so excited!!!  The prescription costs $240 a month and even after my insurance pays their portion it still costs me $60 a month.  This is only going to get better and better. *doing the snoopy dance*   Until later :)

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