Emotional Break Down:

Dec 17, 2009

Last night hubby and I went shopping to finish up the last minute things we needed to pick up for Christmas gifts.

We were in the womens clothing section of the store, and I heard hubby say "Hey, this looks like something you would wear". I came around the corner to see this beautiful bright yellow sweater hanging up. Probably a size Medium. I just looked up at it and burst out crying! I think I scared my hubby a little. Just the thought of being able to go into a store and pick something you LIKE off a rack and be able to fit in it was overwhelming.

For many years I go into a store and go to the "fat ladies" section and hope they have something that isn't to horrible that will fit me. I know some of you ladies have been there.

I can't wait until the day I can pick something I truly like off a rack and wear it.

