My Big Girl Panties!

Jan 13, 2010

Well 5 days away from surgery.  I think I'm as prepared as I'm going to be. I did last minute shopping for things I need to take with me to the hospital. I bought a cheap gown to wear, just in case I feel good enough after surgery to wear one. I bought a comfy jogging suit to wear there and back.  I also took peoples advice from this site and bought some "big girl panties".  Sounds like your belly swells up a bit after surgery and big panties are more comfortable than your regular ones (not that my regular ones aren't big girl panties already).  I normally buy my undies at Dillards and never really paid attention to the size. I just pick up an individual pair, eye ball them, and then buy them.  Well last night, I decided to go to Wal-Mart to look for those panties that come in packs.  I've never bought undies like that before and was a little confused as to what size I needed.  After some serious contemplating I picked a pack that I thought would be big on me and headed home. First thing hubby said when I walked in the door is "Did you find some big girl panties"?  I pulled out the sealed pack to show him and started to open them up. This first thought that went through my head was "What if these fit me perfect, and I just think these are going to be big on me"?  I would NEVER bring these back to get bigger ones. As it was, I made sure it was a lady cashier before I would check out and felt like I was waving them over my head as I walked to the check out counter saying "Hey everyone, look at these huge panties"!  Funny how our mind works, huh?  lol  Thank goodness they were big and will work just fine.





