1 year anniversary today!

Apr 16, 2009

Well, it's been 1 year ago today that I changed the direction of my life. I had lapband surgery done, and it has changed my life for the better. My highest weight was 287 (on my scale at home), and I am down to 209 (today). Almost  eighty pounds gone! I was down to 204, but have gained and lost the same 5 pounds a couple of times these last few months. I have done a lot of emotional eating, and I know that I need to get back on the bandwagon. I thought today would be that day, but I guess my head isn't ready to give up the bad stuff right now.

I had the flu last week (upchucking all night), and managed to put my back out. So the last week, I have been unable to exercise, other than the walking up and down the stairs I do at work, which is painful.  For 2 weeks prior to that I was finishing a class on-line that had a deadline to finish, and had to take the TAP exam, which I am happy to say that I passed. I finished my viasinc course, finally, and now my class is complete! Only took me 2-1/2 years to do it, but it is done. Just waiting for my certificate now. Yippee!!!

Now that I feel ready to exercise, my back isn't cooperating. I hope that it will get  better soon, so I can get back in the swing of things.



Feb 01, 2009

It's been a while since I have posted anything on-line. Haven't felt like doing much since my brother passed away. My husband is finally starting to get better. He has lost 120 pounds since August. He still has a numb left hand and right leg. He is still going to hand therapy and a neurologist, and has had all kinds of testing done.

I am down to 209.6 and just joined the YMCA today. I plan on doing their water aerobics and checking out the Rumba dance classes they offer. Also will use the cardio equipment. Looking for to working my way back into activity again. Haven't really done anything since November 11, 2008.

Joe and I just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary. We are planning on going on an Alaskan Cruise in May. Working with our travel agent now, and have to decide which cruise we want to do.

That's it for today. The super bowl is on, and it's fourth quarter now...So, better watch the rest of the game....

Brother Ron

Dec 06, 2008

I am sorry to report that my brother passed away early yesterday morning - 2:45 a.m. on December 5th. I was with him when he went, and although it is very hard, I know that he is in a better place, and will no longer be in pain.


Dec 02, 2008

Today I hit 217 - 70 pounds down. Woo Hoo...Look at me.

My brother was moved from the hospital today to a nursing home. He is not doing so good. He has severe edema, his kidneys and liver are not functioning properly. He has an intraveinous pain pump, so he can have a continuous supply of pain med, and a drainage tube in his stomach. He is on hospice now, and they are taking wonderful care of him. I pray that God be with him and ease his pain, and that he may not suffer. If it be God's will to take him home, I just ask that he be blessed with the love we all have for him, and that his pain is not too bad. He is 1-1/2 years into liver cancer, and has had diabetes for 20+ years. He has neuropathy in his feet (has not been able to feel anything for several years), and all is taking it's toll on him. It is not easy seeing your big brother in this condition, and not be able to do anything for him, other that be there for him.  I took care of both of my parents when their health failed, but I never thought I'd have to do the same for my oldest brother (10 years older than me). I just ask that I have the patience and strength to do all I can, and still manage to work, and take care of my family.

Please pray for my brother, and thank you all for being here.


Nov 24, 2008

This morning I am down to 219.6 on my scale. Just about fell over the other day and I was under 220...

Took my husband for his 2 week post-op with Dr. Srikanth today, and he was not doing well at all. He was barely able to walk out the door of our house this morning. Took everything he had to stay on his feet. Got the the Dr's office, and they didn't have us down until next Monday, but they worked us in. When they called him back, he took off his shoes, got on the scale, and weighed in. He was down to 330.6 today (beginning weight was 417 in August). Again, surgery was on the 11-11. So, he's down 86+ pounds so far. As soon as he went to step off the scale, he just collapsed - passed out, crumbled to the floor. Both Kay and I tried to ease him down as he fell, but it's pretty hard with a guy that big. Hopefully I was able to cushion his head so he didn't hit it too hard when he was all the way down. So, needless to say, it's been an intersting day. I called my boss and told him I wouldn't be in today, don't feel I can leave him alone right now.

My brother is still in the hospital, and his kidneys are not working properly, his ammonia levels are up, his soduim levels are down, his liver enzymes are up, his heart is not pumping enough blood (20%), and he's retaining all kinds of fluids, and is leaking out of his pores. His diabetes is having a big role in this, as well has multiple other health issues, not to mention liver cancer. So, it's been a rough few weeks for me. They are trying to work on his acceptance (emotional) issues about what is happening to his body, and get to to come to terms with it all. He is afraid to die, and doesn't want to give up. They want him to have comfort care. So, we will see how this all plays out. Not sure if he is going to be coming out of the hospital or not at this point. If he does, it will be to either a nursing home or a hospice house.

Anyway, enough about what's on my plate right now. Have a great day.

November 16th

Nov 16, 2008

It's been a while since I've been on this site, so thought I'd give an update.

My husband finally had his surgery on Tuesday the 11th. The doctor was able to perform laproscopic medial gastric bypass. He lost 74 pounds prior to his surgery (close to 20%). He is not doing so well though, and I'm am very worried about him.

I had my follow-up appointment on Thursday, and was surprised that I actually got to see the Doctor (usually see the nurse practitioner). I did not expect to get a fill that day, and had eaten breakfast and lunch before going to the last afternoon dr's appointment. But, he said I needed a fill, and didn't care that I had eaten that day (your supposed to be on clear liquids for 8 hours when you are having a fill done), so he gave me an adjustment, and he really tightened me down. I did lose 8.6 pounds from the last month when I was in, but because I was able to eat as much as I could, he said I needed more of a restriction. Boy, did he give me one. After my protein shake, I tried some wonton soup (minus the wonton wrapper), and only had a few bites. Ended up in the bathroom getting rid of most of what I put in (which wasn't much - about a half a cup, including the broth). So, last night at dinner, I had a protein shake, then waitied 30 minutes, and had a mozzarella cheese stick and about 1/3 cup of low-carb no-sugar yogart, and I was done. I was down to 223.2 pounds this morning. Wow. I am very happy so far with my weightloss and hope to be able to stay off the sugar and carbs (had some issues around halloween). If I don't start up again, I should be able to stick to it. I have always had a sweet tooth, and I know that if I don't start, I can do it. But, if I start having a small piece of candy here, it just starts that sugar craving all over again.

Well, my husband, as I said is not doing so well right  now. He is looking a bit better this morning, but he is still dizzy and unsteady on his feet. His blood sugars have been pretty high, and the endocrinologist has me giving him 6 shots a day of insulin, and I am trying to get his vitamins and calcium supplements in as well.  I hope that he will be doing better by tomorrow because I have to go back to work. I will have to check his blood sugars before I go to work, and give him his shots, then probably come home at lunch and do the same. I am thankfull that my boss is working with me, and I will be able to take an hour lunch when I need to to take care of him. We will see how he progresses today. Hopefully he will be able to start testing his own blood sugars and giving himself the shots this week. The problem is, when he woke up from surgery on Tuesday, his left had was numb. They did all kinds of tests to rule out a stroke, blood clots, etc, and determined that the way they had him layed out on the OR table they must have compressed a nerve in his left arm. As of this morning, his had is still numb, so he isn't doing anything with it.

Well, I think that is enough for today. Have a great day, and hopefully it will be less that a month before I post again.

October 2nd

Oct 02, 2008

Well, I had my 4th fill yesterday, and am now at 7.6cc in a 10cc band. I am feeling pretty good today, and have stuck to the liquids and protein shakes. I may end up staying on liquids for a few more days just to kick start the weight loss. I was up a pound and a half yesterday from the month before. But, I was also wearing real clothes, no more shorts. Had jeans on, which are heavier that summer shorts, and also was retaining water - seem to be pretty sensitive to sodium from the broths, which I had been having for lunch the last few days. So, on my scale at home, I was up 3.5 pounds from where I was at the first of the week. I know that I didn't eat the way I should have over the last month, and therefore did not have the weightloss I should have had. I am not going to punish my self, but I am getting myself back on track, and by staying on the protein and liquids for a few days, that should help me stick to the right kind of eating when I do add food back into the picture. This morning I was down from 236 to 233.4, so that's pretty good in 1 day. Hope to be able to continue on, and get a good weight loss this week, and the next, and the next.....

September 17th

Sep 17, 2008

It's been a while since I've been logged on, and thought I should check in.

The last couple of days have been pretty good. I did 50 minutes on the elliptical last night, and the spent an hour & a half in the pool tonight. I did laps for 45 minutes, then 45 minute water arobic class. I found that adding swim shoes has increased the resistance, and really upped my workout. I was getting to the point that the class was not challenging me and getting my heart rate up. So, added the shoes, and boy, what a difference.

I signed up for the Walk from Obesity that is in a couple of weeks, and am looking forward to that. Anyone else going to be there?

I also increased my liquids today, and hope that will help. I was up a couple of pounds, but am back down, and hoping I am over that hump. I know I was not eating properly, but don't think I did too bad.

My husband bought me a Vitamix machine this past weekend at the fair. I am excited to start using it to make some goods soups, and other legal stuff. I haven't had time to watch the DVD that teaches you how to cook with it, so hope to  do that this weekend. I bought  some fresh veggies ant the fruit stand the other day, so I'm ready to rock  and roll.

I have a wireless keyboard on this computer, and I absolutely hate it. It skips letters all the time and I am constantly backspacing to fill in the missed letters. I apologize now if I miss a few. We are looking for a new keyboard, so hopefully soon this one will be gone.....

Well, I've got to get the garbage cans out tonight, so better be off...

Hope you all have a great day & week...

Wed - August 13th

Aug 13, 2008

Today is the 13th, and for the most  part all is going well.

I have been up and down 1 pound the last few days. I'm sure the broth I had yesterday (salty) helped me retain some fluids. I am having a problem getting enough fluids in as well, and I'm sure if I can focus on getting more water in, my weight will start dropping some.

I went for a 25 minute walk yesterday, and did 45 minutes of water aerobics on Monday. Tonight, I will go for a walk with my daughter, after getting all of the yard recycle cans filled up (cut back all the bushes/trees along our fence line (coming from the neighbors yard). So, the physical activity and a good walk should count for my exercise today.

I went to the support group meeting last night, and it was okay. Vicki was our lead, and made it a very interactive session. It was nice to hear what other people were dealing with, knowing that you are not alone with some of the struggles that you are going through.

Before the meeting, I stopped at Taco Bell, and got a taco salad. I was good, and ate only meat, cheese, lettuce, salsa. Didn't really eat that much of it, but ate it too fast, none-the-less. I had horrible spasms with heartburn, and then major sliming, and nasuea. Also had the hiccups. Lasted for about an hour, and I kept having to either run outside to spit-up or to the bathroom. I really didn't feel too good, and was glad when it settled down. That will teach me to try and eat too fast again.

I ended up bumping up my avandament last Thursday to 1000/4 2x a day. My stomach is screaming. My numbers are starting to come down some, and are the lowest during mid-day. Still running high in the mornings though. Haven't done much checking during the evenings. I just hope I can lose some more weight, not have to go on insulin, and get my numbers under control. I am interested in some of the new medicines they are advertising on TV, so will talk to my doctor about them next time I go in.

I am still dealing with quite a bit of stress right now. Seems that they are coming not in 3's but 6's now...The last few days have been the worst, and I hope to have everything under control soon. Major breakthrough for me was not runnning  to the sugar - no cookies, donuts, popcorn, etc. to help me deal with emotions. So, that is a BIG step in the right direction.

Well, got to get the yard cleaned up, and empty out the refridgerator (old stuff), so we can go for a walk before it gets too late.

August 5th

Aug 05, 2008

Today is Tuesday August 5th, and we had our block party for National Night Out. Turned our really well. Had about 25-30 neighbors overall, and about 8 cops show up. The fire department showed up before we started, and didn't make it back. But, was nice to see everyone out.

I had my 3rd lap band fill yesterday. I am now at 7.4cc in a 10cc band.
Have done liquids since yesterday, and protein shakes. Finally broke under 240 - weighed in at 238 this morning! Yippee!

Stress level is down today, but son is leaving for Mississippi tomorrow, and it is going to be really hard to see him go. He is going to Law School ast Mississippi School of Law, and with their schedule, I don't know when he will be able to come home for visits. Hopefully, we will be able to take a road trip before his 3 years are done. Last night I was overly emotional, it really hit me that he's leaving, and not just 300 miles away, but 2600 miles away....Makes it a bit harder.
My blood sugars are still running way too high. This morning still in the 190's. I am going to up my avandament from 500/2  2x a day to 1000/4 2x a day starting on Sunday, and see what a difference that will make.
Don't want to do insulin, but may have to go back on it...

About Me
Tacoma, WA
Surgery Date
Apr 03, 2008
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