Deb B. 14 years, 7 months ago

Happy Surgiversary Diane! Your kicks in the butt are the best! I so appreciate you! Debbie

Jaime C. 14 years, 7 months ago

Diane, YOu were my first OH friend and you introduced me to some people I will never forget. You have opened your home to me before and I think you are an absolutley beautiful person all around. Congrats on your surgerversary. I will come visit again someday this time with baby and hubby. You would love him and approve i am sure. xoxooxox

Jean L. 14 years, 7 months ago

Happy surgiversary are my hero and I love you so much....congrats and keep up the great work

newbarb2 14 years, 7 months ago

Happy surgiversary to you, happy surgiversary to you, happy surgiversary lovely Ms. D, happy surgiversary to you.... and "mini" more! Love you, Barb

Jackie717 14 years, 7 months ago

Happy 3 year surgiversary Ms. Diane! You really are an inspiration and I love ya! Congratulations!!!! Big Hugs!

Chele 14 years, 10 months ago

Diane...I am so praying for you. You have done so well and been through so much....I know you are determined to be healthy and happy, out and about. Let's get that back incision healed and get you up and running. I can't wait to get to see you again, I have missed you and Dougie too! Take care, rest and lots of healing prayers coming your way! Blessings! Chele

Cindy F. 14 years, 11 months ago

Cuz I am praying that this is the solution to help you get rid of all your pain and you can come out and play again. We are all pulling for you to have a perfect back surgery and a painless speedy recovery. Love you lots Hugs Your cuz

Cindy F. 14 years, 11 months ago

Cuz I am praying that this is the solution to help you get rid of all your pain and you can come out and play again. We are all pulling for you to have a perfect back surgery and a painless speedy recovery. Love you lots Hugs Your cuz

jj_in_CA 14 years, 11 months ago

Wishing you a lovely, pain-free day and many, many more pain-free days to follow so you can shake your bootie on the dance floor with us. lol Hugs, ---jan---

anewbecboo 14 years, 11 months ago

Sending major prayers your way honey for a successful surgery so you can be pain free and enjoy life again outside of your chair!!! May your recovery be uneventful, smooth, and quick. I'm so blessed to be your friend and love you honey!! bigg huggs, Becky
About Me
Highland, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 27, 2006
Member Since

Friends 135

Latest Blog 21
Two years ago yesterday
Happy Valentines Day
One year later
Another Update
A post I did on 1/28/07 6 weeks after surgery
June 16th and Beyond
A few days over 6 month
Announcement TIME!!!!
A BIG Achievement for me
