I'm not too crazy!

May 16, 2008

I met with the psychologist on Thursday and although the computer analysis of my test showed anxiety and depression he thinks I am as mentally prepared for this journey as I can be.  He warned me of some of the social issues that can arise after surgery.  He also stressed the importance of keeping the lines of communication open with my husband because the stress this can put on a marriage.

So Monday he will send the report to the surgeon.  His office is in the same building so I stopped into the surgeon's office to see how long till I could get my appointment (one day you meet with the surgeon, the nutritionist, and the insurance specialist and get your date).  They said if they get the report Monday I would get it within two weeks.

There are very few doctor's offices that I would feel comfortable just dropping in but the Bariatric Clinic is one of them.  It certainly makes this whole thing easier to feel so comfortable there.

Now I need to work on all the questions I have for nutritionist before I meet with her.

I have already given up soda (bye Diet Pepsi addiction) and recently went to the vitamin shop to pick out some protein drinks for my pre-op diet.  Despite asking lots of questions and doing research before hand I was overwhelmed once I was in the store and next time will take a list.  In my disorganization I bought some canned drinks knowing I hate the metallic taste...and they are gross.  C'est la vie.  I got some powders and "bullets" too that I need to try.


May 09, 2008

I took the written part of the Psych Eval last Friday.  When I turned it in they said the therapist would call me in a few days.  When it had been a week (today) I called him and it seems he was waiting for ME to call to schedule my appointment.  Now he can't see me till next Thursday (5/15) and I can't schedule my appointment with the surgeon till after that.

I'm worried because Dr. Spaw is already scheduling into July and a co-worker of my husband just started her journey and was told he wasn't accepting new patients.  So it seems the fast track I was on has slowed down.

I have been 2 days without a soda and have gotten past the headache stage.

Aqua therapy is still great.  By the time I leave I have no pain.  Sadly by the time I get home it's back.  I am afraid when I go back the Orthopedic doctor that we are going to have to do something more drastic.


May 06, 2008

I went to a group therapy session tonight.  They had a speaker so it wasn't a traditional therapy session.  I met a nice lady who had just gotten her surgery date (with Dr. Spaw) and it isn't till July.  So I guess it will be a little longer than we thought.

At this point I am just waiting to hear about my psych eval so we can schedule my meeting with the doctor and my surgery date.

Today I felt really crappy and gave in to an extra soda this afternoon.  Which sadly made me feel better.  I should just quit cold turkey.  Yep, I should.

Oh, and the speaker tonight mentioned that you should be drinking "half your weight in water".  So if you weigh 300 lbs you should be drinking 150 oz instead of 96.  So I should be drinking like a gallon and a half of water a day.  I'm going to need two extra kidneys and a spare bladder for that!


May 05, 2008

I decided I needed to make some changes before I am forced to by surgery to try and make the transition easier.  The big thing is kicking my Diet Pepsi habit and getting in my 64 oz of water.  I was easily drinking 64 oz and more of soda every day.

I have done ok and have only been having one (8 oz) soda for the last few days but am struggling to get in 64 oz of water.  Even adding sugar free crystal light (or the Kroger generic version) it is still a struggle.

On the other hand the carb addict in me is raging something awful.  The thought of protein is nauseating to me most of the time.  I guess I figure I need to get it all in now.  But I need to get over this now because if I get like this post-op I will be sick.

Today (thanks to my Ortho doctor) I started Aquatic Therapy instead of traditional therapy for my knees.  I really enjoyed it and one I have the all clear I hope to start actual water aerobics.

Tomorrow I have my first group therapy session at the bariatric surgery center.  Not sure what to expect.  We'll see.

So Soon...

May 01, 2008

The insurance specialist from Dr. Spaw's office just called me.  She had faxed the letter from my PCP to the insurance company and the insurance company approved my surgery.  What?  THEY APPROVED MY SURGERY.  They hadn't sent the dietitians evaluation yet and I haven't even taken my psych eval (though I still will have to for Dr. Spaw) but they approved me anyway.

I am thrilled and excited and terrified.

I cried.  It has been a rough week because my ortho doctor had told me I couldn't start any kind of exercise program and I was feeling so discouraged.

So from here I take the psych eval and then will go in and meet with Dr. Spaw, the dietitian, and the insurance specialist all in the same day and will get my surgery date.

Did I mention I am terrified?

I also feel so guilty knowing so many people struggle and fight to get this surgery and it seems like I won't have to.

27 times? Really?

Apr 15, 2008

The dietitian contacted me today.  She has to write a letter to my insurance company.  She also forwarded me the pre-op and post-op diets.  Wow.  Once I heard about the liver-thing I knew I was planning on dieting before the surgery...but the pre-op diet seems impossible!  Not impossible obviously since I will do it but wow.

2 weeks before replace 2 meals with liquid protein supplements and eat a low fat, low calorie frozen meal.

1 week before drink 4 liquid protein supplements each day (no solid foods).

You are allowed unlimited (but need at least 64 oz) of low calorie, non-carbonated liquids.

The post-op diet she sent me is for lap-band (because originally I thought that is what I was going to have but now think I want Roux-en-Y) so I don't know how different it is from the other.  The things that stuck out were the chewing every bite 27 times, trying to get 60 grams of protein in, and giving up high carb foods (bread, potatoes, rice...my favorites), diet pepsi, and fruit juice.

I need to start trying to find a protein shake I like...I've tried several them before and haven't liked any of them.  If my survival depends on me getting the protein in then I need to find one I can stomach.


I also called my doctor's office today to request the letter from him.  He's been a dear about this (he's great about everything) but both the woman who I left the message with and the nurse who called me back (his nurse is out on maternity leave) seemed kind of snotty about it.  Maybe I am paranoid because of past problems with medical professionals.


The next step is the psych eval which I have to pay for out of pocket (it will be reimbursed after I have surgery).  Truthfully I have to wait a few weeks to be able to afford that.

Once that is done it all gets turned into the insurance and I will either be scheduled for surgery or have to do the weight study.

Getting Serious

Apr 12, 2008

Last week I met with an insurance specialist at the Bariatric Surgery Center @ Baptist.  My PCP had recommended Dr. Spaw because he does all three types of WLS.  I found out my insurance covers all three with minimal red tape.

I have to meet with their dietitian, have the psych eval (uh oh!), and get a letter from my PCP.  I may (but got the impression probably won't) have to do up to a six month "weight study".  Once approved surgery is scheduled within a month!

Today I went to a seminar to hear Dr. Spaw explain the procedures and do a Q&A and the first thing I have to say is...I am so glad I went...and the second thing I have to say is...I may be more confused then ever.

I really thought I wanted to have the lap-band since it is less invasive...but now I really am considering the Roux-en-Y.  I don't want to go through surgery and it not be "enough" and I think band slippage would be a real possibility for me (I once injured myself vomiting).  TMI?

The one thing he explained that I had always been curious about was hearing doctor's requests patients lose weight before the surgery.  But understanding how the size of the liver complicates the surgery (and can make the difference between laparoscopic and open surgery), obviously I want to avoid open surgery if at all possible.

I didn't mean for this post to get so long, haha, sorry!

About Me

Apr 03, 2008

I am a 33 year old newlywed (we got married 7/7/07).  I have always been obese...even in elementary school.  I reached morbidly obese in my early 20s (I remember vividly the first time I saw that in my medical chart).  My BMI is over 60 but I have fought surgery because I have always been relatively healthy.  But now I have type 2 diabetes and a knee injury in January led to injuring the other knee.  And as I mentioned I am a newlywed and we are hoping to start a family which right now is not possible for me.

(This was in the "About Me" section of my profile but it doesn't really fit anymore so I am moving it to a post and back dating it to when I joined OH).

About Me
Nashville, TN
Surgery Date
Apr 04, 2008
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