September 10,2007

Sep 10, 2007

Hi all... was sitting here thinking of things and started thinking to myself wow you know there are so many things that I will be able to do again or that I ahve enver done before ( I am sure you are all shaking your head saying yeah and DUH!) but I never really sit down and thought about it... I mean there is still so much that I do even at " my size" that a lot of people do not do like play baseball with my kids I did not say that I run the bases.. but I do play pitcher all the time and we play frisbee I dont chase the frisbee the kids always beat me to it but I do not stand stationary there and just throw it... anyway here was what i was thinking I will be able to bat and run the bases with the kids at some point after my surgery....I will be able to run and chase my children sometime after my surgery and CATCH THEM!!!  I will be able to walk to the lake on my land fish a while and walk back without breathing like a frieght train sometime after my surgery... when we go to the Lake of the Ozarks to fish I will be able to go to all the areas they want to go fish at instead of the ones that " mom " can get too....I will be able to get the seat bealt around me with no extention.... I will be able to ride the rides at an amusement park....I will be able to walk into a resturant and not feel like I am being stared at becuase I am a "pig"....I might possibly be able to sleep on my stomach again .......I might actually see what a smaller then DDD bra feels like in over 20 years....I might actually hear whistles directed to me.....I will get to buy pretty lady shoes.... I will get to shop in normal size shops....I will no longer hear well you have such a pretty face if only the body matched...and you know there has to be one revenge one on here, be able to walk up to my ex and say Eat your heart out!...( sorry about this one but since we divorced he has continually called me a fat @$$ to my daughter and just once I want to have the last laugh!

September 5, 2007

Sep 05, 2007

Well today is  day when all I can do is sit around and cry..happy not sure sad dont think so..this probably sounds crazy...I am sitting here looking at before and after pictures and just crying my eyes really think that someday I will have a before and after picture also..I never thought that would happen and watching each day the pictures and all I know that I will one day have one tehre also. This board and the people on it have made me realize that there are so many things I never thought I would be able to do that I know I will now... Like play with my kids without feeling like I am going to die for lack of air!!!!! Or buying pretty lady shoes ( I know this sounds weird but I havent had pretty ladies shoes in ummm not sure but YEARS) buy clothes in the regular stores and not Lane Bryant ( although i love this store)....You guys are all wonderful...thank you for allowing me to travel with you all and for traveling with me on this ride of a lifetime.

September 2 2007

Sep 02, 2007

 Well I am on the countdown to the big "S" day.... On September 21,2007 I will be going into surgery and I have had such weird feelings and all that I was beginning to get scared but I have talked to many people and started feeling a bit better about everything....I start on my Liquid Diet this week and went shopping today to stock up on the things I can have...well yesterday I went shopping and decided that I was going to buy a pair of capris that I truly loved and bought the only pair they had...a 2x so I put them back for after surgery and today I decided that my butt felt smaller then normal lol and I decided to try them on and they fit OMG!!! They fit me I havent wore a 2x in pants in a freakingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg   long time so even without the surgery I lost some weight enough to wera a 2x!!!!!!!!

August 24,2007

Aug 24, 2007

This is something I wrote last night as I sat there thinking about my surgery and what had stopped me from being me before...

When I was younger I had a dream 

To be the best that I could be

As I grew older I began to see

A person emerging that was not me

The person I see whenever I look

In the mirror each night

Lacked in happiness laughter

And unfortunately sight

Sight into my soul my mind 

And my heart

Sight that could help me make 

A fresh start

One day I decided that she must

Step aside

And I had to take a hold of my

Life from inside

Inside the dark secrets the 

Worries and fears

Inside I  let loose and let go

Of the tears

Finally I know that I will

Soon be

The best person that I can possibly


With all my hard work and my sweat

And my tears

I know now that what stopped me before

Was my fears

A date has been given!!!!!

Aug 23, 2007

I have been given a date of September 21,2007 as my surgery date....a few mixed emotions here am scared and happy all at the same time.

About Me
Ashland, MO
Surgery Date
Aug 22, 2007
Member Since

Friends 42

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Long time no see!!!
January 2008
October 17,2007
Something a Friends daughter that calls me Mom sent me
Surgery update
September 20,2007
