Three Week Appointment

Dec 17, 2008

I had my three week follow-up appointment yesterday.  It went well...I'm doing great...they love the amount of exercise I'm doing in a day.  I'm up to 30 minutes on the treadmill at lunch (we have a small gym at work) and then after work 30 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes on the treadmill. 

This week I had problems after dinner on Monday and Tuesday.  Monday I went out to dinner and ordered a broiled crab cake and string beans, but after four bites I became very uncomfortable like there was an air bubble stuck in my pouch and esophagus.  My mouth was producing a lot of salvia...something I used to do before throwing up.  Well, I didn't throw up, but after much pain in the upper middle of my back I managed to burp...thank God!  It relieved my problem.  On Tuesday I fixed 1 oz of roasted chicken and steamed some frozen California vegetables.  Everything was going well until about 30 minutes after eating I again started with sever upper middle back pain like an air bubble was stuck.  I can honestly say I know what a horse feels like when they have a burr under the saddle...I couldn't get this go away and it was just kept getting worse.  It was getting to the point that I was starting to think about going to the hospital.  Again I was producing salvia like was really gross.  Finally I decided to bend over and see if I could get the air bubble to come out that way...well I got sick ...a couple of small pieces of food came up and A LOT of saliva.  I felt 95% better after that; everything was back to normal within 30 minutes.  It took me 40 minutes to come up with the idea to bend over....

We think my problem is from either  eating too fast or eating food that is too dry.  Seems there is this condition called "frothing" when you eat food that is too produce a lot of salvia and it gets white and foamy.  So to combat this problem last night I made sure to add a little salsa to my chicken and veggies and eat slower....I had no problems last night...thank God, I was ready to stop eating dinner

I didn't mean to get too gross, but I thought you would like to know about this condition.  I had never heard of it before, but it seems that it should go away within 3 to 6 months.  I think I'll just make sure to eat moist foods at a slower

Take care everyone!


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Nov 19, 2008
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