2 in 1 day!

Mar 25, 2007

Ok,  I feel rotten miserable and ready to cry except that it hurts to do anything!  

I am hormonal and in pain and this too shall pass but please make it fast...please. 

That damned incision hurts like a sob...when it isn't hurting it stings.  I want to take my pain meds not that they work all that great and go to bed but if I do that I will never get near enough fluids in for the day.

Clinic said get up and walk ...my sis who had an incision like this said do as little as possible but do get up once an hour. 

I am ready to scream and cry and carry on but it hurts to bad to do that!

I am trying not to be down on me but dang it isn't easy.

More on ooze

Mar 25, 2007

Wow it seems to take all I have to get anything done!  I am just plain tired.  Ok.  I have been changing dressings like they wanted and went to the Clinic on Fri.

They checked it out and says it is looking good, and I should start getting a visiting nurse though to clean and dress it once a day and teach me and mine how to do it the other time and on weekends.  In fact they told me to try it on my own Fri night and there would be nurse in....in morning....NOT  

I tried to follow their directions.   I showered and then took off dressing and started to unpack it.  One piece of gauze was stuck it would not come out even after running it under the water as instructed.  So I did what I could.  I rinsed the wound with running water only.  Then leaned forward and gently pressed together to get rid of extra water....ooze  I repeated this several times per instructions.   

I then patted that area dry and got semi dressed.  My daughter and I were able to put the stuck dressing back a bit and packed clean and fresh around it.   We decided to keep clean and fresh and wait for nurse to un and re pack.  Things look good and there is no smell soooo.

Well today,  I put saran over dressing...I really needed a shower and when I was finished I was going to change dressing on my own.  Well  I lifted dressing and packing and all came out!  Panic in the city and there is no one to help me with it and Daughter can't come over!

I shouldn't say no one but DH thinks handwashing is running finger tips through cold water....lol..he tries so hard though.   I don't know if we got enough packing in it or not but packed it is and a clean dressing is over it.  If I don't hear from a nurse by noon tomorrow I will be calling the clinic again.

I don't think I am cut out to do my own open wound dressings!

Other then that and a feeling of light headedness and general tiredness things are going good.   In fact...Yipppppp   I am down 19.2 lbs as of Fri morning!

Ooozing and trip to Er

Mar 22, 2007

Well I know they tell you that oooze is normal with open rny but Tues morning I woke up and immediately soaked the front of my nightgown.  It was dripping on the floor it was so wet.   I dried off patted incision dry or tried to and called to double check that this was ok.

Yup it is liquidy pink...no hot spots...no excessive redness to be expected.  Cover it with sanitary pads to save your clothing.

A couple of hours later the same thing only I heard and felt a "pop" this time. Again I am dripping all over everything.  Because I felt something I did call the Bariatric PA again and she said just to keep an eye on things and let her know if it keeps up.

I had regular app't with my PCP for my 1 week check up so I went ahead to see him and he wanted to see incision.  He didn't like the way it was looking by then so he applied pressure band aide to the one spot and dressed the rest and suggested I go to Hurley ER which is 1 1/2 hours away.

I called PA again let her know what Dr said and she said to come on up.

To make a long story shorter I arrived at 2:30 Pm and wasn't seen until almost 10:30pm and I was priority case.  Needless to say they were very very busy

The nurses though would change my dressings in triage whenever they started seeping through and they were trying but ambulances...gun shot wounds and heart attacks do come first.

They ended up removing a couple of staples and opening the incision about 6 inches.  I have what they called a "stoma"  The took all kinds of culture swabs and blood.  Then packed it in sterile gauze and redressed it.   Gave me IV antibiotics and anti's for at home as well....as precaution.   

I have to change the dressing 2x a day which my daug comes in to help cause no way could I do it alone.  I see the Dr again tomorrow to have rest of staples removed and we will see what happens then.

The best news about the whole day is that I have lost 8.5 lbs since surgery!  Yipee!   I know I have seen others who have lost more the first week and some less but I am so happy with any loss!   8.5 in one week??? who knew!

Catch you later

I am a loser!

Mar 18, 2007

It is done!  I had my open RNY on 3.13.07 and I am sooo happy to have it over with.   I am trying to get my liquids and proteins in as Dr and Nut have instructed and I am doing fair,  I think.  

I am having one problem and it doesn't seem like anyone else has ever had this problem!   My staples are really a pain and I mean it!  The incision is not red and angry or pussie or anything just that when I try to lay down no matter where I lay the staples are very painful!   

I have tried the recliner which Dr said not to ...but with my height even the small recliner is too big for me to get comfortable in.   I am laying on my side but once there I can not move without extreme pain.   I save my Loratab for night time and last night I even got up and took 2nd dose.   I know this has to go away soon but when??

It hurts to cough, even with pillow,  I can't blow my nose with hurting.  I am not a sissy but dang it hurts!

I have been reading the boards now since Sept and have never seen this addressed.

It will improve I am sure....but not soon enough for me.

Will right more later.

Shhhh it's a secret

Mar 08, 2007

Well they just called and I am now re-re scheduled for surgery on March 13th!   I  really am afraid to think that it will happen this time.  I am whispering it to everyone so the powers that be don't stomp on me again!  I don't think I could take it.


Mar 05, 2007

Well they did it again!  The Clinic called this afternoon and told me that I was NOT scheduled for surgery tomorrow and where did I get that idea?

I told her that she is the one who told me I was scheduled for March 6.  I had written her name down on the paper with all the infromation she gave me.   She said I must have misunderstood.  How in the heck do you misunderstand....your surgery is scheduled for 10:30 Am on March 6 be here by 8am.  Oh and make sure you get to your nut class on Feb 28!    What does she think??? I am not stupid!  Why would I go on a liquid diet and pack a bag and go to hospital for a surgery that wasn't scheduled?  I would bully my way into surgery???? NOT  give me a break!

Between being angry and crying I am ready to just crawl into bed and forget it all!   The last time it was a bit further out at least...Not like the day before!  

I am ranting...I am sorry...but no I am not...my emotions are all over the place!

She said I would here more on Wed but I really don't expect to hear any earlier then Thurs and more likely next week.

3 Days and Counting

Mar 03, 2007

Well it is getting closer,  only 3 days left.  I am on a "light" diet and start a liquid diet tomorrow.  No bowel prep!! yipeeeee

Trying to get house in order before I go but not sure why....DH has a home improvement project planned for the time I am in hospital and that spells mess.  Well this time he will have to clean it up himself!

I have my one grandson with me this weekend.  He was here last weekend but he might not get to come over for a couple of weekends so we doubled up.  Him and his mom lived with us for awhile after he was born and we were his babysitters until 18months ago when his mom got married and was able to start working days and be home in the evenings.

We had friends in today and Judy took some before pictures for me and I am going to try to put new pics up at least once a month as time goes by.

I am not as anxious this time around for whatever reason and I am glad it is exhausting to feel the stress.

I will try to write more before I go Tues but won't make any promises.

At last!

Feb 24, 2007

I have been away from the site since last month.  I just couldn't handle reading about everything while waiting on tests and then results.  

There is good news all around!  The mass was a benign cyst! Yippeee
And it took only 4 days for all the paper work to fly and I am now scheduled to have my Open RNY on Tues March 6 at 10am!  Just a bit over a week away!   I am not as nervous as I was last time around....so far.  Do you suppose practice makes perfect?

The nesting instinct is trying to kick in but DH has house tore up while he paints hallway and kitchen.  It is the 4th room he has done this winter.  I just want it back together before the 6th!  Actually if he would have been done yesterday it wouldn't have hurt my feelings

I will be in later this week, I am sure.  As many of you must be..we are in the middle of a winter storm.

Jan 30th

Jan 30, 2007

I wasn't going to do this.  I have avoided the site for a week now.  I haven't been able to deal with all the issues rationally.   I should be on the losers bench today.  Instead I am sitting here crying and waiting to have a biopsy on the 1 1/2  X  3 inch mass on my thyroid.  

Which they will probably be removing the thyroid any way since the mass is pushing on my trachea!

I know deep inside it is good they found it but dang it all... I have fought so hard to have this surgery and get the approval and now who knows if I can have it?

I want my life back!

Surgery Postponed!

Jan 22, 2007

Let me start from last post.  I went in and had my Cat Scan with Contrast last week Wed and then on Fri they inserted my IVC filter.  Both procedures went very well and I actually talked with Dr about American Idol during the IVC insertion!   The worst part was removing the dressing the following day.

But I am very upset and worried right now.  I just got a phone call and they are postponing my surgery!  The saw something about my cat scan that they want cleared up before they do surgery!    

They are faxing all tests to PCP and I will see him next Monday.  I personally don't know of anything that shows up on a Cat Scan that is good!

I want to scream, cry, pound on something...eat!  But I won't.

I will update as soon as I have anything to say.

About Me
Canton, MI
Surgery Date
Sep 13, 2006
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Before & After
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March 2007
March 2017

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Latest Blog 58
Another surgery another infectionl!
And she's gone!
At last! Again!
Not again!
Spent the day at the ER, forgot to ask R & R for medical advice
Fat? Not so Fat? argggghhhh Babette!
