Jan 29, 2008

I have been overweight just about my entire life.  Since age 6 at least.  My husband and I started dating in high school and he was very athletic, on the football team and the wrestling team.  I was not...  that's all I'll say about that.

Since we have been together, I have NEVER weighed less than him...  still don't...  yet...  I'm getting there...  got about 7-8 pounds to go!!!!

I know, I know...  get on with it!

Well, my husband was off yesterday and the day before from work so he was helping me get caught up on laundry.  He had just pulled out a load of blue jeans from the dryer and started to hang them up.  He held up a pair of my jeans and asked me who they belonged to.  I told him that they were mine.  He said "NO!!!  They can't be yours...  They look like they would fit me!"...  I laughed and made him put them on...  My blue jeans, fit my husband...  a little tight in fact...  but he could wear them...  LOL!!!  

Just the thought of wearing clothes smaller than my husband's feels awesome...  I might not be lighter than him yet, but apparently I'm a little smaller than him!!!!  

Woo Freakin Hoo!!!!!

My measurements

Jan 27, 2008

Date Weight Date Weight
Apr-07 420 Jan-08 283
Forehead 24 21.5 2.5
Neck 17.5 15 2.5
Boobs 62.5 50 12.5
Ribcage 54 40 14
Waist 66 54 12
Hips 74 63 11
Arm 21 16 5
Wrist 8 6.5 2.5
Thigh 30 24.5 5.5
Calf 20.5 18.25 2.25
Ankle 11.5 9.75 1.75
Total lost 70.5

So almost halfway is good enough, right?

Jan 09, 2008

Me and the scale have been fighting lately.  For the past 2 weeks I've been fighting some bronchial, sinus, upper respiratory, nastiness.  First I lost my voice for no reason  during new years, then the sinus drainage started and then I started feeling better...  But then I started getting this persistant cough... Constantly feels like a tickle in my throat...  Just more drainage...  Coughing up some nasty stuff...  blech!

Well, I've been going back and forth teetering between 290 and 291...  yesterday morning I was 291..  this morning I was 288!!!!!!!!!  FINALLY!!!  I am point 5 (0.5) pounds away from being at my halfway point!!!  That's practically halfway, right???

I wanted to be there by christmas, but hey...  I'll take it.  I keep hoping it will all be down hill from here, but I know that's not the case.  Now that I'm half way to my goal, I'm going to have to work harder than ever to get there.  I do notice that I'm not losing as fast as I was.  Which is fine and I expected as much.  But I'm pushing for 10 pounds a month.  I think that's a reasonable amount to ask of my body.  Especially considering that the fitness comunity believes that a loss of 2 pounds a week is considered healthy.

Now that I am at a good weight, I'm adding more intense exercise.  I am so excited to see how this plays out.  I'm only in my first week of training so far, but I'm already looking forward to tonights workout.  Especially since this is something that my husband and I are trying to do together.  I know that sometimes his schedule might not allow every workout to be together, but we will try and plan it out as best as we can so we can continue to push each other.  

I'm really hopeful of this new change added to the others that we've made over the last 7 months.  Our new workout is targeting the core muscles...  of course we are still working our legs and arms, but we are both in major need ot a abdominal overhaul.  My belly still hangs very low...  it's gotten much better with the 137 pound weight loss, but it still hinders me from doing some things.  I didn't want to have to resort to a panniculectomy so early especially with all that happened to LeGina.  I know that because I've lost so much weight already that I would have a better chance, but you just never know and I'm just not ready to take that chance just yet.  I'm just so tired of this massive overhang and all the problems that come with it...  uugggh...

On the up side, though...  I feel better than I have in years...  I was 19 when I weighed this much last time...  I'm almost 27 now.  And at 19, I felt like I was probably in my 60's as far as being able to do things that a normal 19 year old should have been able to do.  I am more fit than I have ever been...  EVER...  

Gotta be accountable!

Dec 26, 2007

ok...  So I was HORRIBLE!  I didn't do anything right over the holidays.  I grazed on carbs all day every day...  it was bad!  I ended up gaining 5 pounds over the course of the week!!!  But then I was also on my monthly thingy too and that didn't help matters at all.  

Although yesterday, we worked hard to make better choices.  Walked around for most of the day catching after christmas sales at the mall...  Went to the gym yesterday evening...  I have lost 4 of the 5 pounds that I gained just in the last 2 days.  

It's insane how easy it was to get off the wagon and eat all of that crap!  It was so nice to have this tool to keep me from over doing it.  I don't think I've ever eaten so much ham in my life!!!  I am so swollen and I'm retaining water big time.  I keep trying to drink more water to flush it out, but it didn't help when I would just eat more sodium filled honey baked ham and retain the water that I was drinking to flush it all out...  In addition to retaining water, I haven't been constipated or anything, but I just couldn't go...  This morning, I had 3 really big BM's within 30 minutes and I really did feel 3 pounds lighter...  actually was 3 pounds lighter... LOL!  

Every night I would go to bed just miserable because I had eaten too much.  I know someone had talked about how alcohol is absorbed faster into our bodies because of the part of the stomach is left...  I think the same goes for sugar.  The effects of sugar take affect much faster than they ever did before...  I have been so tired and lethargic for the past week because of all the carbs.  Even now I'm finding myself craving the sugar...  Why does it have to be so addictive???  I hate the way I feel when I eat it, but my body wants it so bad!!!

At least it was much easier to get back on the wagon than it has been in the past.  We didn't procrastonate and say "after the first of the year" and then never get around to it.  My poor husband managed to gain 10 pounds back since thanksgiving...  He wanted to take Alli but I think he's decided against it.  

I have just been horrible about going to the gym these last 6 weeks or so.  Going back last night was hard.  Although the owner was really great about not making me feel bad for not coming.  But I hate that I felt like I needed to explain...  make excuses...  I could have gone, I just chose not to for whatever reason.  No more excuses now.  It's a waste of money if I don't go.  I'm not too big on wasting money.......

It's my first day back to work since last friday afternoon and I haven't managed to get anything done yet.  I've got about a million messages to return, mail to process, and lord knows what else and I am just not feeling it today.  I want to lay down and take a nap on my floor!!!

ooh!!!  Yesterday since B and I were off, we went to a few different stores to check out some sales.  I got 2 really cute tops, both on clearance...  Then I went to Dillards at the mall and got this reall great perfume!!!  It's called Daisy by Marc Jacobs...  OMG it smells soooo good!  Then I went to Lane Bryant and was looking at bra's.  I haven't bought a new bra in YEARS!!!  I didn't even know what size I was.  I had tried some on at Catherine's a few months after surgery and I was about a 52B...  but it fit horribly...  so I didn't buy that one.  When the lady walked up and asked me if I needed help, I was embarassed that I didn't know where to start.  She measured me and gave me some to try on.  I'm in a 46D!!  They only had 1 bra in my size, but they had the buy 2 get 2 free so I ordered the rest and they are shipping them to me for free.  OMG!  I actually have a bra that fits!!!  And they look so perky!!!  LOL!  I really need to get some pictures taken...  I keep putting it off.  Head shots are just easier...  But they aren't showing my progress...  In the next week or so, I'll work on getting my pics updated.

So that's all I got for now.  I still love my VSG!  I'm so glad to be rid of 130+ pounds...  Still got 140 something left to go!  Can't wait to see what next year brings!

Hi ho... hi ho.  It's off to work I go!!!  

Panic and anxiety and sabatoge, oh my!!

Dec 15, 2007

One year ago on Dec. 17th, I suffered my first panic attack.  I honestly thought I was having a heart attack.  We were at my husband's grandmother's house when it happened.  Tomorrow we are having christmas there and I can't help but feel anxiety when I think about going over there.  I don't know what it is and to make matters worse, I'll be going alone with the girls because brandon has to work.

There is no reason why I should feel panic over going over there.  I just do and I can't explain it.  

And the raw cookie dough I ate a few hours ago really isn't helping the whole situation either.  I feel sick to my stomach and there's nothing I can do to make it go away.  

I don't know why I do this to myself.  I know better...  uuugghhh...  

6 months post-op today!

Dec 04, 2007

OMG!  I am 6 months today!!!  I can't believe that the past 6 months have gone by so fast!  Christmas is quickly approaching...  I'm no where near done with my shopping!!!

Yesterday, I made 299!!  I was so hoping to be under 300 by my 6 month mark and I just barely did!!!  I can't even begin to explain how excited I was to see a 2 in front of that number!  Going from 425 to 299...  It's just insane!  I've lost 126 total and 104 since surgery 6 months ago!

The only down side to this is I feel like I'm singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall"...  It always takes forever to get to the 1 that's left!!!!  I know I'll do it... even if it takes me whole year to do it!!!  

Lately, I feel like I'm fighting for every pound to come off!  Constantly making little changes here and there so I'll start losing again.  I can't afford a big stall...  

My first big goal was that I wanted to be at my half way point by christmas...  I only have 11 pounds to lose till I get there...  I don't know if I can do it.  Last month I lost 13-14 pounds...  So far this month I've already lost 4...  In October, I only lost 7 pounds...  I know I say "only" and it's still a loss...  I'm proud of it, really!  I just don't want to set myself up to fail and be dissapointed.  I know I'll get half way there eventually...  I would just really love to do it by christmas.  Just the fact that I'm in the 2's makes it seem all the more possible!

It still amazes me that I don't feel hungry like I used too...  I know when it's time to eat, but there are some times that I forget.  I love that this tool has helped me learn to cope with my food addiction.  It is so much easier to make better choices for my body.  And when I do make not so good choices, I am extremely limited as to how much I can eat.  

Some crazy lady was on here last week making claims that this surgery will make you emotionally vacant...  Honestly, I don't think I've ever experienced such a rollercoaster of emotions.  I feel passion like I've never felt it before...  I feel love...  I feel acceptance...  So many feelings this journey has invoked in me!!  

A big part of my "recovery" has been my support group meetings at my surgeon's office.  They are moving to another town and it's inconvenient for me to go now...  Tonight is the last meeting so of course, I'll be there...  But it makes me so sad that I might have to close that chapter and move on to another.  This site is an awesome place and I think I'm here way too much... LOL!  But It's different with my surgical support group meetings.  I'm hoping that they can work something out so we can still have them in BR every now and again so me and some others can still attend.  

I meant to get my DH to take some pics of me yesterday while he was home, but I never got around to it...  I need updated pictures...  for myself, really...  I have a really hard time seeing the changes just looking in the mirror...  It's not until I compare the 2 that I really see the difference.  I look at a picture of me at my highest and swear that's what I still look like, even though I know that it's not...  Insane!

Ok...  well enough rambling...  This is my 6 month update and I feel fantastic!!!  I love my sleeve!!!!

Hugs to you all!!!

I need a century card!

Nov 24, 2007

I finally made it!!!  Almost 6 months out and I finally made my 100 pounds lost since surgery...  122 total lost from my highest!

Weighing in at 303 this morning, TWOTERVILLE is in sight!!!

153 left to go!!!  Almost half way there!

At work, should be working, bored and I have a cold...

Oct 30, 2007

The title says it all...  my nose is raw from the sneezing fits I've had all morning.  It feels like someone opened my skull and poured water in...  I feel so icky!  My girls and I just keep going back and forth with being sick.  Apparently it's my turn again.  Oh well...  nothing I can do about it.

I was reading through my profile, just remembering what the whole process was like.  I'm so glad that I thought to write my thoughts out on here as I went through the process.  I've been slowly becoming more and more accustomed to being a 300 pound person and not a 400 pound person, that I had forgotten what day-to-day life was like.  Just some of the things that I talked about reminded me of how hard things were.  

I would take the time to go into the details, but the benedryl I took is kicking in and I'm having trouble concentraiting...  I guess that's why I'm on here instead of working.  Work can wait...  

I am just so happy that I did this.  I remember the anxiety that I used to feel when I would get in public situations.  Phobic even...  It was bad.  It's gone...  I haven't felt like that in a long time.  My sweet husband told me the other day when we were at Walmart that he likes to watch me walk now.  I asked him what's the difference in how I used to walk to the way I walk now.  He said that you walk with confidence and you hold your head up...  It's like a dream, remembering what walking was like 100+ pounds ago.  Trying to picture a fatter more miserable you wobbling around...  cranky and whining that I have to walk all the way across the store to get the jug of milk when I was just over there 5 minutes ago.  

What kind of life was that?  Why had I allowed myself to be that way?  I'm so glad that I'm not that person anymore.  The more I think about how things were the more I get motivated to do something that improves the me now.   

I was thinking about those days that we would binge...  we had at least 3-4 days a month that we would do this...  It's sickening...  I can go to McDonalds and buy one of those 2 cheese burger value meals with a bottle water and let my girls split it for $4.33...  DH and I used to go to Burger King and buy $20 worth of food and still want more.  Double whopper fully loaded with a king sized fries and a king sized rootbeer... then get a double stacker on the side and maybe another order of king sized fries...  gross...  Taco Bell, chicken taco salad, mexican pizza, and 2 buritto's of some kind and a large drink...  Sonic, Double sonic burger meal, sonic sized with tots, Route 44 cherry coke, foot long chili cheese coney, and a butterfinger blast...  OMFG..  How in the hell did we do that...  Each of those were just one of my meals.  Those don't even inclued our "sweet tooth" indulgences...  Even I don't want to think about those...

Life is so different now.  We thought that eating that way was normal.  Everyone did stuff like that...  just not twice a week, maybe...  NOT...  Normal people don't eat 3000+ calories in one sitting... EVER!!!  It's no wonder I was so miserable.  You are what you eat, right?  Fill up with crap and you feel like crap...  

It's so funny now that I will argue with myself over a 100 calorie bag of kettle corn popcorn...  

I haven't been to the gym in what feels like weeks.  I didn't want to go with my back hurting and now that it's getting back to normal, I get sick.  I really miss going.  As soon as I can shake this coughing and sneezing...  I've got 27.5 pounds till my christmas goal which is 8 weeks from today...  I can't wait till the November challenge to help get my butt in gear!

Brandon weighed the other day and was at 265...  34 pounds down from his highest.  That's less than he was when we got married.  He wants to be at 255 for Thanksgiving when his uncle comes into town.  I am so proud of him.  He is doing this without the help of surgery.  He still indulges in some not so healthy things when he's at work, but I guess that's to be expected when you work in a restaurant.  

I'm sorry this turned out to be so long...  I just got to typing and couldn't stop.  I think I'm done for now though...  gonna finish my lunch and get back to work now...

Love and hugs to all!

Face Comparison

Oct 22, 2007

At my highest of 425 12/17/06

10/22/07 - - 319...  106 pounds gone forever!

No more stalls... PLEASE!!!

Oct 22, 2007

So I got sick earlier this month and lost 8 pounds in a week...  It's been a week since and I haven't lost a thing.  The scale even went up 3 pounds and I've been fighting to get those off!  Then this whole back situation has made excercising impossible and that of course isn't helping matters.  I feel so out of control!  The only thing that I can control is what I am eating and I'm doing fine there.  I just hate not seeing the scale go down.  

I had a big goal for myself for Christmas....  I need to lose another 31.5 pounds to get there in 9 weeks.  That's 3.5 pounds per week I need to lose.  Every day that I don't lose, that number for the week goes up!!!  I'm starting to feel like it was an unreasonable goal to begin with.  

I know that it's not always about the scale.  My clothes are definitely looser.  I feel great other than my back hurting.  I am so pleased with my progress pictures so far.  I guess I'm just in one of those funks...

I make 20 weeks out tomorrow.  Maybe after having 2 kids, I've got my mind set on that 40 week thing...  20 being half way there...  

I think I just need to re-evaluate my goal and set it for something that won't set me up to feel failure...  I would love to be under 300 by christmas.  That's only 20 pounds away...  I don't think that's asking too much.  I know I need to bump up my protein and structure my workouts.  So in the next few weeks I'll really focus on that and hopefully get to where I want to be by christmas... and if not... then I'll just have to cross that bridge when I get to it.  

Thanks for listing to me ramble.... 

About Me
Walker, LA
Surgery Date
Apr 03, 2007
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