happy 4 yr anniversary!

Dec 11, 2012

Today is the 4th year anniversary to when I took control of my life.

Since last year,  I have run 5 half marathons and 1 full marathon. 

I love me.  I love me in my life.




Oct 04, 2009

life is good.  my outlook is sweeter and fresher.  I feel good. 
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wow. UNDER 200

Jun 10, 2009

it's official.  I've been under 200 pounds for the last week now.

I haven't been one hundred something in, gosh,  I don't know how long.

I feel amazing.

Happy 6th month to my fellow surgery mates.


Apr 07, 2009

Very cautiously, yesterday I did a 3 mile hike behind my folk's place.  The first part is a horrendous hill that inclines to the point that I have to lean forward or I'll fall backwards.  and I told myself that I would just do the hill and turn around...but I got there and I felt really good....so I kept going.  I'll just go untl I get tired is what I kept thinking.  and then it's a mile 2 and I'm still feeling good so I decided to jog a little bit.  I'll just go until I get tired is what I was thinking.  and then I ended up jogging that last mile home!!!
I'm so sore today and I'm so thankful to feel the soreness because it's been a loooong time since I felt my muscles at all!!
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first 50

Mar 24, 2009

it's official.  I went and weighed in today and I've lost 50.2 pounds. 
feels amazing.

oh.  I just recently realized that I can comfortably cross my legs!
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3 months

Mar 10, 2009

I can't believe three months have gone by since I started my new life.

I can't begin to say how thankful and blessed I really feel.
I feel wonderful!
I can move and walk and even do aerobics with Richard Simmons!
I went to a hockey game last night and I ACTUALLY FIT IN THE DARN SEAT!

I was thinking today about how scared I was days before my surgery.  I wondered if I would be miserable because I couldn't eat.  I was terrified that I would suffering and upset because I would be unable to eat, yet I was still willing to make that sacrafice if it meant losing weight and being happier.

I can't believe how free I am.  I am free.  Wow.  I just started to cry a little.
Truly, truly I am blessed.
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I <3 Richard Simmons

Mar 07, 2009

I worked out with the one and only Richard Simmons today!  and it was fabulous!
not only because he's such a wonderful caring and supportive human being, but because I kept up the entire work out and really feel sooo good about it!

whoooooooo hoooooooo!

He came up during class and gave me a huge hug and he told me he could tell I was sassy and to keep it up!

Just really pleased all round and proud that I didn't have to sit down or take a break.  I went the entire hour.
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yeah. back to normal

Feb 27, 2009

so i lost whatever I had gained from pms and am back on track.
i'm officially out of the 220's and into the 210's.  Feels like a dream.
I haven't been under 200 in decades.  I don't know how I'm going to feel when I get there.
I almost don't believe it's going to really happen.


pms blows

Feb 24, 2009

so this last week has been amazing.  I feel like I was losing a pound every 1-2 days.  And then this morning my scale said I gained 3 pounds!

but I know I'm about to start my period and tried to just take it all in stride. 

What a great journey this has been.

my fridge is overflowing

Feb 14, 2009

I opened my fridge today and realized the poor thing is stacked to capacity.
I ate out 3 times this week and I have so many left overs it's not funny.

It takes me days to finish the food.  I think I may have to learn to just not take it home.  Most of the time I end up throwing it away if it sits in the fridge too long anyway.

I have some thai chicken and salmon and now a quiche to get through.  Or maybe I just don't have them bring out the rice or the sides because I don't eat them anyways. 

But it's a nice feeling to go and order and not over do it.


About Me
Los Angeles, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 22, 2001
Member Since

Friends 31

Latest Blog 16
