
Apr 07, 2009

Very cautiously, yesterday I did a 3 mile hike behind my folk's place.  The first part is a horrendous hill that inclines to the point that I have to lean forward or I'll fall backwards.  and I told myself that I would just do the hill and turn around...but I got there and I felt really I kept going.  I'll just go untl I get tired is what I kept thinking.  and then it's a mile 2 and I'm still feeling good so I decided to jog a little bit.  I'll just go until I get tired is what I was thinking.  and then I ended up jogging that last mile home!!!
I'm so sore today and I'm so thankful to feel the soreness because it's been a loooong time since I felt my muscles at all!!

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Los Angeles, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 22, 2001
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