Cathy_C. 17 years ago

It's somebody's surgery day - I wonder who....It's somebody's surgery day - I wonder who... Michelle!!!! Best wishes & prayers for a perfect surgery and super smooth recovery. Cathy C.

Connie D. 17 years ago

Good Luck tomorrow on your surgery!!! Will be sending good thoughts and prayers your way. connie d

lorri V. 17 years ago

Hi Michelle, I'll be praying for you. Hope everything goes well and you have a speedy recovery. Love & Hugs. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a> lorriv

huskerfan85 17 years ago

Good luck, may you have a speedy uneventful recovery.

Kelly R. 17 years ago

Best Wishes Michelle! Keep us posted on your progress and needs. We're all pulling for you! Hugs! Kelly

H A. 17 years ago

Best of luck Michelle. I know you'll do great. I'm the day after you. Heidi

Nancy6540 17 years ago

Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery from surgery.

Cira S. 17 years ago

Nichelle, Wishing you all the best in your surgery tomorrow. May your recovery be swift and uneventful. Best wishes!

mittenfarm 17 years ago

Best wishes to you ....hope you fly through it!! Can't wait til my turn!! -Wanda

dsclifford 17 years ago

Good Luck!!
About Me
Los Angeles, CA
Surgery Date
Mar 20, 2007
Member Since

Friends 50

Latest Blog 13
I am a registered nurse!
I did it!
I'm almost a nurse!!!!
Love lost
Bad Scale
Let's go workout!
I'm fixed
In the hospital
