
Nov 05, 2006

Hi, I just remembered something that I needed to add to my profile. The day of my surgery, Dr. Barker had told me to be sure to take my blood pressure medicine that morning and I did...... Since that day, 10/27/2006, I have not had one blood pressure pill. I can't take them because my blood pressure is already running so low that if I took them I wouldn't have a blood pressure. I just took it and it is 107/62. I look at that and say to myself, are you believeing this???? I have been on blood pressure medicine for at least 18 years. Every single day of my life for 18 years and then within one days time.... no more. I am so amazed at how quickly things are changing.. Wow what a ride. 
I also have to start today on a whole new outlook. I have tried some things the last couple of days that probably should have waited for a few more days but I was easy with them and didn't over do. Some things worked, some things didn't. And to be honest, when they didn't I knew pretty quickly. I have only eaten too quickly one time and that was an experience. Knew it would happen just hope that I am past that issue.  Dizzy for a long long time. I have gone out and tried to walk but what I found was that I wasn't being as proactive with it as I should be so I am getting my gazelle set up today and will faithfully get on it at least one time a day if not more and will do the recommended times daily so I can build my stamina to be ready for the other stuff as soon as I am able to do it. That is all for now. More later, Cindy


Oct 31, 2006

Hello, here I sit in front of this computer to put down things that have been happening to me this last few days. I had my surgery on 10/27/06 and I got to come home on the 28th. I was glad as the hospital is so far from my home. Made it difficult for people to be able to help me out. My sister was here to help me through yesterday afternoon when she went back home. She wanted to be with her grandchildren for Halloween. I didn't get to see my grandchildren as they live in two different directions and they just did their thing in their own neighborhoods.
I think that I am healing pretty good except that I have one incision that runs pretty fast when I am sitting up so when I get finished here I will have to check and see if it closed off or if it is still running.
I am thinking if it is still dripping so much I may have to call the Dr. office and see if it is normal.
I hate my vitamins and I got what they told me would be good for me but I can't do them so I am going to have to find something that I can tolerate. I wasn't a good vitamin person before and I know that I have to take them so I am thinking if I stayed healthy before with no vitamins just any would be better than none. So I will have to go to the store and take care of the issue.
I hate chicken broth and refuse to drink it. I can do like the stuff from chicken noodle soup or raman noodle soup but not the plain broth. Makes me riggor. I have lost weight but then that is only normal since I am not basically eating anything. I did finally have a small BM today which makes me happy. I knew that the intestines were rumbling and producing gas but really needed the other to say ok I am truely on the mend.
Well, I haven't said much here but I am doing better and hope to continue to get better every day.
More later, CKM


Oct 26, 2006

Well, here I set, about to get up and get dressed and ready to face this day of a new beginning. This weather blew in last night and I woke up this morning with a scratchy throat. Hopefully it is only sinus issues since I am due for surgery at 2:00 this afternoon.
I am pretty excited and I know that things will go well. I will be back to post once I am on the losers bench..  


Oct 21, 2006

I should have come back sooner and posted. My Dr. office got everything worked out and it was just an error in my policy that was changed back so that my surgery is still on for the 27th and I am on my liquid diet.
The nutrition center called today and I have an appointment with them on Thursday to go over the things I will need to know post op. I am praying that things will go well enough for me surgery wise that I will be able to come back home the day after surgery. I think that as long as I am up and walking and passing gas and all that other rot, they will let me go home. Oh and I can't be running any fever.
Maybe I should go Thursday and get me some liquid tylenol or maybe those Tylenol to go tabs that they have now. well I need to go to bed. Will add more later,


Oct 18, 2006

I tell ya, Every time I think that things are going to be great and that everything is just flowing smoothly, someone throws a wrench in my chain and it just goes all to heck.
I had been scheduled for 10/23/06 for surgery, then because of issues not related to me, it had to get scheduled for 10/27/06. Well today, I get a call from the Dr. office saying that my insurance is saying that I have out of network insurance but not for bariatrics. ERGHHHHHHHHHHHH
Now I am trying to patiently wait for the Dr. office the Hospital and my Insurance to get things worked out. It is so very frustrating because I can't seem to ever get it to continue to flow smoothly. I am praying that this is just all a mistake and I will still be having surgery on the 27th.. I am really upset about it right now.
I will write more later.

My old posts from 8/09/06 to 10/09/06

Oct 16, 2006

After a failure to get approved with one surgeon, I felt that it was in my best interest to seek out a different surgeon. I learned that I really needed a surgeon and his staff that really made me feel important. Dr. Wade Barker and his office staff set me at ease on my first visit and I am just so happy that I made the decision to switch.

8/09/06 Today is a new day and I am so happy to be alive. I went to a new surgeon yesterday and am so glad that I did. The feeling that I got from this surgeon and his office and the whole experience was about 100% better than the feelings I got with the other surgeon.
When I look back on the other surgeon, it was almost like being herded through and was a hurry up and wait situation. This is the best move I could have ever made and whether I actually get to have the surgery now or not, well, I just know that I have made a step in the better direction.
Lots more to post but have to get ready for work. will add too this evening after work.
I am so excited!

8/17/06: Well today I had to go weigh in at Dr. Barker's office and I had to set things up for my EGD that will be done on Monday
and get things ready to roll as far as starting over to get this surgery. I have my sleep study tonight and am a little curious as to what they will find out at this study. I think I have slight sleep apnea but have never been tested so I know that it is the right thing to do to find out what all is going on with me medically.
I am excited about the possibility of having the surgery but then when I hear things like today when Que Rust had to post that her husband was having complications and that they had to do another surgery and that he is in intensive care with less than a 50% chance to pull through. Well it makes you think really hard about what you are doing and question whether you are ready to really work the tool of WLS and move to lose. I pray that Tom will be ok.
will update more later. Oh yes, just like what happened before I have gained more weight so my BMI is up to where I don't think they will deny my surgery on that basis anymore.
Thanks for reading my profile.

EGD today. Well, today I went to Doctor's Hospital and had an EGD done. I was there longer than expected but not for any reason other than they were quite busy. Dr. Barker did a biopsy on one spot on my stomach I guess and said he saw a couple of other places that he wasn't too concerned with. Actually though, I don't know much about it cause he talked to my husband and he is a little hard of hearing and doesn't ask any questions so all I know is that I have to make an appointment and go see him again in a week. I had a little accident though and it was quite uncomfortable. I was able to leave my jeans on and only had to undress from the waist up and put on the gown. Well, then I guess I needed to use the rest room a little before I went in to have the proceedure done cause when I got up to get dressed??? My pants were wet. I wet my pants during surgery. Oh, talk about turning red. I told my husband, I wet my pants... How on earth did that happen? Well I know how it happened but I thought I had better control. I guess that when they give you drugs you have no control huh?
Well, I guess I will just have to wait and see what the results of that test were. I also know that the sleep study tech said I would have to have another nights study. So, suppose I will be doing that soon too. I am really ready to get on with things but know that all of these tests are for my own good to be sure that things are good before we do surgery.

September 18,2006
I found out today that I have been approved for surgery. I have put in my profile information that I was approved after the first letter because, it is the first letter since I changed surgeons and therefore, I think it is a good thing. I also am happy to state that I know my papers didn't go to the insurance company until last
Monday 9/11/06 and that makes my approval in one week.
wooooo hooooo.... I am doing the silly dance cause I am just so excited that this is finally going to happen for me.
Now I have to really get serious about the vitamins and the water again and getting prepared to eat healthier and just live a healthier lifestyle. I will try to be better at updating things cause I believe that things are really getting ready to roll here.
More later

September 28,2006
I have a surgery date. I went to Dr. Barker's office today for my second consult and got my surgery date of 10/23/06.
I think that this date is pretty cool as it is my only grand daughter's 5th birthday. I start my liquid diet on what would have been my grannie's birthday. Wheew.. a whole week of liquids when I haven't had surgery?? That is going to be tough. But, I will manage it somehow.  I did find out for sure that I have sleep apnea and I have a hernia that should correct itself when Dr. Barker does my surgery. If not, he will fix it. He wanted me to do another night of sleep study but I told him that I just couldn't afford another test. I promised that I would wake up from surgery. He kept looking at me then he said well we will have a cpap machine at the hospital and we can just put it on you if we feel like we need to do that.
I know now that is why I am always tired. I don't get a good nights rest. I do hope that this surgery will make a difference in that area because I would love to pop out of bed like I used to with energy and excitement to face a new day. I know that I am doing the right thing and that God will be with me through this journey.

October 7,2006
Well I don't get on here and update or even journal like I should. I am doing alright. Waiting on my day to have surgery. I haven't told my mother that I have a date yet. She is such a gossip and will have to tell the entire world and I am not ready for that.
I have an Aunt that lives around the corner from my mother and she is so against me having this surgery that I haven't told her either. I just get so tired of people saying well here is this weight loss program or if you do this or do that. I am almost 52 years old and have been the over weight person in the family all of my life.
The only time in my life that I actually got thin was when I was doing speed.   I didn't do that long but I did it long enough and believe me.. It isn't the thing to do.  I do want to be healthy and have more energy to do things with my grand children. I want to be here for the birth of my newest grand son and to hold him in my arms and sing you are my sunshine to him. I am hoping to live long enough for my son and daughter in law to come around and let me see my only grand daughter. She will be 5 years old on the day I have surgery. It is stupid... they live in Addison and I live in Dallas, well, almost Duncanville but still, I have not seen my grand daughter Madelaine since January this year. And she is so beautiful. I guess I will put some pictures out there so I can let people know who my family is.
That is all for now I suppose. I will try to do better but am not making any promises about how often I will update.
Surgery is 10/23/06... Sometimes when I think of it, I get a little nervous.

I got a call from Dr. Barker's office today and Earlene had to tell me that I couldn't have my surgery the day I was supposed to have it. The other cases had a different insurance than me and the hospital wouldn't take their insurance and they all had to go to a different hospital. So, since I didn't really care to go to that hospital, it turns out that I will be having surgery on the actual first date that she and I picked on the 28th of September, that date being October 27th, 2006.
I had changed it that same day because I found out that Dr. Barker did surgery at a hospital much closer to home. Well, like most other things I have found out about this surgery, it isn't turning out to be anything on my time frame or my way. It is a time of me having to let go and let God do this cause I apparently was not supposed to choose when or where I would have this surgery,
That is all for now. More later.

About Me
Ovilla, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 22, 2006
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Friends 118

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2 years later
Cajun Girl Dana's in the kitchen..YEA!!
Been too long
01/17/07 another snow day
