Sneak preview...

Jan 16, 2009

So I've been posting some of my favorite recipes on the boards.  Some of them, like my taco casserole (which technically I didn't invent but I did tweak and advertise) are quite popular.  Some, which shall remain nameless, I accept that only I probably like since I haven't gotten particularly good feedback.

Many newbie's wonder how to get creative with food.  For me, it starts with a want and the fun and challenging part is figuring out how to get what I want while on plan.  To that effect, I'm going to post a preview of something I'm going to try this weekend.  

I've been missing French dip sandwiches.  Have you ever had one?  They are DREAMY.  Hard crusty bread...roast beef...melty cheese and onions and then you dip it in this really flavorful broth called au jus.  YUUUUUUUUMMMM...ok...what were we talking about again?  Oh yeah, modification...right...

So here is how I'm going to ATTEMPT to make this work for me:

French dip quesadilla

Why a quesadilla?  Well a couple of reasons.  First because you can get tortillas in small sizes that are WLS, are whole wheat and low carb.  French bread generally is not low-carb. 

So here's how we're gonna do this:


1 soft taco sized La Tortilla Factory whole wheat, low-carb tortilla - if you're gonna do a carb, this is the way to do it
2 oz. of Hillshire Farm Deli Select Roast Beef
1 slice of deli cut Provolone cheese - this is the splurge.  Cheese is evil.  But good
Some slices of onion, sauteed
Optional:  sauteed green pepper and mushrooms (might...might not)

Now with a quesadilla my main beef is that you have to fry it.  Mind you I use EVOO and all that jazz but I'm trying to live better.  So I'm going to attempt something crazy...a BAKED quesadilla.  WOOOOOO...

So I will take a piece of aluminum foil and spray it with nonstick.  Place the tortilla on it and load it up with the ingredients on one side.  THIS IS IMPORTANT: you need to cut the cheese in half.  Do a layer of cheese, a layer of meat/veggies, and a layer of cheese.  The cheese is the glue that holds the damn thing together!!!  It is also important that this thing is seasoned well.  I plan to season the onions/veggies well b/c Lord knows the roast beef has enough sodium without me adding anymore. 

So once I got it all loaded up I'm gonna fold it as if it were already a quesadilla and I'm going fold the foil over it.  I'm going to secure it with a toothpick.  Then I'm going to put it in the broiler for about 3-5 minutes. 

What I'm HOPING will happen is that the cooking spray will cause the tortilla to become crispy inside the foil while still providing that wonderful nonstick property.  Meanwhile the cheese will melt, the beef will warm and hopefully what I'll get is a gooey disc of cheesy beefyness.

While all this is happening I'll be busting my ass to bring a can of au jus (they sell a mix in the store) to a boil...on second thought perhaps I should make the au jus before doing the quesadilla and then warm while it's cooking.  This is a learning process.

Once it's out I'll transfer it to a cutting board and cut it into wedges.  Pour the au jus in a little bowl and eat immediately.  French dip sandwiches hinge on getting a crispy, melty, beefy sandwich together with warm broth, so I won't let it sit.  I'm going to eat it right then and there and I'm gonna love it.

Hopefully.  If it turns out right.  

I'll let you know how it goes. :-) 



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Baltimore, MD
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Jan 21, 2008
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