August 06 Journal

Oct 17, 2006

August 14, 06
My 7 month came and went and it seems like my weight loss has picked back up.  I was bouncing around the same few lbs. for a while but now I'm down to 141 so I'm pretty happy!  I keep telling myself that I am fine with not losing another pound but dang it; I would like to see what I look like at 135.  I'm already thinking I'm too thin but I hate my thighs and my tummy so I keep thinking if I loose a little more it might make a difference.  I don't think I will ever like my thighs; they are so lumpy and bumpy, not very shapely.  I have made an appointment with Dr. for September 6th so I can talk about my breasts and tummy.  I would love to have those done before the wedding.  I keep thinking then I can wear a bikini on our honeymoon but if my thighs still look like they do now there is no way I'm showing them off.  :(    So anyways back to more positive things.  As far as losing more weight.  I have increased my caloric intake to help maintain.  I want to increase my strength training to build more muscle too.  I slacked big time last week and called out sick both nights to the gym with my trainer.  I didn't go at all last week.  No cardio no nothing!!!  I seriously had no energy to work out.  I kept forgetting to take my vitamins so I think that is why I'm so tired. I also need to go get my B-12 shot tomorrow I forgot to get that at the beginning of the month also. 


I'm really looking forward to seeing everybody this Friday for Kev's party.  I'm so ready to dance and shake my ass with everyone!  I'm glad Kevin’s time has come, he deserves it.  I know that lately he has been feeling a little nervous so think good thought for him okay!  He really is a great guy!  :)  Well that is it for me today, Oh I did reach one of my goals that I posted at the top, I went into Fredrick’s and bought$ 150.00 worth of stuff!  I'm outta control!  I actually haven't done that much shopping because I have maintained the same size now for a while, 8/10 in pants, 6 or 8 in dresses, medium in tops with some smalls in t-shirts and skirts are a 6.  I love that my waist is sooo tiny but my hips don't seem to be budging.  I know I have lost inches off of them but they look so bad that all I can see is the big thighs I used to have back in January.


My diet has gotten better; I went on a downward spiral a few weeks ago eating everything in sight.  I was eating candy and chocolate and all kinds of bad things.  Well I seem to have gotten that back under control.  It such a conscious decision to eat healthier especially when there is so much junk around all the time.  I have tried to surround myself with better choices.  And I have carb attacks often so I bought the 100 calorie packs of crackers and stuff so that way if I feel like I'm about to cheat I just grab one of those, I know it's not the best decision but I feel it helps me cause it is a measured amount of food and I can track that better than opening up a box and counting out the crackers and such.  I also had to up my protein again, for some reason I was only drinking an Atkins shake for my protein and trying to get the rest from food.  I was lacking for quiet a while in the protein department.  I went this month and bought two cases of the Isopure zero carb to help me out again.  I really want to try the Profect but I just didn't like the flavor of one so I haven't tried the other ones. 


My hair is still falling out in handfuls.  It is making me worried but I would rather be bald than fat!   Overall I like the results of this surgery.  I feel fantastic, I look great and life is so much more fun.  Thank you for taking the time to read all this!  I'm done rambling.  I gotta go! 



August 25
Okay peoples part of my wishes have come true,  no I'm not a lottery winner but I'm on an extended vacation due to a layoff!!! Whoot Whoot!   I had been thinking about taking some time off to relax since my job has been kind of making me crazy.  So that was my excited news.  But let me rewind here to last weekend - My dear dear sweet angellette had his last supper(s) parties last weekend and we tore that club up!  Man it was off the HOOK!!!!   I came out wearing something from Fredrick’s of Hollywood and I can't believe I pulled it off!  Ohhh dang, I gotta run, kids are going crazy.  I will be back later!


July 06 Journal

Oct 17, 2006

July 13, 06 
Well I'm back from a great vacation.  Had a blast with my family, they were all surprised to see me so skinny.  Most of them were very proud of me and my hard work.  I didn't let them know I had surgery I think I will tell them next year when they come out for the wedding.  I just wanted this vacation to be about having fun.  By the time the wedding rolls around it will have been over a year since the surgery so they will see it worked for me with no complications.  I have fallen off track a bunch in the last month.  After my birthday dinner tonight I'm going back to the basics for my diet.  I feel horrible about my eating and the fact that I haven't really lost as much weight as I feel I should have.  There is no reason why I'm not at my goal weight of 135 already.  So starting tomorrow no more excess carbs...  No sugar cause it's starting to make me dump!!!  Thank god!  I hadn't dumped till this past week and let me tell you... it sucked!  I was out of commission for about 3 hour’s cause of some peanuts.  Well this has to be a quick update.   But here are some pics for your viewing enjoyment!

July 20, 06 
I had a great time at the races yesterday. I won on the first race, $22.00 but I only came home with $2.00. Heck that was more than I won last year!  My friends and I all felt really cute in out hats and dresses. I have a new picture up on my Myspace if you want to check it out; it's on the WWW link down below. Then last night my family and I went out to dinner and we went shopping. It was the first time my mom, Jesse and I did anything like that all together. It was fun because he got to see what really goes on whey my mom and I are in a store together! He was telling me to put some of the clothes back cause I have too many as it is! I do seriously have a shopping addiction but I think it's cause I'm in smaller sizes now and I feel like if I see something I like and it fits I NEED to buy it. I do have waaaaaayyyy to many clothes!

I have some exciting news; I have a job interview on Friday!!!! I have slowly been getting irritated at my job and decided last week that I wanted to quit and take a month off but now I had an opportunity land in my lap that I don't really think I could pass up! I took my job now with a serious pay cut because of all the potential it had but it has not panned out, it's been two years and I have only closed two deals and I still get paid less than everyone else even though I do the same amount of work. I feel like the red headed step child. So wish me luck, I really hope I land this new job because it would mean better pay, better benefits and hopefully it will keep me busy!

July 26, 2006
Today I had my 6 month appointment with Dr. Rumsey.  He and I went over my labs which were an A+ according to him. Then we talked about my weight loss and he said I have done an excellent job with it.  I told him that if I didn't lose another pound I would be happy.  And he said great!!!  I'm at a good weight now so now I have to maintain.  Honestly I think I will probably lose more but only another 10 - 15 lbs more is all I wouldn't mind losing.  Anything more than that would be too much I think.  I don't have to go back to see him for another 6 months. I bet by then I will have my plastics all lined up too.  Man I'm ready for some new hooters!!! These rocks in socks are cutting it anymore for me!  I over want my arms done, they have come along quite nicely thanks to my trainers help.  But the tummy is still a little loose and my chest is just sad.  I will be starting the research on that by October at the latest.  I want to get the girls lifted before the wedding definitely.  Okay people I'm off... talk to you all later! 

June 06 Journal

Oct 17, 2006

June 17, 06  
Well my 5 Month Surgiversary came and went and I didn't post anypics.  I have been really busy with my LIFE!!!!   I realized the other night that I haven't been sitting in the house on the weekends like I used to, lately I have been on the GO GO GO !!!  This past month I have been to quite a few functions with the lovely OH People.  Craig Park was a blast; Vicki's night out to Lips was great fun.  Kev came down along with Deion and we all went out for dinner and some fun with our kids, then the same weekend there was Vicki's good bye picnic and we went to a Padres game.  It seems like every weekend has something planned in it, in fact I get no rest for the next month and a half!!!  Birthday parties, vacations, high school reunions, company picnic planning, HECK I am one busy girl!!!  I am so happy I had WLS,  at this point I can eat just about anything I want to try, I still feel like I have a limited diet my daily menu looks a little bleak  here is an example: 
B: protein shake 
S: jerky 
L: lunchables 1/2 
S: jerky 
D: nothing is really set for dinner 
S: popsicle
I eat the same things over and over again.  Every once in a while I get a wild hair and try something new but pretty much my menu is boring.  I did try a bite of steak the other day and it actually went down easy but still haven't sat down and had it for a meal.  I did make some Carne Asada and that went down okay but I have been wanting a big steak broiled!   
As far as my weight loss, I have been in the 150's for a month or so now,  I'm pretty happy with my progress but I'm starting to get bummed that I haven't been losing faster.  I'm in a size 10 pants and a medium top.  I bought a size 8 dress and some size 8 skirts!  I still work out with my trainer and he wants me to up my cardio.  I think I'm going to squeeze in another day at the gym just to get more cardio in.  I know I have been losing inches but really I want to see the pounds drop still.  I get down to 152 then back up to 156 during the week,  then it seems like by the weekend I'm back down to 153 but can't ever break out of the 150's.  :(   I know I shouldn't complain but I thought I would lose more than 70 lbs total.  I have said on more than one occasion that if I didn't lose another pound I would be happy with the size that I am but I do feel like I owe it to myself to try and get down to as small as possible, just to see how I look, then if I don't like it I can try and gain a little bit back and maintain.  I am still registered to run that 1/2 marathon in September but I haven't really started training for it yet.  I have figured out that I'm just not a runner so I'm not sure if I'm going to go thru with it.  I'm kind of disappointed in myself for taking on such a big task and not following thru with it but my schedule doesn't allow for the training and quite frankly running is boring.  Jesse and I are looking into buying bikes to start doing rides in our neighborhood.  I think that is more up my alley anyways; I used to do a lot of biking when I was growing up.  
Jesse and I are doing fantastic.  I can tell he likes that I'm more active and getting slim!  We are still planning our wedding; so far I have the reception/ceremony site.  I have the dress!!! I went dress shopping last weekend and found a dress that I absolutely love; it was the first one I tried on!  I was so paranoid about the sizes, I kept asking my two friends what size they had to get because they are much smaller than me (or so I thought) and they both ended up with 10's.  Well I went in and tried on dresses that were size 12 and size 10.  The 12's had to be clipped into place in order for them to stay on!  :) I picked the dress and the manager will wait for a month or so to take my measurements hoping that I will get into an 8 by the time they are ready to order it!  I was really happy about that.  Apparently Sarah (a good friend of mine) and I are just about the same size. She is an inch or two taller than me but wears size 8 jeans and medium tops.  I wore my size 10 jeans the other day and felt positively tiny.  I went shopping last night and bought a pair of work out pants - size SMALL!!!  I have never had a size small anything in my adult life.  They weren't really a style that I liked a bunch but I HAD to buy them anyways just cause of the size!!! I'm trying to think if there is anything else that I'm forgetting...   Well can't think of anything so I'm going to go back to bed!!!  Have a good weekend people! Love ya! 

June 30th!!! Vacation today!!!!! 
This has been a crazy week for me, I'm working off of 3 hours sleep right now and I have to go to work for 4 hours then I have a 2 hour drive to Los Angeles for my red eye flight. I know that the 2 hour drive will really end up being a 4-5 hour drive because of holiday traffic. 
I just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a great 4th of July weekend. Look at how far we have come, last year at this time I bet most of us were miserable with the heat and our weight. I wasn't nearly as active I as plan to be this year. 

I also wanted to tell you about my goal... 
When I first had the surgery I didn't really set goals for myself because I was afraid of failure. But after a little time I decided I would set a weight goal for my vacation. Well about 3 months ago I decided that I wanted to hit goal before my vacation, after a while I realized I would not make it to 135 before today June 30th, so I upped the goal by 10 lbs. At the same time I started working out with my trainer and I told him that I wanted to wear a size 8 dress by my high school reunion (it's in the middle of July) Well I did hit that goal but sadly I do not weigh 140 today. I blew my first goal!!!  I am a little sad about it but the fact of the matter is... Last year when I left for vacation, I weighed 230, and was wearing a size 20 in pants and large/xlarge in tops. Today as I fly out of here, I will be wearing a size small (SMALL?!??!) outfit from New York and Company and a SMALL shirt from Old Navy. Now I know their sizes run kind of funny but this is the second pair of pants I have bought that have been a size small. I'm a size 10 in jeans and shorts and a size 8 in skirts and dresses. So basically I blew my goal by 8 lbs but I still feel and look great. I honestly say that if I didn't lose another pound I would be happy with myself and my decision to have WLS. It has completely changed my life!!! This is a huge holiday weekend for me; I have been struggling with the decision to tell my in-laws about my surgery. We have grown very close in the last year or so and I feel kind of bad for not being upfront and honest about them. They haven't seen me since last year so this is going to be quite a shock for them. Sorry for all the ramblings, I just wanted to throw this out there and share with you guys.

April 06 Journal

Oct 17, 2006

May 9th, 06
Well I am down to 160, wearing a size 12 in pants 10 in skirts and a medium in tops. I have lost 70 lbs and  I feel fantastic and actually wouldn't be mad if I didn't lose a single pound more.  I'm starting to plan my wedding to Jesse for next May.  Our relationship has gotten so much better and more stable.  We always have had a love for each other but we did get lost for a little while.  But now we are finally on the same page.  Our little family is doing well right now!   This has been such a crazy journey too!  I have made huge changes in my lifestyle that are only for the better,  I love to exercise now,  I look forward to the gym and love working with my trainer!  He is great at motivating me and helping me look past the stalls and extra skin.    Okay I gotta run but I will post more later!  Love ya!



April 06 Journal

Oct 17, 2006

April 4, 2006
Well I haven't updated recently,  the past two weeks have been okay, actually pretty average!  I have been going to the gym 3-5 times a week, and I have been working hard on getting my protein in again.  I found that I still like the Zone Perfect Bars,  I used to eat those a couple years ago when I was on a diet.  So with 16 grams of protein it works well with my new diet.  I find that if I eat slooooowly I can get the whole bar in in about 45 minutes.  I tried eating turkey meatballs last night and I didn't get sick, so that made me pretty happy also!  Jesse has taken a new interest in his health and has been going to the gym with me.  I can already see a difference in his body,  he is 6'3 and weighs under 180.  He is drinking weight gainers and eating more protein.  We also have been talking about getting married.  Our 6 year anniversary is coming up and I think it is about time! I kindof want him to pop the question all romantic but I don't know if he will do it that way.  Work is slow,  I'm going to start my marketing in the next month so hopefully I can drum up some business.  I don't have much else to report.   My three month surgiversary is coming up on the 9th.  With the way my weight loss has been going I should be over 50 lbs lost since the day of surgery.  Thats not that bad, I guess!  I will post again in a few days! 

April 15, 2005
Well here is a mini update ~ I have gained and lost the same 3 lbs for the last week or so.  Xavier got really sick then we found out it was pnemonia.  I spent 4 hours in the emergency room with him on Tuesday.  He is doing better now but it was pretty scary listening to him choke and cough all night.  I had my identity stolen back at the end of the year last year and I found out that they caught one of the people so I have to go to court in May to testify against her.  But last night I was reviewing my credit report and somebody has done it again,  somehow I have a new American Express card that has been opened in my name with a co-signer, actually I'm the co-signer but their policy won't allow me to find out who I  co-signed for.  BASTARDS!  AMEX did allow me to cancel the card but they cannot release any information to me or a third party ~ even the San Diego PD.  I am totally bummed that this is still going on. 


I went to the gym the other night for a trainer session and got weighed and measured again. It has been 1 month of work outs and the results are in....  I lost a total of 10 inches and 17 lbs.  in a MONTH!   5 inches off my waist alone!  I was pretty stoked and so was my trainer. He says I have made tons of progress since I started with him.  My sessions are almost up and I'm having to decide if I want to continue paying an arm and a leg for training like this but he really wants me to continue with him so he can get me into good enough shape to run the 1/2 marathon in September at Disneyland.  So I guess I will re-up the contract.  Well thats it for now...  Talk to you guys later!


April 22, 06


Toms Farm was today!  Had a great time!  Here is a pic of Kevin, Monica, Helen and I posing as Kevin's Angels!!!!  I met sooo many great people, and my boys had a ton of fun with all the "toys" around.  I have been holding stead at the 165-169 range.  Just playing around with the same 4 lbs.  But I'm not mad about it,  I'm sure it will even itself out soon enough.  I actually am happy with my size and weight right now.  I know I will get smaller but everything here on out is just gravy!  I don't think I will make my goal of 135 by the time of my vacation,  I didn't spend enough time in the gym in the last two weeks and I think that contributed to my stall.  I'm just looking forward to this summer as a skinny person cause last year at my biggest was a challenge due to lack of energy and because of the heat.  I was miserable since I was always sweating,  heck even after a shower I would be sweating.  This year I'm going to N.C. again and I soooo look forward to running around with all my boys, nieces, nephews and sister in laws.  I never did tell Jesse's side of the family about the surgery so this will be a shock for them. 


I'm really looking forward to the Craig Park gathering in May,  that is gonna be a blast.  I love picnics and bbq's so this is right up my alley.  I will update more later.  ~ Love ya

March 06 Journal

Oct 17, 2006

March 4, 06
Well I'm approaching 2 mos out. and I do feel pretty good.  I gained weight this week but the doc said it was just water weight, from being in the hospital.  I discovered a new love for SF Popsicles.  They are the bomb.   I didn't get much protein in this week but I really am going to start working on it again.  I think I just hit a low point and was kindof feeling sorry for myself.  I still am craving crunchy stuff and carbs.  On a good note I bought some size 14 jeans the other day and they fit tight but they fit.   I had bought a couple pairs of 16's they fit pretty good but then I noticed that on Friday they were starting to get baggy.  I honestly didn't think I would lose that fast,  I thought that I would be in a size for longer than 2 weeks at a time.  This is crazy!  

March 9th 2006 
Today I'm two months out and I want to shout from the roof tops! I know I was a lightweight before the surgery but here is my stats now! 
Preop 2 days before sugery I weighed 220. I was wearing a size 20 jeans and an xl shirt. My BMI was 39.0 and I was having a bunch of problems with my asthma. 
TODAY!!! I hopped on the scale and I weighed 179.2! I put on my size 14 jeans. My BMI is 31.7 and I lost my inhaler two weeks ago and didn't even realize it. 
I can see and feel a difference, I haven't felt this good in years. I started with a personal trainer on Tuesday night and I have appts with him 2x a week. I never would of dreamed that I would have a personal trainer. 
This surgery has been a blessing and I am glad that I made the decision. 

March 22, 06 
I am not a runner YET!!!! But I got inspired this weekend reading about the OH'ers that ran that LA Marathon. I have been working with a trainer for a few weeks now and I mentioned it to him and he said why not? So I asked myself the same question. He said it won't be easy but it's a great goal to have, and he is willing to help me train. 

March 24, 06
Well I had a shock right now.  I had been thinking about my vacation to North Carolina and how much weight I will lose before then and OMG....  Right now it's about 18 weeks till my vacation.  On average I lose abut 4.0 lbs a week.  I figure in the next month or so I could stall or slow down but even if I lose at a rate of 2.0 lbs a week I could be down another 36 lbs.  I would only weigh...  134lbs!!!!  That just made my jaw drop.  Thats almost my goal weight.  In six months I will have lost enough to be at my GOAL weight!  In fact right now I'm only 3 lbs from being "moderately overweight" vs. the obese that I am now.  It's weird how the wording plays tricks on  your mind.  Well anyways.  I just had to post this...  It's like a MAJOR WOW moment for me! 

February 06 Journal

Oct 17, 2006

February 4th 06


Well here is another Saturday morning update.  I had an okay week.  I reached the Onderfuls but had a rough week eating. My assistant was laid off and I also found out that I might not be able to do my remodel this year.  Oh well.  Next week is a new week so hopefully it will be better.  As far as my eating this week.  I have been doing well with eating for the last couple of weeks or so.  Not many incidents of puking but this week was a different story.  I guess I have to step back to super soft foods.  Yesterday I couldn't even keep my water down.  Finally last night I was able to drink my Isopure and get in enough protein.  All I had yesterday was my protein shake and the Isopure.  Everything else I puked up.  So as I sit here drinking my protein shake I'm thinking I might just do yogurt and protein shakes all day.  We shall see how it goes.  I feel pretty good other than not eating.  The funny thing is I didn't even feel hungry yesterday so at least I didn't suffer too much.  Okay well I'm off to have a fun filled day of Shopping!!!!!


February 9th 06


Well I am 1 month out and I feel fantastic!  I am down 21 lbs according to my scale.  I had an appt today with my dr but I postponed it cause I haven't had my labs done yet.  I am anxious to see what the scale says at his office.  On the day of my surgery I weighed 215 and today I weigh 194.  I am pleased with the results.  I don't feel like the weight is coming off too fast which is fine by me.  I would rather have a slow and steady weight loss than a rapid one.   Okay that was the mini update.  I'm sure I will do another one this weekend.


February 13, 06


Wow this was a great weekend.  I feel so damn energetic!  I'm quite pleased with myself.  I took Isaiah to the park on Saturday and ran ran ran with him all over the place.  We played on the slide and in the sand then he just wanted to run around so I chased him.  I also decided that Sunday we would go to the zoo since it was such beautiful weather!  So Sunday morning I got up and got the boys ready and Jesse and I took them to the Zoo.  I didn't even get tired of walking around.  Infact when we were done with the zoo we took both boys to the park.  And Isaiah and I ran around like crazy again.  This is so awesome!  I think I completed one of my goals.  I did all this yesterday without having to use my inhaler!  WOOOOO HOOOOO!  I even found myself thinking about taking them to the park when I get off of work.  I know for sure I'm going to the gym tonight!  This is the best.  I am so happy with having the surgery! 


February 16


Well I went for my 1 month appt yesterday.  I have lost according to their scale 23 lbs.  That is from the morning of the surgery where I weighed 215 thanks to the MOM.  I count the Friday before my surgery when I weighed 220.  So thats 28 lbs. I'm happy with that.  Here's whats new


I'm wearing a size 7 ring - compaired to the size 10 I was wearing in November


I'm wearing size 18 jeans no stretch very comfortably - in fact I probably could go to a 16 with no problem.


I shopped at Lane Bryant the other day.  Bought some size 14 shirts with out trying them and they are too big!! whoo hooo. 


I'm down to a 36 in the bra size... even down to a D instead of a DD!


I went from buying my underwear from Lane Bryant to getting some cheap ones from Mervyns.  I fit!! Whoo hoo. 


I took a link out of my watch.  It was getting too loose!

Okay thats where I'm at 1 month out!  Yippeeee.

Sunday Feb 19, 06


Not much to update on.  On Friday I did wear my Size 16 no stretch jeans.  I was pretty excited.  I have very little to no hunger going on. Just  thirsty.  I have been working hard on getting in all of my protein and water in but frankly I am bored with it all!  I wish I could eat chicken and other foods with protein in it.  Oh well.  It's kind of a struggle.  Yesterday I had the worst allergy attack that totally knocked me out. I tried to take my  regular allergy pill but I ended up puking it up.  So I took two of my sons Benadryl chewables.  Those ended up knocking me out.  My son now seems to have a pretty good memory cause I told him this week I would take him to Chuck E Cheese for a play date but the kids that he was supposed to be playing with got sick and they cancelled it was just as well,  I could barely function after the benadryl.  Isaiah kept talking about Chuck E Cheese all day so I guess today Jesse and I will take the boys there to play.  I actually love their pizza so this should be a struggle for me. 


I am down into the 180's now.  This has been so wild for me.  My friends and family can't believe how fast the weight is coming off.   The only thing that really sucks about it is the tummy roll I have, I know that the majority of the problem is having my boys back to back, my tummy is a wreck.  I know that in a few years I will be having plastics but I still haven't decided about having another baby or not.  I guess I should decide soon cause I know once I have the plastics I will probably have my tubes tied.  Well I'm off to the races (so to speak)  Have a good rest of the weekend.  I'm off on Monday and so is Jesse so he and I are gonna hang out, I'm excited about that!  

Feb 28, 06


Well I didn't post this weekend cause I spent it in the hospital.  I had a problem keeping my food down on Friday and ended up getting dehydrated and spent all day saturday and most of sunday in the hospital getting pumped full of fluids.  It sucked!!!!  I feel better now - I'm just a little tired.  I'm really trying to get my fluids in and protein but I seem to fall short every day.  I think this might just be a negative post - I am kindof tired of this whole new diet thing.  I'm really happy the weight has been falling off and I have had more energy but I want some PANCAKES!!!  I want chicken wings and I want a sandwich from Quiznos with extra mustard!    I guess I'm finally experiencing head hunger and actual cravings.    I was almost crying in the hospital cause I wanted an actual breakfast, bacon eggs, french toast and hashbrowns.  I'm sure if I made it I could have a bite of each thing but that doesn't seem satisfying.  Ok let me stop bitching.  I will post more later...


January 06 Journal

Oct 17, 2006

January 4, 2006!!!   
5 Days!!!!  I can't believe how fast time is flying.  I feel like I am almost ready - I still am trying the protein pack that I ordered but now I think I am gonna put it off until after the surgery since I'm hearing that your taste prefrences change.  I have started taking a more active role on the boards this week.  I felt like I strayed away for too long.  I feel like I have gotten some great support this week also.  Soooo thanks to all of those that took the time to give me words of encouragement.  I can't wait to meet you guys.  Eventually I will make it to a OH function.  My mom is getting more and more nervous at the thought of me having the surgery.  I try to not pay too much attention to it.  She is being a nervous nelly so to speak.  I am a little worried too but mainly cause of my boys.  I know that Jesse and my mom would take good care of the boys if something happened to me but I'm the one who takes care of them for the most part.  Enough of that I will just focus on the positive and keep going.  Gotta run but I will post more this week.  
January 8th at 4:30 in the morning.  I'm sitting here with my son who is snoring really loud and making it diffucult to go back to sleep. Yesterday my mom and I did some running around to get some last minute things.  I bought a new digital scale to chart my progress.  I am a little worried that I will turn into a scale ho but after I avoided it for so long at least I will see progress in the right direction.  My mom wanted me to pack my bag yesterday but I will probably put it off to the last minute. We took my before pictures yesterday also.  I don't like my before pictures but then again who does!  Thanks to my mom for taking them for me. I took three different sets,  two clothed and one in a tank top and boy shorts (whew what a sight!). I won't post those on here but the other ones should show up below.  
My surgery is tomorrow morning and I have been through a whole range of emotions. I have been so blase about the whole thing but when I went to the Pre-op appointment I kindof started to get more nervous.  I met a nice lady who will be having her surgery at the same time as me.  She isn't on this site but when I told her about the terrific support system she seem really interested.  I got all my paperwork filled out and even got out and hour earlier then they said I would.  They told me about 5 times that I have to remove my tounge ring!  My mom will love that. 
Last night at 11pm I had a huge bowl of ravioli (mmm my favorite)  So I actually think I am okay now as far as not eating today.  In a couple of hours I will take my  3 spoonfuls of Milk of Magnesia and try and go about my day.  It's almost bittersweet at this point.  I am saying good bye to alot of the foods that I love and saying hello to a whole new exciting life.   I keep hugging my boys really tight, I don't want to think of the worst but every once in a while it creeps up into my mind.  I can't help but worry about my boys and what would happen if I don't make it.  My baby Xavier might not remember me since he is so young but I know that Isaiah would.  He even remembers his Gigi (great grandma) and she passed when he was 2.  I took out life insurance and outlined my wishes so atleast that part is taken care of.  Okay I'm done rambling.  I think I might post somemore tonight but if not see you on the losing side!  Thanks for the support!

January 12 
I'm home! Surgery went off without a hitch.  I got to the hospital at 5am on Monday and was in the operating room by 6:50.  I woke up in recovery in the afternoon and was moved to my room around 3pm.  The dr. said I did great and I was up walking around by 8pm.  And I didn't stop walking.  The next morning I was up and going walking laps and laps around the  floor.  The surgery itself hadn't been too painful so I started laying off the Morphine.  But the GAS was almost unbearable.  I made a new friend at the hospital at the preop appointment,  her name is Susan.  She had her surgery at the same time as me so we bonded and pushed each other to walk walk walk.  We had a physical therapy session at 11 am that we went to.  I think we did pretty good.  She had a few problems with nausea but other than that she was a trooper.  My friends from work came and visited me in the afternoon on Tuesday and they had me laughing so hard I was crying from the pain in my stitches.  I finally had to kick them out cause they kept making me laugh.  Celia my angel came shortly after and brought me an awesome gift basket.  She had propel, broth, protein and a bunch of other stuff to help me begin my journey.  Then in the evening Jesse brought my son Isaiah to come see me.  He helped me push my IV stand so I could walk another bunch of laps.  Tuesday was a good day except when my gas go bad in the evening.  I was up in the middle of the night not able to even lay down cause the gas was so bad so I walked another bunch of laps.  I saw my Dr. and he said I was doing awesome with the recovery.  Even the physical therapist couldn't get over how fast I was up and going.  I had a great nurse named Aggie, at first I wasn't too sure about her but she took such great care of me.  She was very caring.  Wednesday I got to take a shower and I had some juice.  I didn't have any problems with the juice and the ice so I was feeling pretty good.  But the GAS!!!  OMG  I couldn't barely move cause of it.  It hurt to lay down and to sit so I kept trying to walk but after a while I was tired so I had to lay down and take a nap.  Aggie came in after a while and got me up to take a shower and she showed me how to care for my drain.  Around 3pm I heard her and my dr. outside my door talking about how great I was doing so Dr. Rumsey came in and told me that I could leave!  I was in shock.  So I packed my bags and called my mom and was out of the hospital by 4:45!  So fast.  I'm glad I'm home but my boys won't leave me alone.  I feel so bad for my baby Xavier cause he always wants me to hold him.  He cried and cried last night cause I wouldn't pick him up.  Well I'm off to go walk again.  I started to get rid of some of the gas but it's still pretty bad.  The nurses told me to keep walking so it will go away.  Thanks for reading and thanks for the support. 



January 18 2005 
I had a mini wow moment today.  I was dropping my boys off at school and both of their teachers said that I have been losing weight, one of them even said I look skinny.  I was laughing cause I know that I am NOT skinny yet but I do feel fantastic.  I weighed myself this morning and the scale said 204!!!! I just about fell off right then and there.  I haven't weight this little in about 3 years.  This surgery has been awesome!  I have been feeling quite energetic and have been enjoying walking around so much.  Yesterday Jesse and I were out and we went to the movies and when we were done he wanted to go to this store that was clear across the parking lot.  So I started walking and he stopped and looked at our car as we passed it and asked me if I wanted to drive over there.  I just kept on walking and said no.  I think Jesse was shocked to say the least.  I'm looking forward to lunch this Saturday I get to meet everyone and that should be so much fun.

January 23 06.  
I am feeling great.  I do get a little tired in the afternoons but I think that was to be expected.  I have had no complications whatsoever from this surgery.  My weight in the last week has fluctuated a little but I'm not worried about it.  I start back to work today so I am a little excited about that.  This was a great weekend!  I went to the OH lunch at Joes and had a good time.  It was great to meet you guys!  I met Vicki, Stacie, Nadine and Lee, Nikki S., Lynn, Stacie Z, Kathleen and more that I can't remember at this early hour... Sorry!  Everyone looked amazing!  Nikki S. shared her mashed potatoes with me so I didn't really feel left out when everyone was eating!  We took some great pictures and I have a couple that I will post shortly.  I saw some of the pics that Vicki M. took and they looked great too!  I can't wait for the next get together, I will be there with bells on!  On Sunday my mom and I went to see one of my friends,  Cathy had her baby back in October and he was 3 months early and weighed 1 pound.  Now he weighs six pounds and is doing great!  We took him a bunch of my boys clothes and baby stuff that they don't use anymore.  After that we went to Viejas.  I was one lucky chick!  I gave my mom $100.00 to gamble with and she blew $94.00 of it.  But I put $15.00 in the machine and came home with $390.00!  I have never been that lucky before.     I can't wait to go back there again!  I've never been that much of a gambler but that makes me think twice about it.  I am putting that money in what I am calling my thin fund.  I have been putting aside money for new clothes once I get thin.  I have about 600.00 in it now and I know that I have about another $400.00 coming from a friend that owes me for a plane ticket.  I haven't felt much like shopping yet.  I have some clothes that range in sizes 14 thru 18 so that should keep me dressed for the most part.  But I know myself as soon as I get down to about a 14 I am going to go crazy and become a shopaholic.  I have been known to do that before. 
I haven't had too much weight loss since the surgery.  I went down 11 pounds but then gained back 4 pounds.  That was last week.  Maybe I need to stay off the scale for a while.  I have been able to eat things that I know I shouldn't like chicken.  I at chicken the other night and it got stuck but then I had chicken yesterday and I was fine.  I have been able to eat some deli meat which isn't too bad.  I haven't had any bad after effects from that.  I think since I am starting back to work today I will be able to keep a closer eye on what I eat since I will be packing my lunch.  I still really like my protein shakes.  I have been mixing the Atkins Advantage with a scoop of unflavored unjury and it is easy to drink.  To make it better I add about a 1/2 of banana and some International Coffees sugar free/ caffeine fee Suisse Mocha to it.  Maybe thats  why I love it so much.  I don't feel like I have been having problems getting my water in, or my protein.  I also like the Isopure grape frost when it's super cold it's awesome.  So with one of my shakes at about 38 gr. of protein and a whole isopure I am getting about 58 gr ams plus the cheese and yogurt and meat I eat during the day.  I think I am doing good on that level.  As far as water I have been getting in about 48 oz of water and if you add the 20 oz of isopure then its like 68 oz.  not to bad I guess.  Once I can go to the gym I think I will be doing great!  Okay thats enough for today.  I have to start getting ready for work.  Have a good one.  ~Dae 
January 25, 06 
Things seem to be going okay with me.  I had an episode the other night where something got stuck and I had to throw up but it's amazing how much better you feel after that!  I might make it into the ONEderfuls by the end of the weekend.  I wasn't that far away to begin with but it's still gonna be onederful! :O)  I tried on three pairs of pants that I normally wear but none of them fit me.  I don't have much by way of work clothes now so I guess I have to do some shopping.  My incisions don't look to bad and I feel like I didn't even have surgery.  I have been feeling a bit tired but I'm not too upset with that.  I started going to bed earlier to try and make up lost time.   Work isn't to bad either.  Mainly I just sit at my desk all day and visit Myspace or OH.  I want to start going to the gym but I can't find my tennis shoes.  I know lame excuse right but the fact that I have two pair that are perfectly fine makes me not want to buy another.  :)  Oh well, I'm going to search for them again tonight.  Have a good day! 



January 27 06



I had Lap RNY on January 9th and I feel fantastic!  I have had a few episodes from eating to fast but other than that this has been an awesome journey! 
My original consultation weight was 230 
My preop weight was 220 
Today I weigh 201! I will be in the onederfuls by the end of the weekend. 
I went back to work this week and haven't had problems with anything! I can get all my protein in and I'm doing well with my water. I even found a new vitamin that I actually don't detest. 
I can tell that I have lost inches and I'm already down a pant size.  I don't want to go shopping but I know I have to!  
Today we might be going to Palomar Mtn with the boys.  Just to get out of the house and do some sight seeing!  It should be fun,  I think it's about an hour drive from my house so it's a good thing I have a dvd player in my truck!  Have a good weekend everyone!

December 05 Journal

Oct 17, 2006

December 1st!!!! 
I'M APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I'M GETTING A DATE!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOHOOOOOO!   I wasn't gone too long was I? Barely a month.   

The office called today and told me that I was approved and that I needed to schedule the surgery.  I have to call her back tomorrow with the date I want since I'm waiting for January!  I'm so excited I have to go celebrate!  Talk to you all later!

December 8th  
'm confirmed for the 9th of January at 7 am.  I'm kindof nervous but the idea of being thin is totally ruling my thoughts.  I feel like I have been eating like a cow lately but I only have gained 1 lb in the past two weeks.  I am giving myself untill the new year to go crazy then I will start with the protein drinks faithfully.  Right now I'm only doing them once in a while to taste them so I can decide which ones i like the best.  The dr. said that any noted weight gain will disqualify me from the surgery but I doubt that will be the case since i lost 7 lbs since they first saw me and a couple of pounds shouldn't be an issue.  My mom says she doesn't think I need it and that all I need is a tummy tuck.  Wait till she helps me with the before and after pictures.  I almost want to do them now to get them out of the way.  I just wish it was 2 months from now so I can be past all of the jitters and the actual surgery and to be on the losing side.  Okay well enough rambling... I should get going.  Have a good day! 

Dec 29   11 Days to go!!!!!!!  I can't believe it's almost here.  I'm having a small last supper tomorrow night with my friends and family who know that I am having surgery.  Christmas was great!  Except that I got the flu on Thursday and I ended up in the ER on Christmas Eve.  My fever was up to 103.1 and my asthma was starting to get out of control.  My mom and Jesse badgered me into going.  Anyways I was freaked out cause the Dr. on call wanted to put me on Prednisone for my asthma but I remember Dr. Tanaka saying that if someone was on prednisone that it would postpone the surgery.  I took it anyways I needed to get my asthma in check so on Tuesday I called Pac Bar to let them know and guess what?!!?!?  They said it was fine and they didn't cancel my surgery!!! !YIPPEEEE!!!!  Everything is starting to fall into place.  I haven't had much of an appetite so I think I am losing weight again.  It doesn't bother me so much this time.  I figure it will be a jump start.  I feel like it has just come up to fast for the surgery though.  I don't feel fully prepared for it yet.  I feel like I haven't tried enough proteins and I haven't exercised as much as I should.  I meant to start walking at work but since I have been sick I have had to postpone they exercise.  I'm sure everything will be fine.  I can't wait to start my new life.  My mom bought me a magic bullet for christmas and Jesse got me an MP3 player to use in the hospital and for the gym.  But what I am really looking forward to is buying clothes in a smaller size.  I'm going to do my before pictures pretty soon and post them up here.  I gotta run now. Have a good day. 

Update December 29, 2005 ~   When I started this back in October I weighed 230 and now I weigh 220.  I feel like it came off way to easy but I also know that in a month or two I would probably have gained back that 10 pounds and then another 10.  Can't wait for the surgery.  :)



November 05 Journal

Oct 17, 2006

November 4, 05
Yesterday I had my THREE appts!  It got off to a rocky start but let me tell you... I was one happy chick by the time I was finished.  I had my first appt at noon with the Psychiatrist.  He didn't know we had an appt so he was a hour late.  Normally after waiting 15 minutes I would of stormed out of there all pissed off but I didn't want to blow this off so I called him on his cell phone at 12:15 and he told me to sit tight and he would be there ASAP.  He thought that I am a perfect canidate mentally for the surgery.  Whew... one down two more to go.  My next appt was with the internest, they weighed me when I got there and I am down to 224... needless to say I started freaking out again.  Now my BMI is under 40.0 and I don't have any co-morbitities.  How come it was a snap to lose 6 llbs in less 3 weeks? Anyways the internest asked me about my asthma and then cleared me for surgery.  WHOO HOO!   So my next apointment was with Dr. Rumsey and it was more that 1 and a half hours away.  But I figured I was feeling pretty lucky so I went in and asked if he could see me early.  It worked I waited in the waiting room for less than 10 minutes and they took me back.  They weighed me on the big scale and I weighed 223 (-1 pound in twenty minutes),  (CL mentioned something about ankle weights and right then I was wishing I had) My new BMI was 39.5.  I was running out of fingernails to bite.  Once I got changed into the big gown and settled down with a magazine in comes Dr. Rumsey.  He was very nice and very easy to talk to.  He assured me right away that I had nothing to worry about as far as my recent weight loss.  He said that I am right on track. He said that I won't be disqualified for the surgery.  My original weight at the orientation is what is my qualifying weight.  WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was good news.  The next bit of good news was that I can have this surgery done lapriscopicly (sp).  He said that he would get all my paperwork done and in to the insurance company soon.  So now I wait!  I was and am in a much better mood now that this part is done.  I feel like I am ready for this now more than ever.  I have been reading and reading and I feel like I have made and informed decision.  I can't wait to hear back from the Insurance Company.  And on that note I don't think I will be updating my profile untill then.  I am going on vacation next week and even though I will have my laptop with me I doubt I will have time to post.  I am taking my mom to San Francisco for 5 days for her birthday.  It should be fun since neither of us have been there before.  I have a couple of suprises for her and I am really excited about going.  Hope you all have a good couple of weeks and I'm sure I will see you on the board... TTYL!   :)  

November ~

My trip to San Francisco .  I took my mom to San Francisco for her birthday. We left on Wednesday the 9th and came back on the 14th.  Her and I had never been anywhere together on vacation so it was pretty cool.  We flew up there and let me tell you that was an experience.  I'm not much of a world traveller so flying hasn't really been something I have done that much of.  We were on the plane for 3 hours!!!!  There was problem with the landing gear or something or other...  I can't remember now but I know we were stuck for a while.  Then while we were flying the plane hit much turbulance!  That was scarey for me.  My mom is a old hand at flying so she didn't have issues with it.  We got to SF later then we were supposed to so we flew in in the dark.  I was kindof bummed about that but I was glad to be on the ground so I guess it was a trade off.   We stayed at the Hyatt Regency at the Embarcadero.  I asked to have a room high up and they gave me the top floor! Whoo hoo! Since we got their so late we just had a quick bite to eat and then we unpacked and went to sleep.  We had 5 days of exploring and eating that was phenomenal!  We literally ate our way through the City.  We ate at the Wharf, in Chinatown and in North Beach .  We tried to avoid the popular chains and stuck with resturants we never  heard of.  Except for Boudins, that place was awesome!  We did the Sunday Brunch Cruise on the Hornblower. We went to Coit Tower , we did the 49 mile drive,  we drove to Sausalito and all over the park area around the Golden Gate, we even got lost over in Oakland .  We drove Lombard street and got lost in Golden Gate Park, and we drove up to Muir Woods that place was so beautiful and they air was so pure! After our trip I got to thinking, I realized that San Diego is just as pretty and we take it for granted. We had a good mother daughter bonding trip.  I look foward to doing it again this year.  

About Me
Parrot Bay, CA
Surgery Date
Oct 07, 2005
Member Since

Friends 171

Latest Blog 21
I may be...
BEFORE PICTURE!!!! July 2005
1 year out and a sad note...
End of the Year!
How do I know???
Will Power
October 06 Journal
September 06 Journal
