Week 26 Weigh-In (HALF WAY!!!!!)

May 05, 2010

Well a half year is an amzing feat, I weighed in at 165.4 this morning!!! That means I am roughly down 85lbs and have 45lbs to go.  It seems so distant and surreal, but here I am.  65% of Excess weight is gone for good.......... sigh...
Anyways, I seen my surgeon a few days ago, and he said that I only lost about 59% of my excess weight....... but he had me at a goal of 115lbs!! So I asked him, if he want me to go that low. He told me that it was unrealistic for me to go down that low, that the 120's and even 130s would be more then fine. And since my goal was 120 he said it could be done, be i might like myself around 130.    Hmm.  Now I looed up and down this site for ppl's goals and such, and A LOT of people make thier personal goal 10 to 15 pounds higher then the surgeons. So, I came to this solution, I will keep my goal of 120. IF and IF only, I find that the 120's appear to make me look sick, or top heavy I will stay inthe 130's.  Another thing I want to point out is that my surgeon has me at 5 foot 3, i am 5 foot 3 and 3/4. That is nearly 5'4"......so I thinkio should be slightly closer to that BMI anyways.

I also have a few updates for people. First, my breast size is staying relatively the same since losing weight. I started at about 40 E, and now I am a 36 DD. They look the same.... kinda, just deflated when I lie down. BUt I am still nursing, so i am not sure how they will be in a few more months.

Secondly, I am only 1 pound away from my next goal, 164, the weight I met my hubby at.  i am soo excited!!! With our 4 year wedding annerversary around the corner, I will weigh 60 pounds lighter then when I got married! Everything is so new and exciting for me, i have never been lower then 164 in my ADULT life, ( and most of my teens) so every pound is hence fourth NEW, and i am so stinking excited!

Well ttyl,

Dear God,
I am completely overwhlemed this morning. The way youhave been working on my heart, is amazing.I am seeing my gifts that you so graciously gave me being put forth and strengthing. I am becoming the mother, wife and overall person that I know you wanted me to be. I want to thank you for helping me lose so much weight, I knowI couldn't of done any of it without your sweet guiding hand and encouragement. Yeah God, I may have some bad days but you always pick me up, thanks. Please continue to strengthen and motivate me. I love you God.
In Jesus' precious name I pray this. Amen. 

Week 25 Weigh-In

Apr 28, 2010

Oh, my. One more week and it will have been my half year mark! Anyways, I weighed in this week at 168.2. Ahh, doing well, and feeling wonderful about myself and confident that I will be within my goal weight by my one year mark. And that is my Surgeons weight goal!!!! I think somewhere in the 130's would be fine, while my surgeon says 120, and then I only need to loose 48 lbs to his goal, which after the 82 I have already lost seems completely do-able!

While I am writting this I realize what an attitiude change I have experienced concerning my weight. If you had asked me a year ago what my ideal weight was I would of said in the 160's, where I am now, but partial that would be because I felt I could get no lower, and when your sittting at 250 lbs, 90lbs is ALOT of weight to lose! In fact I would argue that it was completely overwhelming, which only helped perpetuate my eating and cycle and obesity.

Anyways, I did my 6 month lab, I am dangerously cloe to being Iron deficient, I have to take supplements, but that is ok, at least it can be fixed right?

Oh, and I know this might be way to much info for some, but it is the first time this has happened to me so I have to mark the date! Yesterdday I was modeling some new, (well, new to me!) clothes annd my hubby was like, "you look really good, lets go upstairs and get busy!" I kinda laughed and was like "What about the kids?" becuase they were in the living room playing and watching tv, and usually we don't have enough time before they notice our gone and start looking.
Anyways here comes the NEW part, he looked at me and said, "Why amI just standing here?" HE PICKED ME UP AND CARRIED ME UP THE STAIRS!!!!!!! It was awesome! I have never been lifted by anyone other then  my father and mother, andI was much smaller then!

I gotta go and check my lingerie goals, I think 160 is one and I want to make sure, becuase I think there is a pretty good chance that I can hit 160 by May 20, It will be our fourth anniversary!
Anyways, I gotta go spend some time with God, and get ready for the GYM! Which may I add, I really do enjoy going to now!


Week 24 Weigh-In

Apr 22, 2010

So I guess the last two weeks were my first official plato...... because I am at 170.4 this morning. I was so scared that I just suddenly stopped losing weight.... you see, when I met my hubby, I was at my lowest adult weight... 164(ish). At that weight I felt good, confident and obviously attracted the opposite sex! I was also a size 9. As I am approaching that same weight I am still currently a 13...... but anyways extra skin does that.   I was honestly scared that my body liked this weight and just wouldn't go any further. I really was.  I heard before that once our bodies develop a niche for a certain weight, that your baody will fight to stay there. I am sooooo glad to see the scale moving again. I hope my body will niche in the 120's!

With the two week plato, I also lost the goal to get to the weight I met my hubby at by his birthday! So I guess I will push it to our annerversary! MAy 20, be 164 or less........ (he said he wants to do it against a wall when I get to that weight LOL) Sorry if that was to much info, LOL.

Oh, and more good news! .4 more pounds and I am only overweight!!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha! this feels great!Thanks you Jesus for my RNY!

CORRECTION>>>>> I just checked my BMI wiuth my new weight, 29.7 I officially overweight as of right now... ..... I am crying.... lol... this day is just getting better! GOOD BYE OBESITY!!!!! 

Thanks for the encouragement and comments, you guys really do help me and encourage me!

Week 23 Weigh In

Apr 15, 2010

Oops, I should of weighed myself earlier.... thats ok.. after two bottles of mineral water I weigh..... 172.6!!!! Only 2.6 til I'm only overweight, YAHOO!!! I have to admit though, I have had a super tough week, I was nearly a week late for my period, and was all stressed out, I am also in the process of doing back to school (like one class at a time, lol) but with a family.... anywyas I want to get my teacher diploma for the public school system , I already have a private one through montessori, and my hubby and I are stressed with how the Government screwed over our taxes last year, which now they are screwed up this year and finally my hubby sent off a resume to FORDS now that they are hiring 572 people.......... altogether in one week gets to be overwhelming, Plus I didn't lose as much as I wanted to , I am assuming I finally hit a platoe (spelling?) But I was sick last week, forget to put that one in the list, and I am just getting over it. Maybe when my heallth picks back I will notice a difference.

Thank-you Jesus for my RNY. Dear God, Please help be my hope and inspiration, my will power and motivation. I need your strength to help me be healthy God, to be a shinning, healthy example for my kids as well as all th echildren I will teach. You alone can do these things. I also pray that you help me reach my goal hitting the 120's, so many people tell me how good I look and then ask my goal, and immeadiately say I will be skin and bones, or your be too small, or I wonèt know you anymore if you lose that much weight...... God I feel as though they are stumbling blocks in my path, as much as I love them God, please give them a heart for what I am going through and give me the understanding and patience needed for ta;lking with them. Tahnk you again for your touch on, my life.
In Jesus' precious Name, Amen.


Week 22 Weigh-In

Apr 08, 2010

Well, Easter was fun, eh? And apparently I did really good, becasue I am down to 173.2! Yeah! I also figured it out, 3.2 more punds and I am officially overweight and no longer obese! I didn't realize I was that close, but wow, it feels great! I hope all of you are doing great too!

He has pulled me thorugh it all, and I continue to lose because of His love for me!

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Week 21 Weigh-In

Apr 01, 2010

Well, I felt like a pig this week. FELT, I felt hunger all the time, and althoughI stayed within my limits I still felt horrible, and fat. Than I realized that I had lost weight, apparently my head was so used to losing weight so fast that it jumped ahead of my body, and I thought I was behind.......
I currently weigh 175.6, down 2 pounds from last week. AND  not feeling like a pig, but I guess that part of that is also my new period schedule, a week before i start I feel ravenously hungry.  I will get used to it eventually.

ttyl, Danielle
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Week 20 Weigh-In

Mar 24, 2010

Today I weighed in at 177.4....... (I am not going to lie I was hoping for a bit less) but I am still happy with the results. My goal was to get to 175 before the 5th of next month (my 5th month officially from the surgery).

And my other goal is to hit 164, the weight I met my hubby at, hopefully, if I kick butt, I can meet this between his birthday april20th and our annerversary, may 20th. (I was hoping for his birthday but realze that that is a lot to lose from now to then) We will see, as long as I try, andI mean really super try, I will be happy. 

I have definately noticed a difference in my body and how it loses weight. I have to work more to lose more, whereas before it came off with little assistance, but thats ok.

I am determined to get to my goal weight, and although I put 120 on my goal tracker my surgeon did tell me that 125 was ideal for my age despite my BMI suggestion. I will not beat myself up for it, but I do expect to lose at least 52.6 more pounds! Eventually. God will help me, I just need to stay close to him.

I also experienced a bad dumping syndrome thingy that I thought I never would...... throwing up! And from all things it was the peanut butter that dragged me into it...... I discovered that my body goes throguh the motion, but can't bring anything up. So I was dry heaving, and boy oh boy, did it ever hurt! I am nearly 5 months out, I can't imagine what throwing up right after surgery must feel like..... blah! Needless to say that I fear peanut butter now.... I was under the impression that people who experience dumping got "better" with time, I seem to be getting worse, especially because I have had peanut butter before, the exact amount and type........hmmm. Maybe it was something else.... but I doubt it........ although I am tempted to test this theory, and see if it really was the peanut butter......... then again....still scared.


Week 19 Weigh -In

Mar 18, 2010

This week has been amazing! Exercising sure does pay off, I am officially 179.4!! Thats -4 pounds in one week! Sometimes it is difficult to wake up dress my kids and drag them to the gym..... especially my 2 year old, she has a  hard time in the mornings... the baby doesn't mind it so much, but still I did it and I feel really good about now!

I also haven't cheated this week, I bought some no added  sugar fudgsicles and ice cream to satisfy my cravings and they really do it the spot.

I also hit a goal this week of fitting a size 13, that means no more plus sizes shopping for my bottom half ever again! (Some places consider 14 a plus size) I feel good in what I dress up in and I am showered in compliments whenever I see a person I haven't seen for a while.......

There is one more thing, although I still need to lose another 59 pounds, which may I add is ALOT  to go, people keep telling me that they think that I would lose to much and just another 20 would be wonderful.......... I guess its a compliment in disguise. I keep telling people that if I like me at 140 or something I will stop losing the weight, but deep down I am curious to see what my BMI would look like. NO one, including myself has ever see me lower then 164 as a grown adult, I know 120 seems little, but that is what I am made to be, and I want to get to it.

Well,  today is a gym day, I only have the baby today so it should be a little more easy to get ready and stuff.

Tahnks to all of you , and you will all do great!
 ttyl, Danielle
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Week 18 Weigh-In

Mar 10, 2010

Well, my week was........ ok. I am down to 183.6  That means down approx 67 from highest and, 60 from surgery date.  Although I probably could of done better this week, I fell into some tempatations ( and boy did I pay for it) and I couldn't exercise cause I strained my left glut and hamstring.....

I need to make up for that this week. I need to stay focused, and I figure be closer to God, as whenever I am I do a lot bettter. Well, I gotta go to the gym, gonna get the baby ready, call my sis-in-law and go with a buddy.

Lots of love, thanks for the encouragement,
ttyl, Danielle
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Week 17 Weigh-in

Mar 03, 2010

One day away from my four months, and down 65 pounds to the T, making my weight loss an official 50%!!!! My doctor told me that most RNY'ers stop losing between 60%-80% of excess weight, but that is also after 1- 11/2 years. I am so pumped, all my exercising and new eating habits are really paying  off. I think I will be able to hit my goal.... or pretty darn close to it. Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!

Although my excersing will have to wait for a few weeks, I pulled my left glut ( really painful), left hamstring (super painful) and apparently have cyatica... (really super duper painful). I can hardly walk, let alone deal with my 7 month old and 2 and 1/2 year old................ but I did have a massage today and boy oh boy, I already notice a difference!

Now I got to take a nice hot bath, with salt....... it was prescribed, lol, anyways can't stay and chat althoughI really do love all of you guys on here. ......
I belive that one of the biggest reasons that I will make my goal is because I have such a wonderful support system........ thank you, cause you guys (gals) are a super part of it.

Love you all, and God bless each and every one of you!
ttyl, Danielle  
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About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 08, 2009
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