new year, new me!

Jan 09, 2009

Today is the official day that I start exercising again.  Yes, I haven't done this in about a month.  I'm bound bent and determine to get on my bike and RIDE, SALLY RIDE!!!!!!!!!!  (from an old song)

I've got to get my hips down and stomach down.  I can wear a size large pants but the legs are baggy so can't quite get down to a medium because of my fat hips and stomach!

Updates - My hubby found a job.  He will officially start on Monday by going to Chicago.  Nothing like jumping right into that icey cold pool feet first as opposed to getting your big toe wet to test the waters!

We have decided that I will be getting a toy poodle probably at the end of the year.  Cooper will love a playmate.

We have added another cat to our brood.  Well, actually he added us to his life.  He came to the house and hasn't left and doesn't want to go outside.  He came with a badly torn back.  We think a coyote attacked him.  He is doing fine and fits right in with our other 4 cats and 2 dogs.  My son said people will start calling me "Debbi, the cat lady"

Actually, having a great life, loving going to the store and buying decent clothes right off the rack in the petite section instead of going to Lane Bryant or ordering through big women's catalogs.  Gotta tell you though that clothes from Walmart seem to fit smaller.  Is it just me or is the clothes?  I find that if I go to Kohls or Penneys they fit great.  I guess I'll have to stick to them. 

Now I've got to get going and start up my bike again.  Get motivated and get some more lbs off!  I have 4 or 6 more lbs before I have officially taken off 100 lbs.  I can't believe I am even writing this!!!!!!!!


About Me
Hamlin, NY
Surgery Date
Jul 11, 2007
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