I can do them NOW!

Mar 13, 2009

Let's see,  last year at this time I couldn't wait to have my surgery.  I was literally counting down the days.  Since I had it on May 12th (and today is March 13th), I thought "o.k. less than 2 months to go". 

This is what I can do now:

I can fold my ankles
I can cross my legs (wooooo love doing this!)
I can sit up straight in a chair without feeling like I'm one total ball.
I can have my baby (Cooper - yorkie/poo) sit on my lap, yes, lap, not just my fat because I didn't have a lap!
Cross my arms in front of me without feeling like I'm ready to tuck and roll!
Wipe my rear-end without going into convulsions!!!  (yeah embarassing to say)
Bend over in the shower to shave my legs and actually see if I missed anything, before it was using just the braille method.
Sit in the car with room on both sides of my body and tucking my purse next to me.
Go up and down the stairs without huffing and puffing and stopping 1/2 way!
Take a walk without wanting to go home after 5 minutes because "it was too long/too tiring/or just plain out of breath"
Sit in a chair and wonder what the HELL is that pain - DUH it is my ASS BONES!!!  Never felt them before!
I can now wear makeup and actually feel pretty
I can look in the mirrow now and like what I see.
Try on clothes and not just look at myself in the mirror from my chin up but ALL over.  Up and down even in a 3-way mirror!
Can go into "regular" stores instead of feeling like the sales people are going to ask me what size I was looking for that was for SOMEONE ELSE!!!!
Zip my old winter coat and have it extremely way too big (last year I couldn't even wear it because it wouldn't even zip up)
Wear panties other than white because we all know that is the primary color for big old granny panties!!
Wear stylish shoes (because for big feet they are big and clunky)
Put on my socks without acting like an elephant giving birth!
I can push food away knowing that I don't miss it!
Trying to decide which outfit (yes outfit meaning pieces that go TOGETHER) to wear instead of just throwing on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
Wearing jewelry.  Didn't wear it before because I didn't feel good about myself.
I am now wearing lipstick and loving it!

All this and much more because I decided NOT to be fat anymore, to take care of myself for my present, future and family.

Life is good.  I'm going to live it and I'm going to present myself the best I can!  Yes, I can NOW because I decided to have this surgery. 

PLUS as of this date I've lost 104 lbs!!!!!!!!!!  I've NEVER EVER lost 104 of ANYTHING!!!!!

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About Me
Hamlin, NY
Surgery Date
Jul 11, 2007
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