Becca K. 21 years, 9 months ago

Happy TWO Year Anniversary to You! I hope that this post finds you healthy and happy. Please remember to drop by and update your profile from time to time. It's important for others to be able to see how we post-ops do on our journeys. You never know who you might inspire. Have a great day.

Lisa R. 22 years, 3 months ago

Just wanted to let everyone know we came home from the hospital last night. He said it felt good to sleep in his own bed. We go to get his drains out Monday or Tuesday, I think it will be alot easier once those are out, I don't know when the staples will come out, I would assume sometime next week. He is looking good!!! Lisa

Cecelia M. 22 years, 3 months ago

Wes, congratulations!! I am so happy for you! When I heard the good news I had to run over here and post on your page. I know you will feel so much better. I have you and Lisa in my thoughts and prayers. I won't even know ya'll when I see you again. And God knows that I can't wait for the day that I will be able to have mine(I know I must be patient)---God bless you

LORRAINE K. 22 years, 4 months ago

Dear Wes~~~~Congratulations on your successful surgery. My thoughts and prayers have been with you and Lisa all day. I hope your recovery is swift and complete. May God continue to watch over you. Be well. Lorraine

Lisa R. 22 years, 4 months ago

Hi all, just wanted to let you know Wes is doing fine. He has legs again!!! They removed 33 pounds of skin and tissue. He is sleeping and looks wonderful. His eye got scratched in surgery and he is complaining about it more than the actual surgery itself. They had someone come in and look and it and he said it was a cornea abbrasion. They have given him some drops and a cream for his eye. Hopefully it will be better by morning. If anyone wants to reach us we are in room 655 at Medical Center East. Phone# 205-838-6655. Lisa

jsuggs 22 years, 4 months ago

Hi, I saw Wes and his lovely wife Lisa this evening. He had only been in his room a couple of hours and was of course still very groggy but had great color and already looks "thinner". We are praying for a great recovery for Wes! He is hoping for discharge on Friday.

laurac82101 22 years, 4 months ago

Just thinking of you both today. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as always and wish you a speedy recovery! Love, Laura

Kimberly W. 22 years, 4 months ago

Just thinking of you today! Hoping everything is going well! Lots of love and prayers!

Sandra R. 22 years, 4 months ago

Wes, Well, it's time! You are in my thoughts and prayers. I'll be checking on you. Love ya, Sandy

peaceangel58 22 years, 4 months ago

Hi Baby Face, We won't be able to call you Big Guy much longer. Lol. You are really lookin great. I agree with Robin, When you get strightened out, We got to go dancin. I think you are ready, I bet you can cut a rug better than I. Best wishes to you. You got the best cheerleaders, and Angel of course Lisa. You contribute so much to the group. We really appreciate it. You will be in my thoughts and prayers all the way through it all, and all the way down the road. God will Bless you for your good work. Take care, I will be keepin up with your progress. Debbie :) :)
About Me
Maylene, AL
Surgery Date
Jul 28, 2000
Member Since
