05/10/2009-WEEKLY UPDATE

May 10, 2009

Doing well this past week.  225 lbs out of the rack this morning.  Five lbs lighter than past two Sundays.  I've been stalling a bit.  Been watching carbs pretty closely this week, except one day.  I purposely drank a cup of whole milk with Hershey's syrup one night prior to hitting the rack (going to bed) so I could see what my morning fasting sugar would be.  I'm happy to report that it was 111.  It's been below 126 (fasting diabetic threshold) for at least two weeks now.  My low energy periods seem to be decreasing.  But sometimes they hit me and I don't really feel like doing shit!  Taking vits regularly.  Nurse said she didn't think I needed as much calcium as I was taking (2000 mg).  Said I might be able to get by on 1k daily.  I'll reduce and check the labs.  Also said I didn't really need a separate iron since it's already in my multi's.  Again, labs will tell. 

Had this type of pulling muscular pain in my side at least once this week.  Doesn't seem like gas but more like right behind my incision sites.  It's sharp and increases with certain movements.  It happens mostly when I walk forcing me to walk slowly and slightly hunched forward.  Seem to be having fewer occassions though.  Surgeon didn't think it a big deal.  Said I could do pretty much what I wanted as far as exercise.  No more exscuses (dangit).  I'm doing my pushups and situps at home for now and some cardio.  I'll ease into the machines later.

Thankfully wifey is a skilled seamstress and has offered to take in my pants.  I got nothing that fits except some active wear for excercise and it's baggy as hell.  I've been sinching pants up and have had to untuck all my shirts to hide my sinched up pants.  Dropping another load to Goodwill today and will pick up a shirt or two while I'm there.

Took wifey out last night for Mother's Day.  Happy to report I was able to tolerate nearly a third rack-o-ribs (baby back), a few bites of garlic mashed potatoes with cheese and sour cream, a couple bites of corn on the cob and a glass of unsweet tea.  Probably the largest meal post op.  I ate very slowly, small bites.  Family was waiting on me to finish for a change.  I got the feeling that people were watching me and thinking why is that big ass guy eating and drinking so slowly.  No spasms; no pain. Beleive me, I've never had to take ribs home from the restaraunt.  Felt funnny.

No other significant events to report at this time.  Echo out.


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Feb 06, 2009
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