KWIK NOTES 11/4/09

Nov 03, 2009

Threw up last night after eating a pork chop sammich.  Let myself get too hungry and then tried to woof it down.  Got about 3/4 of it down and started to feel like sh*t.  Lesson learned.  DS didn't go anywhere.  It's still here and doing its job.

Visited surgeon a few weeks ago.  Said he expected me to lose more weight.  Currently between 5-9 lbs below goal.  I feel fine right here.  Don't want to lose any more.  But I'm on the border line of normal and overweight on the BMI chart, which is fine with me.

Glucose is holding low.  It's in the mid seventies upon rising every single morning.  Every once in a while I'll test it about an hour after eating something sweet.  The last time I did it, I ate a good size bowl of ice cream at night before bed time.  When I checked the glucose about 30 minutes later it was 98.  Don't know if it was on its way up higher or coming down from a higher number.  The next morning it was 75.  Prior to surgery, I'd be looking at 300 the next morning. 

Wifey bought me three t shirts yesterday.  I've been weaing size mediums for the past several weeks and they've gotten loose.  I tried these three t shirts on and they were snug.  Wifey loves em.  I told her I would have to wear these first thing in the morning before I eat anything.  I mean they were not tight but snug than a mofo.  She was asking me if I wanted to keep them or if she should take them back to get size mediums....  To GET size mediums??  "What size are these?", I asked hysterically.  "Small!", yelled Wifey.  I made a mad dash and picked up the shirts to confirm.  Holy smoke, I was wearing a size small T shirt for the first time since maybe junior high???  Needless to say, I had mixed feelings.  Lost weight but don't want to be a small. 

"GAS GAS GAS".  This is what we used to yell when I was in the Marine Corps during a gas attack drill.  I've been yelling it quite a bit lately.  Sometimes it's debilitating.  I've had to lie down on the floor a couple of times to try to releive the symptoms.  My belly bloats and swells.  I try to pass gas but sometimes cannot initially.  Then eventually, I am able to pass the gas and get some relief.  The smell is nothing to laugh at either.  I've been taking Devrom without much success.  I'm nearly done with an entire bottle and I cannot say it does what it claims, at least for me.  So now I'm searching for something else to try.

No other notes at this time.


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Feb 06, 2009
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