Just an update

Jan 31, 2008

I just wanted to post that I am doing great and I am ecstatic with the results from my WLS.  To whomever may read this, I know how inspiring it is to hear positive results and I wanted to share mine:

Starting Weight:  227.5
Current Weight:  147.5

Total Loss:  80 lbs!!!

Life is good!!!

Feeling Good...

Jul 17, 2007

I just wanted to say I am finally started to feel like my old self again.  Not the "old self" that I wanted to change, but the "old self" that I missed for so long.  I know that everyone says you are the same person on the inside, no matter what your outside looks like.  I personally do not think that is true.  Ever since I began putting on my excess weight, it has shown in more ways than physically.  I stopped taking pride in my appearance, I avoided going places, I just lost interest in a lot of things I used to love, in general.  For the last week, or so, I have been fixing myself up a little better, wearing some clothes that I haven't been able to fit into for a long time, enjoying my kids more, getting things done that I have been putting off for some time.  It just feels good...like seeing an old friend again. 

Fatigue....please go away!

Jul 06, 2007

I have been feeling so tired lately , and have tried to read every post regarding this issue.  So far, it sounds like I have to get my protein drinks in check again.  I know I have been slacking on that because I am just tired of drinking them.  I hate feeling my old ways creeping back (not doing something that I know is good for me), especially since I just had the surgery and my success is determined so much on my atttitude.   Now is not the time for old ways to get in my way.  

I would really love to go to a support group right now, hopefully I can go to the one on the 10th.  I just have to find a sitter.

On the upside I have lost 25.5 lbs so far!  woo hoo!  Now if I can just shake this fatigue, I don't feel like doing anything.  I haven't been to the gym lately because we cancelled my membership at the end of June because of our upcoming move to Utah.  I guess I'll go pull out my old Tae Bo tapes and MTV aerobic tapes!  Because I am surely not going to do anything outside in this Arizona heat right now!

Great Song

Jun 18, 2007

"Ordinary Day"
 by Dolores O'Riordan

This is just an ordinary day
Wipe the insecurities away
I can see that the darkness will erode
Looking out the corner of my eye
I can see that the sunshine will explode
Far across the desert in the sky

Beautiful girl
Won't you be my inspiration?
Beautiful girl
Don't you throw your love around
What in the world, what in the world
Could ever come between us?
Beautiful girl, beautiful girl
I'll never let you down
Won't let you down

This is the beginning of your day
Life is more intricate than it seems
Always be yourself along the way
Living through the spirit of your dreams

Beautiful girl
Won't you be my inspiration?
Beautiful girl
Don't you throw your love around
What in the world, what in the world
Could ever come between us?
Beautiful girl, beautiful girl
I'll never let you down
Won't let you down
Down, down...

Home Recuperating

Jun 17, 2007

Well I had my surgery on Tuesday the 12th.  And I am so happy to finally be on the other side of the "big hill" in my mind.  I was really worried about the surgery and was starting to get very sentimental about my kids and my husband.  I am so thankful to Dr. Villares and all of the great nurses and nursing assistants at Banner Good Samaritan.  Everything was handled like a well-oiled machine.  Everybody knew their job and did it well.  

This surgery is definitely one in which all personal integrity gets put on hold.  What I am talking about is that I was ending my menstrual cycle on my surgery day, so the poor nursing assistants had to help me out with that....not fun for me, or them!  They were total professionals about everything and did it without missing a beat.

I got home on Thursday and just took it easy.  But Friday, my family was having a BBQ at one of my cousin's house and me, my hubby and kids decided to go.  (NOTE:  Nobody there knew I had the surgery) Let me just say I will never go anywhere again without being better equipped before leaving (ie: drink my protein beforehand, take alternatives for me to have).  I did not do anything stupid like try to eat anything, but all I had was my water bottle which I sipped on all night.  I was fine throughout the party, but on the way home and after we got home I became EXTREMELY nauseated.  We are talking the room spinning and me feeling dizzy.  My hubby told me I better get some protein in me, to which I agreed and made myself a quick protein drink.  I drank 2 oz and sat on the couch to let it absorb.  Well my body seemed to reject it immediately.  I had to go potty, then I started dry heaving, but nothing came up.  I couldn't even stomach my pain medication.  So I laid down on my side and fell asleep till about 2:00am, got up with nausea and starting watching anything on T.V.  I fell asleep in front of the T.V. and woke up around 3:30am then crawled in bed and slept til about 8:00am.  I felt much better in the morning.  LESSON LEARNED!  I actually feel really stupid for letting this happen.  I should have known better, because I have done my homework about the nutrition aspect of this surgery and have seen posts made on this exact topic.  

Anyway, aside from that experience everything is just peaches!    I have lost a total of 18.5 pounds since beginning my pre-op liquid diet!  Yahoo! 

Only Four More Days and I am starving!

Jun 08, 2007

Well I go in on Tuesday morning and I am getting excited and nervous at the same time!  I am currently on the liquid protein diet---which is about killing me by the way!  Things that normally do not appeal to me are beckoning me.  I feel like Sylvester the cat when he used to look at Tweety and visualize a roasting chicken while salivating.  I am doing this over things like my kids' chicken nuggets and hot dogs (stuff I usually don't care for).  Nevermind the things I DO usually like!  Oh well, I know the reason behind this restrictive diet and the possibility of complications if I do not comply.  I guess I will go heat up some chicken broth.....

I have my Surgery Date!

May 09, 2007

Well I am very excited to post that I have finally received my surgery date, it is going to be in June!  I am so happy and relieved!  When I found out that I was approved, my surgeon's office was so great in trying to get the surgery scheduled ASAP.  

Now the next step is getting ready for surgery!  I have read, and re-read, all of the posts on this site to hopefully get an idea of what I am to expect next.  I have some appointments coming up that are going to give me all of the necessary information I need;  however, it is so nice to be able to get a lot of my questions answered and a lot of my fears calmed through the posts I see on this site.  I think everyone can agree with me when I say that WLS brings a sort of "urgency" to one's state of mind.  I want things to happen NOW, I want to know the answer NOW, etc.  And I do believe good things come to those who wait, but I admit sometimes I just can't help myself!

Initial Consult with surgeon done

Apr 12, 2007

I had my initial consult and was told by the office assistant that the paper work would be sent to my insurance company for approval.  I am so excited and relieved at the same time.  I scrambled around trying to obtain all the information required prior to my appointment with my soon-to-be surgeon.  Now I wait for the approval call and surgery date to be scheduled. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 12, 2007
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 8
Just an update
Feeling Good...
Fatigue....please go away!
Great Song
Home Recuperating
Only Four More Days and I am starving!
I have my Surgery Date!
Initial Consult with surgeon done
