Getting my pre op stuff done!

Jul 15, 2012

I've meant to keep up with blogging on here but I haven't posted anything yet oppse! Well I have lots to add about the steps I've taken on my journey so far!

First of all I went to my consult about a month ago. All went very well and the nurse practicioner told me I could expect to have surgery in October! I was hoping for a bit sooner but now looking back that was already a month ago so time is flying by! She set me up with all my pre op appointments. I've already done the ultrasound, 1 of my nutritionist appointments (there are 3 in total) and both parts of a sleep study. The sleep study deserves a post of its own lol. Not a great time folks! Part 1 wasn't bad, I made sure I was super tired before it so I did get some sleep. Part 2 however was horrible. I had to sleep with the CPAP machine because it was found I had mild sleep apnea. The CPAP was awful. Plus the sleep tech I had was kind of an asshole so not a great time. Thank GOD it's over! I have my endoscopy this Wednesday- scared for that! And another NUT appointment Friday. Then next week I have an appointment for medical clearance and I'm done for a while. All that's left after that is my last NUT appointment my psych eval which is in the beginning of September and I have my final surgeon appointment September 18th and I get my date then! YAY! 

So things are moving along for me I guess! I hope I get a date in early October so we'll see. I've also found out that I was heavier then I thought I was- when I went in for my consult I was 379! That's the heaviest I've ever been and that number scared the crap out of me honestly. In addition I've found out I have high cholesterol, high blood pressure sleep apnea and slightly elevated glocous level which they said could be a sign of pre diabeties- I will have more testing for that done when I go in next week for my medical. All of this stuff SCARES me A LOT! My health is the worst it's ever been- I'm too young to have to deal with this stuff- I'm 23 not 53! Some days I feel 53 though- my lnees are pretty bad and I can't even walk a block with out pain. I'm more concinced then ever this surgery will be good for me. I need to get my health back!


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Jul 21, 2005
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