Feeling Like MySelf Again

Sep 21, 2009

Well, everything is going great so far.  I finally got rid of all the excess gas that caused me so many problems.    I am still having trouble getting in all my protein and water, but I am increasing little by little everyday.  I am absolutely loving SF popsicles.  They are really really good.  I am walking everyday and I increase my laps by 2 everyday so I am very proud of myself.  I still feel low on energy after I have completed walking or doing extra things around the house.  But, I can tell with each passing day that I am starting to feel like Tameshia again.  I visit with my Dr. on Friday for my 2-week post-op check-up.  I will then know how much weight I have lost since the surgery.  I am excited to find out.  I have also decided that I won't buy a scale for the house.  I don't want to become obsessed with numbers and I just want to lose the weight without counting every pound.  I think doing that would drive me insane.  I refuse to live like that.  I want to live moment by moment and day by day; taking it one day at a time.  I am ready to begin Phase 2 of the diet and I will begin on Friday after I visit with the Dr.  I am so looking forward to pureed foods.  I am still watching my favorite shows like Rachael Ray and the Food Network and you know.....I have no desire to eat while watching.  That is just too hilarious for me.  I also thank many OH members for their helpful advice and their recipes that look just absolutely delicious.  I look forward to making some of those recipes as I move up in each stage.  I feel like I can return to work on Monday, but the energy issue still troubles me, but I know that is to be expected and I am following the Dr.'s orders to the tee.  So, until next time.....Take Care!

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