Another WOW Moment....Saying Goodbye to 76 Lbs.

Dec 22, 2009

Good Morning, OH Family......

Well, I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks, but I found the time today to just say that I met my second goal.  I have finally broke the 75-lb. goal.    Yaaay Me!  I knew it would come and I just keep persevering every day to do what is necessary to make things happen.  Although, I have to say that I have fell off exercising some this week during the holidays, but I have made a promise to myself that after Friday....I will pick it back up because, afterall, exercise and eating right makes the tool work, right?  My last checkup with the Dr. on 12-11-09 went well.  I won't see him again until my 6-month check-up and he said that another 20-30 lbs. by March would be great.  Well, I am going to meet that goal and some.  I am kicking it into high gear for the new year.  So my next goal is to be in "Onederland" real soon.  So, another 25 lbs.  here I come and I am coming with a vengeance.  I am coming to kick your door in and say goodbye to you forever.  So, as my girl Laura Izibor says....."From My Heart to Yours" here's wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

