17 lbs. Away from Onederland.......

Jan 10, 2010

Well, here is my first post for the New Year...and I am happy.  I am down 83 lbs. and I am 17 lbs. away from losing 100 lbs. since my journey began.  It has all happened so fast.  I will be honest.  I haven't been to the gym in a couple of weeks.  I have been super busy with work and family.  I was just telling my husband I have to get back on the band wagon and get back in the gym by Monday. I have to quit make excuses like work, the weather, all the other excuses we come up with as a reason not to go.  I do understand that exercise as well as eating right is the key to success and getting the best results with the aid of my tool.  So, NO MORE EXCUSES!!! I vowed that I would make more time for myself and I need to do that.  As a mom, wife, teacher, etc., I need more time for me.  When I decided to have this surgery, this was the first decision I made totally for me.  Yes, it involved other benefits, but it was all about me.  So come Monday, there are no more excuses....no more reasons why I can't work out.  Besides, I am paying for it.  They are getting their money and therefore, I need to use their facilities. 
So, here is a goal that I have to set...because when I set a goal...I try really hard to achieve it.  So, my new goal is to resume working out at least 3-4 times a week.  If I do more, then good, but as they say, baby steps, baby steps.  I am trying not to overwhelm myself this year. 
I also want to "Thank" God for all that he has done for me.  He truly is a wonderful and magnificent God.  He has seen me through all my trials and tribulations, but most importantly, he sent me a wonderful man who is very supportive and helps me through this journey.  God Bless, OH friends and family.....Until next time......

