DS Facts posted a discussion topic 11 years, 7 months ago
Remembering Lucie - In memory of Lucie. Hard to believe January 3 will mark 5 years since Lucie's passing from complications due to infection. Her life and death is permanently tied to my ...

DS Facts posted a discussion topic 12 years, 4 months ago
4 Years Out - My 4 year surgiversary was March 5th. I hadn’t anticipated writing a post but today I feel like sharing where I’m at. I have been more of a lurker on the board for t...

DS Facts posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
Need the DS Update - I could use some help, I need to get an update on the status of getting DS in Ontario so I can update my website. I know we have one surgeon in Toronto who has been performing ...

DS Facts posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
Inspiring Talk Addresses Continous Struggles - I'm a big fan of ted.com, they have some really great speakers and topics. I saw this one recently and it realy hit home. It has some great life philiosphies (very Buddhist like) a...

DS Facts posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
Venofer Infusions - For those of you who've had Venofer infusions, how long did the infusions take? I am going to ask them to do a very slow drip with a lot of saline as I tend to react to things... w...

DS Facts posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
Need a Family Dr in Ottawa? - This doctor is setting up a new pratice in Ottawa and is now accepting new patients. Dr Ed Spence 613-225-5532 Nepean Clinical Association 1437 Woodroofe Ave (At Meadowland...

DS Facts posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
Article from NY Times - Is Sugar Toxic? - I hope this isn't a doubel post, if so sorry! This is a very long but facinating article if anyone is interested. It takes a scientific look at sugar (refined and high fructose ...

DS Facts posted a discussion topic 13 years, 3 months ago
Surgical scars, excess skin and cellulite be damne - I am over 3 years post-op from my DS (open) and post 3 plastics procedures (LBL, arms, breasts), so safe to say I have a lot of scars and still a lot of excess skin (2 asses and el...

DS Facts uploaded a photo 13 years, 3 months ago

DS Facts uploaded a photo 13 years, 5 months ago

DS Facts wrote a blog post 13 years, 10 months ago
quote - These are my quotes for my surgeon (about a year old now and pre-HST so add 8%) in Ottawa to give you an idea. 1) Arms only $5,302.50 2) Breast lift only $5,827.50 3) Brea...
About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 30, 2007
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Comparison of DS and RNY
Obesity Comorbidities List
Clinical Data Articles on Duodenal Switch
Lucie L'Ecuyer
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