Fell off the Wagon!!!

Jun 12, 2009

Boy oh Boy did I NOT eat the right things yesterday. To start out I weighed myself the day before 6-10-09 the scale read 176.2 down a pound...from Monday...so 6-11-09 I didn't weight myself when I woke up didn't do any of my normal first thing in the morning tasks, ie take throid pills, take medications, drink protein shake...the biggest mistake was not drinking protein shake.  If I miss that for some reason my entire day is shot...I get hungrier during the day.  Usually I have more self control though.  But yesterday I didn't.  I had to go to my grand baby's certificate ceremony and had a hotdog on half a bun...a half bag of Lay's chips, then later I had a whole peanut butter and jelly sandwich...never have I eaten two pieces of bread since surgery...what was even worse was that I  had hot tea to go with it which made it a slider food but I had been craving a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I literally said in my mind if I am going to blow my day I might as well have what I really want...I had another bag of lays..a whole one...I had some salmon salad ( like chicken or tuna)  delicious...I'm not sure how bad that was...I had a cheesecake cookie, and one fried wing ding... I'm not sure what all I ate yesterday...must have just put it out of my memory because I am so ashamed.  What the heck is wrong with me!!!! I always tell myself I risked my life having surgery to save myself . So why was I sabotaging MYSELF!!!!  I didn't really feel well yesterday and every time I dosed off and woke up I wanted something to eat...I should of just stayed sleep in the bed. I have noticed that about myself.  When I am sleepy I must use food as an energy booster.  It usually gives me a little energy boost. For a short period of time.  Today I am doing better although I still didn't have my morning protein shake, instead my daughter treated me to breakfast where I had ham and scrambled eggs...then I came home and had two pieces of white bass, and a salad its almost  7pm so I'm on track for the day...so I just have to make threw the rest of the day...Good luck to me.  Oh and I weighed myself today around two o'clock and the scale said 178.8 WTF!!! that's enough for me to say GET BACK ON TRACK!!!!

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