I desperately needed some Grattitude in My Attitude So.......

Apr 09, 2010

I am grateful for my RNY B/C

no more meds
down 8 clothing sizes
shrinking feet
can sleep in my bed comforably at night( I had to sleep propped up in a recliner at the end of my SMO days)..and I dont snore any more, and if I do, it sounds like a kitten instead of a grizzly bear
I eat better....produce is tasty! Who knew?
I can hit 2.7 miles in 30 min on the eliptical(At first I could only last 3 minutes..no lie!)
I can get up my 3 flights of stairs wayy easier
I look for excuses to BE active....rather than excuses NOT to be active
The fat over my eyelids is shrinking
I am starting to wear heels again
I feel proud to live a healthy lifestyle

