More Choices

Aug 26, 2007

This week I could start eating most foods.  Tried ground beef last night for the first time.  Will probably be eating the rest of it for the next 2 days.  Bought some fresh fruit to try.  Several times this week I must have had a little too much.  Had that funny pain in the chest.  It doesn't hurt too bad or too long but I think it's telling me to stop.  I had some watermelon with no problem.  Went to my family doctor who wanted to check my bloodwork already.  My cholesterol was 131 with the HDL (good) at 39 and the LDL (bad) at 73.  Triglycerides were 97.  He wants to check it again in another month.  He said to start back on my blood pressure medicine.  My ankles have been quite swollen at night.  I'm down 20 pounds and my pants are getting too big.  I have several sizes of clothing so shouldn't have to get anything else for a while.  Goodwill is great for a cheap new wardobe.  I go on the days they have clothes for .99.  I'm taking some of my too big and ugly clothes and a lot of my granddaughter's too small clothes to my friend's for a yard sale next Saturday. 

Post Op Visit with Nutritionist

Aug 20, 2007

On the 6th I had my first post op visit with Hunter.  I had a list of foods to ask about.  Before I had practically lived on diet cherry coke and microwave popcorn.  He said no popcorn or salad in my immediate future.  I have started on regular food this week.  Before you were told exactly what to eat, now you are told don't eat certain foods just yet.  I don't always get my water in but do remember my vitamins.  I find eating at work is easier than at home.  Three grandchildren are at my house most of the time now.  The 11 year old boy wants to eat all the time.  He plays too many video and computer games and is fat.  Some days I feel that I could go all day and not eat a bite.  I have been hungry just a few times.  Some restaurant meals have lasted me 3 days.  I'm spending less on groceries for myself but more for my son and grandchildren.   I have a 3 month appointment with Hunter in October.  I have tried small amounts of cherry (my favorite) and  homemade peach cobblers.  Looks like I'm one of those who can eat sugar.  I've had abour 5 french fries and they didn't bother me either.  I'm down around 18 pounds.  I have 2 pounds that go up and down on a daily basis.  There is a fitness room at work.  So far I'm just walking more at work and walking early in the mornings on the weekends.  It's been 100 and over for the last couple of weeks.  I would like to get a three wheel bicycle. 

A First

Aug 04, 2007

Had my first WOW moment yesterday.  A co-worker that I don't see very often said, "You're lost a lot of weight."  I told her not a lot but my pants are getting longer.  She said that's what she noticed, that my pants were bunched up at the ankle.  I've only lost 2 more pounds.  It is going slow.  I have my 4 week appointment with the nutritionist on Monday.  I have a list of favorite foods that I want to ask him about.

Surgery Day and Afterwards

Jul 29, 2007

I haven’t posted my hospital experience yet. Got there Monday the 9th about 6:30. They were happy to take my $720. After waiting for an hour I went to the desk to tell them how long I had been there. The lady said I was the 3rd scheduled and they had just taken the 1st one back. I’m thinking it will be around 10 or 11 before I ever get back. I went across to the gift shop to look around & a nurse came looking got me. She says I’ll probably be in pre-op an hour or hour and a half. A nice nurse comes back and gets me ready. The usual hospital personnel make their visits with questions and tips. I am looking right at a clock. I have no idea how long I was in that room. My older son who took me kept me company. I barely remember waking up in recovery. I do remember being rolled to my room. When I looked down my gown to see what had happened to me, I didn’t see the first bandage. I had been glued back together. I had no drains or tubes. I hit the morphine pump and slept off and on all afternoon. When the nurse came to get me up I couldn’t walk very far without getting nauseous. My son says to sleep the morphine off & I’ll feel better. So that’s what I did. Then I was able to get a little ways out in the hall before feeling nauseous. I went back to bed and slept pretty good. I was awakened several times for vital signs. I had not used the pain pump since around 5 the night before. The nurse came in about 5:15 and said she was bringing me my first meal, a sugar free popsicle. I didn’t have to have a leak test. The doctor came in about 8:30 and said I could go home. He said that he fixed my large hiatal hernia. I took the liquid Lortab for 3 or 4 days. I did have some pain in my left side after I got home, but it never lasted very long. I stayed out of work 2 weeks and went back last Monday. My family doctor wanted to see me 2 weeks after surgery. According to his scale I had lost 16 pounds since he last saw me in March or April. He wants to see me again in a month and is going to have blood work done. Then. I had my 2 week check-up with Dr. Foreman on Thursday. I had lost 10 pounds since my pre-op visit on the 5th. He said older patients lose slower and also it’s according how much you have to lose. I would like to lose around 100 to 110. He says I will probably catch up when he sees me again in 6 months. I started on the pureed diet last week. I’ve had Cream of Wheat, mashed potatoes, tuna salad, chicken salad, oats, cottage cheese, refried beans, and scrambled eggs. I’ve added some 2% shredded cheese to the eggs and beans. So far nothing has bothered me.

Food Well Almost

Jul 16, 2007

This morning I weighed 210, that's a 10 pound loss. I started on yogurt, milk, & cream soup today. I was so weak. I started the vitamins also. I found the Carnation in Chocolate only at Walmart in Fayetteville. It is good. I did get some Unjury Chocolate & Unflavored. I put some of the unflavored in the beef broth last week. Guess I should have put it in my soup today. I've had 2 cups of 1% milk today. My weight did go up 7 pounds. Actually on Sat morning it was 209 & 212 yesterday. Last week sure was miserable with that clear liquid. I'm looking forward to next week. One unexpected benefit is that I am sleeping so much better. I use to get up alot at night & now either I don't get up or only once. This is definitely not the easy way out. I'm going back to work next week. I think I'll be much stronger by then. Every thing sure did taste good today.

It's Over

Jul 11, 2007

My surgery was on Monday. I was discharged yesterday. I had one of those 23 hour stays. I'm not really in pain, just kinda achy and uncomfortable. The clear liquid diet leaves a lot to be desired. Couldn't get to sleep last night so I took some liquid Lortab. At first I couldn't get the 3 balls blown to the top. I coughed some last night and today I'm getting all of them to the top.

Last Day to Eat

Jul 07, 2007

Tomorrow I can only have clear liquids so I'm drinking diet colas & eating at my favorite burger place today.  A co-worker gave me some home grown tomatoes yesterday.  I am eating those today.  They are so good.  I went to the drug store and got the prescriptions filled and got some chewable vitamins.  Went to the grocery store and got chicken and beef broth, more Crystal Light, and sugar free popsicles.  A fellow at work who had the surgery three years ago told me to go out tonight at 11 for my last meal.  I think my last meal will be a tomato sandwich.  I have slowed down on my diet colas this week.  I know they are not good for me but they have been a good friend for many years.  My best friend went with me this afternoon.  She weighs more than I do.  I wish she would have this surgery.  I know I can't tell her that.  She has to decide it herself just like I did.  I'm a little nervous and a little scared.  I need to do it for my health and so I can walk normal again.

4 More Days

Jul 05, 2007

Today I have a pre-op appointment with the doctor.  His nurse called Tuesday and gave me a surgery date of the 9th.  When I saw him in May he say try to lose a little.  Well I did lose about 8 pounds and then gained back 10.  As of this morning I was down 4.  I hope it shows up on his scale.  One of my co-workers says to go out to eat Saturday night at 11 for my last meal.  I'm glad I didn't have to do a liquid pre-op diet like I read in so many profiles.  I'm thinking about a last meal out tonight.  I went to the hospital Tuesday and all they needed to do was an EKG and draw some blood.  They will call me tomorrow to tell me when to be at the hospital on Monday.  I will only be staying that night.  My son has to find somewhere for my granddaughter to stay that night while he's at work.  I only plan on being out of work a week or two.  I just found out that the girl who backs me up at work will be in training the next two weeks.

Finished with All Test & Reports

Jun 26, 2007

Well I had my chest x-ray this afternoon.  The fellow said it would only take a day or two to get the report to the doctors.  I asked that they sent it to both Dr. Foreman and my family doctor.  Now I'm back to waiting again to hear from Dr. Foreman's nurse.  At a support group meeting a girl who had worked for Dr. Foreman said he was  really a great guy.  I was very glad to hear that.  Now I'm hoping for at least the second week of July.  When I saw him in May he said I could probably be scheduled in two weeks after I finish my tests.

Still Waiting

Jun 26, 2007

I was told that all my paperwork would be given to the doctor's nurse for her review.  I heard that on the 14th.  All last week I kept hoping that I would get a call to schedule a pre-op appointment.  It didn't happen.  Late yesterday afternoon I called only to find out that the nurse wasn't in.  I left a message but she still hasn't returned my call.  I was hoping for surgery in June, didn't happen.  The month of June has been good for waiting.  Guess who just called.  She says I need a chest x-ray.  It wasn't on the check list.  I'm thinking that I can get that done with no problem & no long waiting time, if not today surely this week.  I had lost a few pounds after I saw the doctor in May, but gained it back.  Starting yesterday, I'm drinking & eating Slim-Fast and one meal a day either at breakfast or lunch.  I've lost 3 pounds since Sat.  I need to loose a few more before I see the doctor again.  This morning the very small meal bar actually filled me up.  I have a home made burrito for lunch and will probably drink my supper.

About Me
Fayetteville, TN
Surgery Date
Apr 19, 2007
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