Not Sure what to hope for?

Dec 23, 2008

Ok I have been haveing acid reflux since last fill in November on the 18th.  My PCP ws concercened since I am already on nexium twice a day aand caled my sergeon.  I saw him today and we talked.  He went over the possible outcomes.

It could be several thinkgs.  IT could be the band sinc the acid reflux existed before the band and the band can make it worse,

It could be that my body is getting use to the nexium and I need to switch meds.

It could be that we need to work up the galbladder and see if it is making things worse and needs to come out (also an existing problem)

We have a game plan to start with, he took out 1.5 cc and we are going to see if that helps, if not the next step is to seitch the meds and go from there.

Truthfully I am a little scared One of the options is I might hav eto loose the band and I have been doing so well on the band, I really don't want to have to go that route.  He saw I was upset buy that (It was a little hard since I ws crying or almost) and assured me that he would not just take it out and leave me hanging, they would revise to bypass which I kow is very successful for so many but scares me to death.  I am not even totally sure why, gut feeling, if you beleive in that. 

On top of all this I have to see a nureologist next tuesday for some other health problems we can't explain and that is a little scarry too.

I am hoping for the best but I am not really sure what that is I will have to put my trust in a higher power.

I am goign to try to take the next couple of days and just be tankful that everything has been so succsuful so far, enjoy the people I will be with, stay away from my mothers food ( she made enough for 60 people, ther ewill be 6) and hope and pray that God has put me in the right hands like I feel he has.

Hope you have a great holiday

