A really good day!

Feb 07, 2009

Well woke up with a song in my head and things went really good.  I did not get to go to work, felt kind of funny this morning (no not ha ha funny) so stuck close to home, I think it is the new meds but I don't know which one.  Around 1 I went to the goodwill store and bought 2 pair of slacks and a vest for $6.00  (they were a 24 pants yeppieee!)  I have discovered that dress slacks are more forgiving if it is a flowy fabric.  The heaver fabrics get big quick and look big.  The others hang nice even if they are a little big.  The vest is probably a size too big but it was a buck and looked nice, I seem to be into vests lately.

Then I went to the craft store.  Did not buy much looking for specific type of yarn.  Did you know they make yarn out of bamboo now'?  Yep they had that but it is hard to find 100% cotton yarn!!!

Then went to meet some old friends for dinner,  We sat and talked for 5 hours!!!  Laughed so hard I could not breath and it hurt after a while but we just kept laughing!!!

Stopped at the grocery store for yogurt (on sale) and there were new flavors in my favorite brand YEAH!!!

going to bed now, it is almost tomorrow and I am exhausted.  Today is the first day in close to a year I felt not sad!!!  I am not sure if it is the drugs (probably) or me but it was nice (except for the funny feeling this morning!!)

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