Frustrating day! Not too bad today.

Feb 11, 2009

Ok so I have been having pretty good days and moods since Saturday.  Today not quite a good, I am hoping a temporary set back.  I feel like I am sliding back to where I was a couple of months ago.

Work was ok, but not what I had hoped for,  It seems the further I go, the more behind I get.  I did however get part of my desk cleared and got caught up on 1/2 the papers, talked to students about graduation and we got our second day of testing students done.  I guess not a bad day, actually pretty good now tha I loook at it.  I think the headach is just getting to me now.

Even counseling did not help today, I just was frustrated.  I feel like I ahve lost all the progress we made.  Oh well, maybe the second time out will help.  Try again!!  We set some new goals. and a short term plan.

After that had a church meeting, did not get to go home first.  I had a salad and went to the church for a two and a half hour meeting, oh my.  It was necessary but long. 

Oh well, tired and need to get to bed before I have to get up tomorrow. 

