Ok so will I ever get this right?

Feb 20, 2009

I still seem to either eat way too much or let my sugar go low in the evening.  I am not sure if it is I weight too long between meals or I am not eating the right amounts at the right times.  On the days everything works I end up eating 1500+ and it feels like I am eating all day. 

I mean I know what happened today.  I had a meeting at 11 (thank goodness I eat a small snack at 10:30)  we did not get out of the meeting until 2:30.  By then I was a little squishy.  Haveing trouble focusing etc.  Finally got my lunch by 3:00. 

Oh well I will figure it out with help.  I am meeting with my NUT again on tuesday, if I get out of work on time.  I am going to ask to leave early so I can get there in time.

I also have a support group that night.  All on my birthday.  Oh well I will see the NUT then take my self to dinner or go read a book.  Then the meeting.  It is an hour away so I am not comming home between.  It will be a long day!!!

