its past my 6 months but checking in 11/2/10

Nov 02, 2010

So I wanted to do a follow up on my 6 months but never got around to it. So hmm whats new, so far I have lost 144 lbs, still unreal to me. I think the physical changes are really starting to get to me mentally. Now I see how people say make sure you get your mind set, its so true. I would be lying if I said everything has been wonderful. I have had my moments. Good moments, I'm wearing jeans, high heel shoes, feeling sexier, able to do more, walk more, energy is higher, fit in a booth, eating different things, drinking coffee, no high blood pressure, my daughter is happier.  Bad moments, getting sick , see the saggy skin, hair falling out, not really being able to fit smaller clothes still and that bugs me the most out of everything. I knew all about it when signing up, still don't regret one bit but my head is fucked up right now, and by writing this out and having other read it and they know where I'm coming from makes it better for me. I will keep climbing that mountain, my surgeon wants me to go all the way he wants me to get down to 160 i was like yeah right doc when I saw him but you know my personal goal was 200, so that's just another 40 pounds to his goal so I'm going all the way.  I will write more later, need to get out of this funk.

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