on picc line feeding tube now! UNDER-WEIGHT! MALNOURISHED

Jan 29, 2010

Started throwing up went down to 114 lbs...was falling asleep all day even when driving. Had to stop driving and called gastro to tell him was throwing up blood within 10 mins he had me scheduled next morning for another endoscope...he said as soon as he looked he could see more inflammation and when youched i automatically started bleeding from wretching all the time when I would try and eat.  he took blood levels and within 3 days had me on picc line (IV deep in main vein that goes towards heart  and can stay in for 6 months)  I am now on a feeding bag (TPN BAG) of what smells awful lot like babyformula and I mix all my injectionsnof vitamins and b-12 into the TPN (iv bag) made specifically for MY bnlood deficienties. Dr sid I need the nutrition yto heal so I can reduce swelling and eat normal again.  It may be on for the next 2 months then I ho for another look down my tummy and see how I am healin.  Still have trouble eating some solids and barely eat daily.  If I wre off tpn bag I would not be any better! As of 7 days on line now I am at 126 lbs!  Levels of my blood work are taken by home nurse and then the DR again creates the TPN bag for my specific needs based on blood draw for the weeks results.

I was fitting in a ZERO pants!  Who would ever think I would need to gain weight.  Went to a family function this past weekend amd I had to actually tell people who I was..they did NOT recognize me! 

Thank God for the basic nursing backround and medical knowlegde I have had frm past and school bec this is not easy to do at first.  I have total movement of my arm as the needle is in the brachial vein...inside my left arm , bicept area.  Does not hurt just itches at times.  But again nurse comes and changes my dressings once a week and draws labs blood) to prevent infection.

I am getting stronger lil by lil...still not one gastric bypass regret!  NOT ONE!  This is possible to happen to 5% of GB patients I just had to be the lucky one...guess someone has to be the 5%....to get twisted intestines and internal hernia causing full revision.

Just scared this tpn bag is gonna make me gain too much weight again!  Will have to be careful.

Any questions...never hesitate to ask. use my private email if you like.  I get on there more often than here now a days.  [email protected]

