BACK SURGERY SCHEDULED JUNE 14, 2012 (my birthday)

May 26, 2012

ok so now we know why I have had back pain in spite of my pain box stimulator that was inserted last march 2011.  The leads or paddles as some refer to them that were placed on the thoracic spine have actually SHIFTED!  They are no longer n the when I put my pain box on my whole left side and ino my chest and ribs vibrates and gets tight and feels annoying and does NOT help any of my back pain.  I went to pain management Dr he sent me to the surgeon that did surgery last March 2011.  Dr did X Rays and clear as day you can see the paddles are towards the left no where near center!  How and why they shifted and in such a short amount of time is unknown and baffeling to me as well  AS THE DR!  But fact remains it must be corrected. So I can use it again and stop taking oral pain meds.

This will be a 4-4.5 hour operation.  longer than first bec they have to remove paddle that shifted, chip away from built up scar tissue and bone and the replace it once again in its CORRECT position and space to get the best overall pain coverage.

I have already been told I will be kept in Overlook Hospital for  a min of two nights post op for observation.  Although I dread staying its prob for the best after what happened with my fever and blood infection after recently removing my gall bladder.  Also if I go home I will not take all  the pain meds by mouth as i do not want to become addicted if I stay in hospital they can give to me thru IV and I can just stop no problem cold turkey when I am released (have done is safe short term.)  OHH and the most imp thing!!!  If I stay in hospital I WILL NOT be tempted to do something stupid too soom like vaccuum, cook, lift heavy wet laundry from washer etc!  I am a very bad post op patiend bec I think I am wonder woman and I can take on all my regular household chores as soon as I walk through my front door. 

Well...thats the story for now...if I dont get on here soon I will def be back after back surgery to give whom ever still frequents my blogs an update.

There is a higher risk involved with thhis surgery bec of the removal of the paddles/leads and the increased amount of time it will take and I will be under general all I ask is that my OH friends keep me in prayer for a safe and quick recovery.

God Bless you all...Some of you have become like family to me over the years...and for that I thank you!  You all know who you are!

