Demesvar A. Jean-Baptiste

"There is NOTHING I could say negative about my Dr. Dr Baptiste has a new office staff...a new nurse and a new nutritionist. I have not havd the pleasure of meeting the nutritionist as of yet but she must be better than Judy the old nutritionist. She was never heavy a day in her life and spoke to us weightloss patients as though it is as easy as the flick of a switch to just stop eating. If it were that easy We would have no need for Dr Baptiste. The new nurse (sorry i cannot think of her name off the top of my head) is extremely cxoncerned for us as patients and our success. She actually takes us into a examining room (unlike Kathy previous nurse, who ONLY conversed in her office)I truly believe this new nurse is truly concerned about each and every patient.She literally takes the time and answers all questions she possibly can and NEVER makes you feel rushed! Dr JB is a skilled professional with a personality that surpasses any other Dr I have ever HAD THEPLEASURE OF MEETING.HIS BEDSIDE MANNER IS ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL. I would recommend Dr JB and his staff in a heart beat! "


"The only thing I did not like was the room I had. There was a window on the door and it was in direct contact with everyone on staff! It was very nosiey and everyone that passed my would look in the room."