Well let's see.  I have had a weight issue since my early teenage years, however, I look back and think I would love to weigh and perhaps look like that.  Yeah there is nothing worse when you are like 14 or 15 and have to go in for your physcial and the doctor says, "yep ya know you are a bit overweight and should really lose 50 pounds."  Wow walking out of there in tears and thinking, Weight problem??  Me??  I didn't even know that at that point.  Or when you want to borrow something out of your mom's closet and she says no that wouldn't look good but here try this one knowing it was like two sizes too small..yeah we have all been there and it hurts like a knife.  I did have a normal teenage experience though and now years later and two kids and two c-section scars to prove it it is time to get real and manage this obesity problem.  I am married and only 31 so I still have a lot of living to do.  I am mentally energetic and full of vigor but my fat body does not always match my mind.  I coach my youngest son's soccer team and boy is it difficult, I just know the parents are like whoa look at that 230 pound person trying to manage a soccer team and you know how kids can be mean too...so here I am on my journey to a new me and scared to death.  I have been researching the lapband option for about a year and I have finally realized I can do it when I started a new job that has awesome blue cross blue shield insurance.  

I went to the seminar October 10, 2007 and my father passed away two days later.  I would not have seen him two days prior to if it had not been to me going to the seminar that night.  I live an hour away from the seminar which is only 5 minutes away from where my parents reside so I was really happy that it brought me to their house afterwards and was able to stay the night with the kids to see him before God took him.  Then November 17 I met with the surgeon, Dr. Verseman for the first time...boy was he the greatest and so was his assistant.  He spent two hours with me.  Then one week later had my cardiac workup because of my heart conditions which all checked out ok.  Then December 7 I met with the dietician and psych for my evals and again on the 13th.  So the assistant called and said check your calendar we are going to get you set up for mid january for surgery.  I am so nervous and delighted at the same time.  I can't picture maintaining the liquid diet and the other foods that I will have to get used to as well as picturing me in a smaller size or looking at my body and have some of it be shrinking...yeah I can't wait for that feeling but I know the journey will be a little ahwhile before I experience that. 

About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 20, 2007
Member Since

Friends 17

Latest Blog 4
I am hungry!!!!
One week post-op
Day 7 Post Lapband
