6 months...

Dec 17, 2008

Holy smokes!   Today is my sixth month surgiversary (sp?).   Hard to believe that it's been that long already.  I can finally chew gum!    Techically, today I can start drinking soda again (haven't had any since May).  But I think that is one thing I am not going to start back up again.  I can not believe how clear the skin on my facce has been since the summer.  I know it's because I am not drinking soda.  Besides, if I start up again, I would drink soda and not water.  I would definately end up in the hospital for dehydration again.  NO WAY.  That is the worst feeling in the world.

Let's see, as a re-cap...I have lost 77lbs in 6 months.   I have been stuck at 201 since Dec 4th.  Very frustrating since I am "this" close to being in onderland....but can't quite break the threshold.    My arthritis has not acted up in awhile (thank THE Lord).  I have clearer skin.  I don't think about food 24/7 anymore.  I was wearing a skin-tight 22/24 at the time I had my surgery.  I am comfortably in a size 16 pants and XL shirt right now.  My wedding ring/engagement ring are too big to wear, so I have been wearing my 10th yr anniv ring hubby got me in July.  It's a size 7.  I started this jorney out as a snug size 9 ring.   Someone rubbed my shoulders for me at work a little over a week ago.  They told me I have a "boney" back!  Me...BONEY...who would have thunk?!?  LOL  Other than my hernia bothering me (it's sore/tender), all in all I am feeling great.  This will be the LAST year I am ever in two-ter-ville (the 200's).  I am happy to say I will NEVER be here EVER again!  How exciting!

Well, that's all for now.  Have to get DS to bed!  Just got home from Caroling with the Cub Scouts (DS is a wolf this year) at a local nursing home.  Very sad to see all those poor folks there.  You can really see that some of them truly enjoy listening to the kids sing.



Dec 11, 2008

Yup...got one.  And it seems to be getting worse.  When I went to the Dr last week, I asked her about a bulge that was happening just under my sternum every time I coughed.  She said it's a hernia.  But not a surgical hernia.  It's my stomach poking through my stomach wall.  She said I've probably had it since I had my son.  But I know it just "popped" up.  The reason I say that is that I was deathly afraid of getting a hernia after surgery.  And the first month or two, I was very aware of what I was doing and what my stomach felt/looked like.  It's the the left (my left) of my surgical scar.  And it really sticks out now.  I know it was not there prior to this freaking cold.  I know because there is no way I could have missed it!  It's HUGE!  But I can push my stomach back in and when I cough, if I press down on the area pretty hard, it keeps everything in where it should be.  Last week it wasn't "bothering" me.  But this week it's been sore and tender.  It's due to the fact I have been having coughing fits if I walk to much or if I go out into the cold air. 
I have been told that this is actually a blessing in disguise.  Because now a tummy tuck would be covered by insurance because they will have to repair the hernia eventually.  Well hell!  I wasn't planning on a tummy tuck!  I was hoping to be done with surgeries...forever!  I had enough of them
1) gallbladder removed
2) c-section
3) tubes tied
4) RNY
Four surgeries are plenty enough times under the knife for me!  I have seen many, many, many pics out there of people getting tummy tucks.  NO way do I want to go through that.  Nope!  Not me!  Looks WAY too painful.  I'll deal with the loose skin thank you very much.  Only me, hubby, and the Dr needs to see me naked.  I may not like what I see, but I can live with it.  Hubby loves me whatever I look like, thank God.  If my girls get too small, he told me I could always keep a pretty push up on when we are intimate if I feel self conscious.  Isn't that sweet of him to say?

Well our son has been sick all week.  I better get going to bed, because Lord knows how much sleep I will get tonight.  Monday I think I got 4 hrs.  Last night I think I got about 5 hrs.  Sheesh!  It's almost like I have a newborn again waking me every 1-2 hrs.



Dec 01, 2008

Today I am sick.   Well, I have been since since before Thanksgiving.  Today I went to the Dr because it's seems like it's just getting worse as I go.  I thought I had strep - my throat has those lovely white spots - but she tested me right away (really cool - first time ever I have gotten results in 2 mins), but she said it came up negative.  She said it's probably just a virus that just has to run it's course.  Yeah, yeah.  Hey I realize that they don't like to give out antibiotics at the drop of a hat anymore.  But man does my freaking throat is KILLING me!  I am sure from her swabbing my throat, it just made things worse.  The sad thing is that I ran out of SF popcicles, so I have nothing in the house to "soothe" my throat.  SUCKS!!  DH is home tonight, so when he wakes up from his nap, maybe I can talk him into going to the store for me....
So this was the first time I have been to my primary Dr for like 2 yrs...well, actually 2 1/2 yrs!  March of 2006 is the last time I was there.  So I had told the Dr that I had WLS and this is the first time I am really sick.  Since there are so many drugs I can't take, I never know when I am at the store what I can take.  So she told me Sudafed was OK and Afrin was OK to use.  I need to start using them ASAP.  She said that I didn't have a sinus infection yet, but if I don't use something to help clear it up I could end up with one.  So I got both and I can breathe better now.  However, I still have the post nasal drip which is just adding to the pain of already my irritated throat. I was hoping to find Nice throat losenges.  I guess the don't make them anymore.  I haven't been able to find them anywhere.  I used to love them things.  They felt like a little ice cube in your mouth.  They always made my throat feel better.
I noticed last night when I cough, that I have a buldge that sticks out near my incision from my WLS.  I was concerned because I thought I was getting a hernia.  I asked the Dr to take a look at it.  She said it is a type of hernia, but not from WLS.  She said it's from having my son.  LOL  The weird thing is that I never noticed it before.  Anyhow, she said if it's not "bothering" me, not to worry about it.  But if it becomes painful, I might want to check into getting it repaired.  I asked if situps would help.  She said no, but that's not a reason not to do sit ups.  She also gave me a complement.  She said for losing 73lbs (I was 205 on their scale), my stomach skin looks very well.  She said that I look good, and should be happy with my results.  I am happy with my results thus far...however, she has not seen my flapjacks (my breast), nor my thighs.  Those poor things...there is no hope for them.  I have ALWAYS had really heavy thighs.  My skin will be extremely saggy on them when I get to my goal.  But I will take the loose skin vs weighing what I did!  You know, since the day I gave birth 8+ yrs ago, I have lost 100lbs!  Holy smokes!!
As for black Friday - I made out well.  I am almost finished with my shopping.  DS I have to finish up, my dad I need two more small items for, and the after school ladies.  Then I am D-O-N-E, done!!  Yippee!

Hope everyone is enjoying this lovely Christmas season so far.  Remember:  Jesus is the reason for the season!  Keep Christ in Christmas!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 27, 2008

So this was a great day for me...I woke up this AM to find 204 looking at me on the scale!!   Holy Toldeo!!!  I have less than 5 lbs to go until I see 199.9 on the scale.  Whoooo  Hooooo!  Yeah baby!  I haven't been at that weight since 1997!  Needless to say, I am SO excited!  I am more than 1/2 way to my Dr's goal of 140.  And I am a mere 44 lbs from my personal goal of 160.

This was also a good day because it was the first time on Thanksgiving that I can remember where I didn't stuff myself until I was just about sick.   And the great thing was that I didn't even really crave all the things that I used to have.  I thought I would really want a piece of pumpkin pie.  And I had even prepared myself with the thought of "if I couldn't hold back - I will only try a fork full".  But, I didn't even think about it.  Well, that's not entirely tue.  When they first brought it out the thought did cross my mind, but I quickly forgot about it.  I even touched it when I served my son his slice.  Not even a lick.  I didn't even think about it.  This is such a mile stone for me.  I have had 6+ months with no diet soda.  And 5+ months with no cake, pie, or "real" candy.  I have had a few sugar free pieces of candy here and there, but due to the side effects I have no trouble keeping it to a once in a blue moon treat.

My son has so graciously given me a cold.   Wasn't that nice of him?  Let me tell you, it's HARD to figure out what I can take.  I do have guidelines to follow, but I always forget to bring them to the store with me.  I always end up with Tylenol products, because I know they are safe for me to take.  As long as they are not the rapid release or time released, I can take it.

Well, I am off to bed now.  Tomorrow is my most favorite day of the year.  Well, Christmas really is.  Black Friday is my most favorite SHOPPING day of the year!    I need to hit the sack so I can get out there at 3-3:30am!  Yes, I am one of those crazy people you see out there EARLY in the AM.  Hee, hee!    LOVE IT!!  Just wanted to jump on here and post an update.



Nov 15, 2008

There was a shooting in front of my house last night.  I live right behind a bar. Shooting wounds three in Bucks County - 11/15/08 - Philadelphia News - 6abc.com We've been renting the same house for about 10 yrs now.  And have lived in our town for 11 yrs.  In the past 11 years, there have been 4 shootings (well, 6 if you count each person from last night's episode) since we've moved to Warminster - all within 10th of a mile.  This is the second incident that's happened in 2008 in my neighborhood alone.  We had one this past spring that involved the SWAT team - tear gas and all!  And to boot, it was in the exact same house we lived in for the year before we moved into our current home (only four streets away).  The guy had a hostage, and was threatening to kill his girlfriend.  The SWAT team got involved and the guy ended up killing himself.  It's a shame, because that place had beautiful hardwood floors.

OK, on a lighter note!  I went to the gym today.  I lifted weights - upper body only.  I walked the treadmill for 30 mins and the elliptical for 5 mins.  Holy Hannah, I need to build up stamina for that thing!  I honestly do not know how people stay on that thing for 30-45mins!  I give them credit, it took all my strength just to stay on there 5 mins.  I am going to try to add a minute every time I go to the gym.  I am hoping to get to the gym 3-4x's a week now.

Oh yeah!!  I lost 2 lbs!!  I am at 210.

I updated some pics, finally.  I tried to add a new avatar.  I don't know how long it takes to show up.  I added it about an hour ago and it still hasn't updated yet.  Oh well.  Maybe I will have a surprise tomorrow morning.

a lazy friday night...

Nov 14, 2008

I been stuck at 212 since I got there.    I really need to make an effort to write down in my calendar when "that time" of month is.  I am thinking it's coming, but am not sure.  I really need to get my butt in gear and get on a consistant exercise schedule.  I suck at taking time out for myself.  DH is now on his regular schedule.  Off M-W and overnite Th-Sun 9pm-9am.  Now I have the time to exercise, I just have to do it!    Why oh why can't I get motivated?

On the food front, since my real bad incident (when I thought I ripped my pouch) I haven't really had any "foamy spit" incidents.  I was actually starting to get worried that I had stretched out my pouch so badly, that's why I wasn't getting that feeling anymore.  Even though I hated the feeling, it's what kept me from overeating.  It was like a built in safeguard.  Well, today, for the first time in weeks, I had that feeling again!  And suprise, suprise, it was on tilapia I was eationg for lunch.  I was like "Oh thank you sweet Jesus" that I could feel that feeling again.  Maybe I didn't damage myself!  Phew!

Man!  I really need to update my pics!  LOL  I haven't posted any since the summer.  I will admit, I look different!  LOL  I will have to have DH take some so I can update.

People at work think I am crazy.   I started listening to Christmas music  at work at least a month ago, if not longer.  Today, I started decorating (at work).    If I start at home here, not only will DH think I am crazy, our landlord (who happens to be our neighbor) will start telling me how crazy I am.  And feel guilty that they haven't decorated, too.  Oh well.  Maybe I will start on the inside slowly.  LOL

Well, it's time for me to hit the sack.  I am bushed! 

PS...Monday I will 5 months out!  WOW!  Time flies when you're having fun!


Nov 05, 2008

Wow...The scale just keeps getting lower an lower.  How cool is that?  I have now changed my 199lb goal to Christmas.  I think I will be able to make it!  Yea me!  What would be even cooler, is if I can get to 195lbs by then.  That will leve me with 35lbs from my personal goal and 55lbs from the Dr's goal.  This experience has just been overwhelming to me.  I am so greatful that I was given this wonderful gift.  I can not thank Dr Marymor enough.  I am excited for him to see what he's done at my 1 yr visit!

Today I am home with DS.  He has pink eye in both his eyes.  I thought he might have strep throat ...again, but the Dr seems pretty sure he doesn't have it.  Let's hope so!  I really should be doing some laundry, but I don't feel like it!  LOL  Bad Jill.

Hope everyone is doing well in their journey, no matter what stage you're at!


Happy Halloween (a few days late)

Nov 02, 2008

On Halloween, I weighed in at 214...Holy smokes!  This is really very surreal for me.  The numbers just really amaze me.  I know there are a lot of people who are ahead of me (I am 4.5 mos out - and at a respectable 59lbs lost), but I am happy with my rate of loss.  The month of October I lost 10lbs.  The month of Sept I lost 9 lbs.  I am really happy with that.  I am really hoping to be below 200 (even if it's 199.8) on New Years Day.  I think I have a shot at that since I have  60days from today to lose 15 lbs!  How awesome is that?

Halloween was extremely slow here.  There were hardly any kids out that night.  Hubby and our neighbor think that it was due to the Phillie's parade that was that same day down in Philly.  I don't know what to think it was.  It was just plain sad.  DS made out like a bandit, though!  People were giving him huge handfuls of candy since there were so little kids out.  We have huge amounts of candy here in the hose.  I am very proud to say that I have not even had a taste of anything!  Actually, since my WLS, I have not had anything.  How awesome is that?!?  Yea me!   It really doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would.  If I stare at it and think of it too much, I do get tempted.  But as long as I don't sit and stare at it too much, I don't even think about it.

I have been having really bad headaches lately.  Back on Oct 3rd, I got a new eye glass prescription.  I am thinking the Dr didn't do it right.  I don;t know what else it could be.  I have been trying very hard to get all of my water in, so I am not dehydrated.  I have been getting close.  Not always exactly 64 ozs, but very close.

Well, I better go.  I am going to the book store with a friend and DS in about 45mins.  I am not even dressed yet!  Still in my PJ's...LOL  

Whacky Wednesday

Oct 29, 2008

Holy smokes!  I am at 215!  My period is at it's end.  And this whole week I was floating between 217 & 218.  Not bad considering in years past while I was on WW, I could always count on at least a 5lb gain during "that" time.

I can not believe that in less than 16 lbs, I will be in ONEDERLAND!!  AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!    Sorry...this is just so exciting to me!  I was hoping that by Jan 1st that I would be in the 100's...and it's actually an attainable goal for me.  Woo hoo!!   

DH is away again.  Next week is his last week.  THANK YOU SWEET JESUS!!!  DS has been good for the most part, but today he was acting up.  I will be glad when DH is home so we have a little more normalcy.  I will also be glad so that I can get to the gym on a regular basis! 

PHILLIES WON the World Series tonight!!  How freaking cool is that?  People are going nuts around here (I live near a bar).  The last time they won was when I was 10yrs old.  I remember how crazy everyone was then, too.  I had DS outside blowing a really load horn.  I was cracking up.  He just thought he was the coolest thing since sliced bread.  LOL  Tug McGraw's son Mark (Tim McGraw's younger bro) spread some of Tug's ashes on the pitcher mound before a game the other night.  Tim McGraw was also in town for one of the games.  I wish I would have gotten to see that fine specimen of a man.  I LOVE him!  He's so yummy... LOL  I envy Faith.  They make a darn cute couple though, I will say that.

Well, it's off to bed.  Well, if I can sleep with all the stupid drunks outside being loud and obnoxious. 

It moved!

Oct 17, 2008

Finally!  After a 2 week stall, the scale moved.  Only one pound, but hey I'll take it!!  I am finally in the teens.  I am so excited.  I haven't seen them since before I got married 10+ yrs ago. 

Work finally calmed down a bit.  Thank Goodness!

I was referred to a thirft store a bit of a drive from my house.  I went there twice this week.  I got about 4 pair of pants and 2 shirts.  There is not a huge selection in my size right now, but when I get down to a 12 or 10...look out baby!  I will be shopping there every week!  $2.45 or $3.45 for a pair of pants, you can't go wrong!!  I am so glad my friend told me about the place!  There is no way I would be able to afford shopping at a regular store while on my WLS journey.

Tomorrow I am going up to my bro's house for a Fall Festival.  I love the Fall.  I love the cool crisp air...the smell of the leaves, the smell of a wood burning fireplace.  I used to like to drink apple cider and eating spiced cookies, but I will have to just enjoy the smells of nature this year!  I am OK with that.  Skipping the food and drink is so worth my reward of losing weight.  Tomorrow is also hubby's b-day.  Poor guy has to work the third shift at work on his b-day.  I am going to make him a nice steak dinner for his b-day.


About Me
Bucks County, PA
Surgery Date
Apr 11, 2008
Member Since

Friends 11

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