"The Stent" Part 2

Aug 20, 2009

OK, so apparently the stent had migrated up into my esophagus and that is why it felt like I was trying to swallow a golf ball because the stent is about the diameter of a golf ball.  This stent was so uncomfortable.  The stent has been removed and I am so much better now.  Unfortunately I still have fistula (leak) in my stomach.  It has now been 3 1/2 months of no food, sleeping in a recliner because I have to tube feed and having a tube and a drain sticking out of my belly.  I cannot even say how tired I am of this.

Yesterday my doctor moved my drain so to break up the communication and negative suction between my fistula and the drain, we are hoping that this will help to heal the fistula.  I have also increased my protein intake in an attempt to make my body more healing friendly.

"The Stent"

Jul 12, 2009

I have had this fistula (leak) in my stomach for 2 months now.  The fistula is not healing and after consulting with many doctors we have decided to put in a stent.  The stent is a tube that goes from my esophagus through my stomach to keep any foods or liquids from touching the fistula therefore keeping the area dry and giving it a chance to heal.  This is my last ditch effort at a normal healing of the fistula.  I still have a feeding tube and a surgical drain.  Thank God I have these things because with this stent I can hardly swallow a sip of water.

The Stent feels like I am trying to swallow a baseball that is stuck in my esophagus.  I have constant heartburn that is worse if I bend over or sometimes just pops up for no reason causing me the worst heartburn attach I have ever had....almost constantly.  I have handled these complications with no problems and have just moved on from issues and tried to live a normal life.  This stent is something all together different.  I am really having a hard time with this.  I can only hope that it feels a little better with time.  I have to keep this thing in for at least 6 weeks to let this fistula heal.  I just have to power through.  I have to find my strength for this one.


Still Leaking

Jun 15, 2009

Well, I have been NPO since May 10th and it is now June 15th.  The not eating thing has not bothered me too much in the past but I am beginning to get an appetite now.  Hopefully this is a sign that I am healing.  My doctor has gone in through an EGD twice to try to glue the hole in my stomach shut but so far has not worked.  On the positive side my drainage has reduced from about 250 cc a day to 150 cc a day, so maybe it has sealed up a little bit.  We are going to try to glue this thing again next week.

I am really tired of having a feeding tube and a drain, I am tired of not being able to taste food but I am trying to remain positive and busy.  My energy increases a little day by day and I am trying to do a little each day to get my energy up.  I do feel like this beautiful summer is passing me by.

Home From The Hospital Part 2.

May 20, 2009

Well here I am home from a second stay at the hospital due to complications.  I spiked a fever about a week outside of the hospital the first time, went back in to the hospital only to find I had an abcess and a micro leak.  I was opened up from breast bone to belly button for the second time in 11 days and had the fluid cleaned out the anatomy checked for leaks and some drains and a feeding tube inserted.  The second surgery hurt like bloody heck.

Now it is 3 weeks post original surgery and I have to be tube fed for the next four weeks an have a visiting nurse twice a week, which means I walk around with an IV pole with a bag attached to my belly.  I have to sleep in a recliner for the next 4 weeks and I can only have ice chips by mouth for the next 4 weeks.  This is tough.  I am trying to get through with just thinking, my job is to heal, my job is to get through and get better.

I have already lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks due to not being fed much at the hospital.  The tube feeding will give me about 1900 calories a day, which I need to heal.  I am glad I do not have to try to choke down the amount of nutrition required to heal from this.

I guess my moral of the story is:  Do not take this surgery lightly.

Home From The Hospital

May 03, 2009

Day 4 post op and I am home from the hospital.  I had an open DS and my gall bladder and appendix where removed as well, a lot of work.  I am finding that the more I move around the better I feel, so I am walking around the house picking up things with my gopher and walking out all the aches pains and water from IV's.  The few days were excruciating but I am much better today and hope to be better each day forward.  I do not feel like eating much of anything.  I have a low grade fever and have tons of swelling, mostly from the IV's.  But I am drinking and I am thirsty for water.  I guess I will have to sleep in the recliner for a couple weeks, which stinks because I love my bed.  But at least in 6 months or so I will not be snoring like a buzz saw all night long.

OMG - Approved!!!

Apr 16, 2009

I cannot believe this is happening and so soon.  I am scheduled for surgery in two weeks.  I am feeling a little over whelmed at the moment.  There is a lot to take care of before hand, but I am not quite sure what yet.  I will have to clear my head and start thinking about what it is going to take to get through the first 6 weeks or so.  WOW.
1 comment

Food For Life Ezekiel and Genesis Bread = low carb yummy.

Apr 04, 2009

Ezekiel bread.  You can find it in your freezer section.  Keep it refridgerated.  I love it toasted with butter.  This is a flourless bread made with sprouted grains and lentils.

Nutrition Facts

Ezekiel 4:9 100% Whole Grain Bread Serving size:  1 Slice

Calories 80                                                                         Sodium 75 mg 
Dietary Fiber 3 g                                                                 Vitamin A 0 %
Protein 4 g                                                                           Calcium 0 %
Total Carbs 15 g                                                                 Vitamin C 0
Sugars 0 g                                                                            Potassium 80 mg
Total Fat 1 g                                                                          Iron 0 %
Saturated 0 g  
Polyunsaturated 0
Monounsaturated 0
Trans 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg    

Food For Life:  Genesis Bread, again find it in your freezer section and keep refridgerated.  Love it toasted with butter.

Nutrition Facts

Genesis 1:29 Sprouted Grain and Seed Bread:

Calories 80                                                                         Sodium 65 mg  
Total Carbs 14 g                                                                Vitamin A 0 %
Dietary Fiber 3 g                                                                 Potassium 100 mg                                
Sugars 0 g                                                                           Calcium 0 %
Protein 4 g                                                                            Vitamin C 0 %
Polyunsaturated 0 g                                                            Iron 6 %
Monounsaturated 0
Trans 0
Cholesterol 0 mg 
Total Fat 2 g

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Mar 23, 2009
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