"The Stent" Part 2

Aug 20, 2009

OK, so apparently the stent had migrated up into my esophagus and that is why it felt like I was trying to swallow a golf ball because the stent is about the diameter of a golf ball.  This stent was so uncomfortable.  The stent has been removed and I am so much better now.  Unfortunately I still have fistula (leak) in my stomach.  It has now been 3 1/2 months of no food, sleeping in a recliner because I have to tube feed and having a tube and a drain sticking out of my belly.  I cannot even say how tired I am of this.

Yesterday my doctor moved my drain so to break up the communication and negative suction between my fistula and the drain, we are hoping that this will help to heal the fistula.  I have also increased my protein intake in an attempt to make my body more healing friendly.


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Mar 23, 2009
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